173 Rabbit

Now I have two roads, one leading down the mountain and the other returning to the mental hospital.

(Reading Net) Going along the ramp, you will enter the darkness like the endless mist, the world outside the mental hospital, the earth and the sky are still strangely still. Think about the two blue fires floating above the clock tower. It was a sign of the sacrificial ceremony. Before it was lit, I couldn't get out of the mental hospital.

A visual conjecture emerged from my mind, the world of dreams is expanding. The ritual is providing it with power. After the ritual is completed, the entire town may be constructed in a vivid manner.

According to this idea, it is useless to go down the mountain now. The darkness that seemed to be covered by fog may be unfinished proof.

What's more, if Marceau is still alive, it is likely that I am still in the mental hospital, and I must rescue her.

I made up my mind to go back, so I pushed hard to push the large iron door of the courtyard. The door lock was not visible on the iron door, but it was as immobile as the windows and doors in the mental hospital. But it doesn't bother me, and I don't even need to use the power of quark. Although I am a top student, I haven't done much to turn the wall. I stepped back a few steps, climbed the iron gate after the run, and I turned over.

The courtyard in front of this red brick building is at least as wide as a football field. A concrete main road leads directly to the entrance of the red brick building. The main road is flanked by cobblestone paths, dividing a piece of flower garden and lawn. There are rockery and gazebo on the lawn. It is conceivable that on those windy and beautiful days ten years ago, what a relaxing and elegant health resort. Except for the square, square and depressing red brick building, it is hard to see that dangerous and mad criminals were once held here.

Today, the sky is gloomy, imprinted with thunder, large shadows seem to obscure the vision, and the trees and flowers that were ravaged by the storm are so still, maintaining their destroyed posture, like a strong and cold will, let them Suffering pain and torture forever.

I couldn't bear to think about it any more. I walked straight along the main road. Like the previous two times, I didn't see any other people. In this strange and quiet world, only one person is still active, which is really confusing.

"Masuo" I let go of the voice and yelled. Without a response from Ranwen Fiction Net, the voice was quickly engulfed by silence.

When I pushed open the arched gate of the red brick building, I found that it was the church-style hall that had been there before. The statue of the Virgin Mary was still covered with tulle, and the red candle was burning as always, just like the first time you came That's the case here. When I walked in, the door suddenly seemed to be pushed hard by someone, and the door was closed with a touch.

At this moment, the scene outside the window was alive, and the storm slammed against the glass window, whipping open the tulle of the Virgin, and blowing out the candle. Subsequently, the glass window that opened was closed by itself. Now, no matter whether it is a door or a window, I can no longer open them.

The hall was plunged into darkness, and was occasionally whitish by the sparkling electric light.

I called out the quark, turned it into a dagger and carried it in my hand, and walked into the psychiatric hospital from the entrance on the left side of the statue of Our Lady.

As expected, the fluorescent lamp above the head burst out an electric spark, which soon broke down and the light in the corridor became dim.

According to the previous two routes, I passed through the 107 room where the worms and monsters were released. The scoring and graffiti on the door did not change. I opened the door and looked inwards. The spiral left by the mysterious girl remained on the ground Crayon drawing. The only difference is that when you look out from the interior, the original scenery like a still life has already gained life.

Rain was flowing on the glass, the leaves were muddy under the roots, and the branches and leaves swayed with the strong wind, as if they would break at any time.

These windows cannot be opened.

These changes have made me firmly believe my guess that this dream world is becoming lifelike.

"Hey, we meet again." The familiar childish voice came from behind me, and it was very clear in the quiet atmosphere.

I was startled, and when I turned around, I saw the mysterious girl standing at the door. It was different from the previous times when I saw her. She put on a gown-style patient gown. Her long brown hair spread over her shoulders, covering most of her face, but she was still recognizable from her posture and voice. That girl.

She held a huge rabbit puppet's ear in her hand, and a rabbit puppet almost as big as her dragged on the ground like a corpse. The parts of the rabbit's lips were sewn with dense thread, and a cheerful smile was drawn, but one of the button-shaped eyes was loosened, and the needle thread was suspended in the air, as if it was dug out cruelly. The velvet cloth of its fat body could not see the original color, just as it was just picked up from the sewer or garbage dump, wet, with red and black mottled everywhere, it looked very dirty.

However, the girl didn't care at all.

I remember very clearly that before I came in, there was no figure in the corridor. When did she stand behind me? Where did it come from?

I always feel that her actions are like guiding me to do something. Every time I try to pursue her, I encounter some strange things, such as finding a room where monsters are hidden, or meeting other people.

I have many things to ask her.

