Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 235: Intelligence reorganization

235 Intelligence Reorganization

The gun barrel, which was caught by countless lightning chains, was suspended in the air, and a curved flue extended from one end, clearly delineating the trajectory of the auger bit. Sailing Novels ~ Reading Novels Online ----

-] Free text update! (Starting novels ~ watching novels) However, when the muffled thunderous sound from the air, the auger bit no longer knows where to go. The shock wave formed beyond the sound barrier blooms around, the gray fog and the rain curtain are like two apart invisible giant hands breaking apart on both sides. In the middle, and the people who are slightly closer to this track, the body is like a fragile piece of paper, and it splits instantly, and the blood sprayed cannot even converge, turning into a plume of red mist like fireworks.

Unstoppable, the eye-catching red color lay beneath Tianyu, declaring a tragic sacrifice.

Then came the violent impact sound, and the sound of collapse came from the place where it was out of sight.


"That place ... is Jung them?" I said subconsciously.

"Thanks for a little help, you should leave, if you haven't died in Ranwen Fiction Net." Zhenjiang's tone made no secret of the mischief and ridicule. Although I didn't witness the result of her attack firsthand, I could guess that Jung was in trouble. However, at this time, there was no longer any trouble for them.

Although it is unclear how Zhenjiang knows the situation there, under this intensity of attack, one can imagine that even if the target is an enemy, oneself will be affected. If it is aid in good faith, it should be possible to control the power more carefully, but for Zhenjiang, this shot is like a malicious joke. I have always known that no matter whether it is Fu Jiang who has a personality, or Zhen Jiang who has a personality, there has never been a literary novel.

These personalities are somewhat emotional and emotional, but they have striking similarities in that they do not care about others. It should be said that it is an extreme self, or the feelings of the outside world. The martial king made the holy king and made the sacred king to kill the **** and seal the throne at night. The strongest abandoned the young royal family to kill the **** and seal the throne at night. Strongly abandon the Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial Qiankun will kill the **** God seal the throne at night How thin is it? Perhaps this is the trait formed by instinct "Jiang" as the core and various personalities as patches.

Ken ’s movement was fixed in a posture of looking back, he seemed to be in a daze, but perhaps he received relevant information through a channel I did not know. In this part, even the unresponsive mediocre can realize that Zhenjiang's previous attack was not directed at himself. Not only him, but the troops suspended in the air are all focused on the ground. The kind of consternation and the fear that grows in consternation, even if they ca n’t see their faces, they can clearly feel the force from the stiff bodies of these people. The Holy King made the Holy King and will kill the God Seal of the Throne at night The Throne of Gods and Gods, the Demon King, Nine Heavens, Strongest Abandoning the Young Da Zhou Clan, the God-Making God will kill the Gods, the Kings of the Gods Seal, the Nine Heavens, and the strongest abandon the Shao Zhou Clan.

However, when this unit understood what was going on in the street below, a vortex of gray fog of equal height had appeared behind Zhenjiang.

"