"Hello, so late, what are you doing here?" I said warmly, trying to show my kindness.

"Hide and seek." She stood outside the door and looked at me and answered.

"Hide and seek?" I was puzzled. "Who?"

"A big bad guy, he keeps messing with me and makes my room a mess." The girl said crisply, as if she wasn't as afraid of being born when she met a few times before.

"Are you going to catch him?" I asked tentatively.

"No, he's coming to catch me, but he can't catch me." The girl said smugly: "I want to tell others to teach him a hard meal."

"Other people? Is there anyone else here?" I finally caught the eye of the keyword.

"Did you encounter it?" She stared at me with suspicion.

I want to say that there is no Ranwen Fiction Net, but I think of Marceau. Is she referring to Marceau?

"Have you seen this woman?" I described the appearance of Marceau. "She is Marceau. She is in this psychiatric hospital like me, but she is not a patient."

"I know her." The girl's cunning is like honey: "But I won't tell you."

Having said that, she immediately dragged the rabbit puppet away. I called "Wait" while catching up, but just took a step and the door suddenly closed. The darkness suddenly fell, and I couldn't see anything in front of me, so I had to stop. When a flash of lightning flashed over, everything in the room lit up. I could see the position of the door lock and was about to go up to open it, but I vaguely felt that someone was staring at me behind me.

I turned my head reflexively, and only saw a man's face appear very clearly on the window glass. That's not my face, that deep facial features, thin cheeks, pale face, all show a tortured morbidity.

"Who are you?" I asked aloud.

The man's face didn't reply from Ranwen.com, but just stared at me with blank eyes, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, making me suspect my illusion.

I quickly stepped forward to find out what was going on, but the glass or glass, and the scenery outside the window remained unchanged. There was no evidence from Ranwen Fiction Net that someone had been there. I recalled the man's face, and I felt more familiar. I must have seen him somewhere.

I was puzzled and could only open the door. The girl didn't know where to go anymore, so I had to walk to the operating room where I met Marceau. Along the way, I observed the door passing through the room, trying to find a clue similar to room 107, and sometimes trying to open the door, because the scratches and graffiti are not necessarily outside the door, for example, room 113 is on the wall.

I also thought that I might release the monster by doing this, but the first two encounters proved that as long as I didn't enter the room and saw something wrong, I closed the door in time, maybe I could avoid that situation. In any case, this is also an attempt.

If the release of the monster means the continuation of the sacrificial ceremony that year, then I have to figure out how many monsters there are.

I absolutely do not consider myself and Marceau to be sacrifices, but the girl ’s guidance and the existence of both of us must be related to the sacrifice.

As I approached the operating room, I heard the woman's sobbing from the operating room.

"Marceau?" I shouted cautiously, "I'm Crowe."

The woman's sob suddenly stopped, and the operating room fell silent. I shouted again, and there was no answer from Ranwen.com. I felt something was amiss. I stepped closer to the closed door of the operating room and put it on the glass to look inside. The bleak shadowless lamp was turned on, and there seemed to be a person lying on the blood-stained operating table, with his back to me, and his face was unclear, because he was covered with white cloth, so he could not see the clothes, but from the hazy figure and long hair , Seems to be a woman.

Her hair color is exactly the same as Marceau's, but she doesn't move, and doesn't know whether it's alive or dead.

There is no trace of a female ghost found in Ranwen Novel Net. I opened the door immediately, and as soon as I walked in, a strong wind rang from the side. I rolled forward subconsciously, and a long weapon waved over my head, making a whine. I hadn't gotten up from the ground, and immediately broke the sound above my head. I continued to roll forward two more times, and two heavy cabinets hit the ground.

It's really dangerous enough, and it's definitely unresponsive for ordinary people. However, I am a little bit happy because I use traps, which means that there are indeed people here, and I have a certain understanding of the dangers of the environment.

The attack seemed to stop here, but I still dared not relax my guard. As I got up, I looked at the door, where there was no one who burned novels, only a broom fell to the ground. At this time I had come to the operating table, but with such great movement, the woman who looked like Marceau was in a coma, and didn't move at all.

I looked around to confirm if there were any traps, and hesitated, reaching out to wake her up. However, before the hand touched the opponent, the body suddenly flew upward. I was really taken aback. I unconsciously looked up. At this moment, a sharp wind sounded as a chest spur.

I kept the dagger in front of my chest in time. Although the attack was quick and sudden, it did not go beyond the limits of ordinary people. It is not dangerous to me.

Sure enough, the collision force from the dagger was not very powerful, and I also saw the attacker and her weapon.

A white-collared woman with a wide open shirt revealing **** underwear and large dark skin, besides Marceau. However, her condition did not seem to be very good. Her hair was bundled into a ponytail, her eyes were red, and she was holding a simple spear made of iron rods and scalpels. Just like you do n’t recognize me, she continued to attack me across the operating table .

Judging from her rueful and angry eyes and face, she is serious, she really wants to kill me.

"Wake up, Marceau, it's me, I'm Crow, the one who was with you yesterday, remember?" I really don't know what she is going crazy, so I have to shout while resisting her attack .

Thinking of going crazy, I suddenly thought of Thomas. Many of them turned into madmen in nightmares and even committed suicide.

It's a good thing that Marceau didn't die by burning novels, but what happened to her before she became what she is now? I can't let her attack anymore, she doesn't mean to stop the novel. I stepped back a few steps, out of the range of the spear's attack. Masuo suddenly stopped and did not leave the operating table, just staring at me with caution and once I stepped forward, she would be attacked.

She is now like a beast protecting her territory.

However, since there is a temporary stalemate, it means that you have time to talk.

"What's the matter? Marceau, why don't you say anything?" I put the dagger back in front of her face, raised my hands high, and signaled that there was no hostility from Ranwen Fiction Net. I ’m here to find you. You do n’t know how happy I am that you are alive. "

"Don't try to lie to me" Marceau finally spoke, his voice cold, but it made me stunned. Her face was not so good and her writing was exhausted, but her voice didn't sound like she was losing her mind.

In other words, she attacked me when she was clearly aware of what she was doing, but it made me even more confused.

"I lied to you? Why did you say that?" I expressed my doubts a hundred times. "You have to talk to me about what happened after I left. Remember? I saved you from that female ghost." Come out, what did you encounter after that? "

"Of course I remember, you don't know how much I appreciate that child. He saved my life," Marceau said, word by word: "But, you are not him. You are not Crow, Crow is dead, I saw it with my own eyes. "

I remembered, at that time, in order to protect her, I turned into dust in the super shock screaming attack of the female ghost. Does Marceau think that is true? But even so, she couldn't make her resistance so fierce.

"Don't be stupid, do you remember what I said to you? We are in a dream, and I will not die." I tried to wink a smile.

"This is the tenth time you have said such things, poor fellow, won't you even make a new lie? It's so stupid, I don't know what you are, but I won't be deceived a second time. "Masuo will firmly point at me with a spear:" Even if you seem to be stronger than the previous few times, and know how to avoid the trap, it does not mean that you can win me. I have practiced. "

From her answer, I finally found the clue. It seems that she stayed here after I got out of my dreams, and something became my way to try to attack her, and she was seen through and counterattacked. It has been stuck until now. In this way, her stubbornness and sickness can also be justified.

However, is the guy who looks like me a new breed of monster after bugs and ghosts?

"Whether you believe it or not, it's a real person this time." I spread my hands. "Look, I came for you. Although I don't know what pretends to be me, you opened other graffiti and room number engraving Is there a scarred room? "

Just after I said this, Marceau's eyes suddenly flickered with suspiciousness, and her face seemed to be loose.

"Look, if I'm fake, then I won't talk to you about my inference. Isn't it? Even if the fake knows our past, knows what you are thinking, and then pretends to be based on these things, neither May make inferences beyond your mind. "I thought, and said," Let me tell you something you don't know. I found in reality people who are familiar with the fire in this mental hospital, and he told me, This place will blur the boundary between dream and reality, and then drive people crazy. Now the two moments of the clock tower turn blue, which represents the beginning of some kind of sacrifice. Believe it or not, this dream is really a kind of Supernatural power. "

"What about the business card I gave you?" She suddenly asked ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ You promised that I would take it with me. "

"Do you think the business card you gave me can be saved after I leave here?" I said.

Marceau stared at me for a long while and finally put away his spear. When I saw it, I went up and hugged her without hesitation. Her body was tight. I just hugged her and did nothing. After a while, she relaxed completely.

"Great, Crow, it really is you, you are still alive." Marceau said excitedly.

"I'm not so easy to die." I said with a smile: "But you almost killed me, Marceau."

Marceau suddenly pushed me away, then grabbed my neck and kissed my lips hard. I didn't respond to Ranwen Fiction Net for a moment, and was pried open by her tongue, and I clearly felt the flexible tongue stirring in the mouth. She was so excited and passionate. I was really afraid that when she pushed her away, the tongue she had entangled with me would break, so I had to let her do whatever she wanted. Of course, privately speaking, this reunion kiss is pretty good.

For a while, she finally let me go, the rosy leak on her face made her no longer look so haggard. We stared at her, her undulating chest slowly flattening.

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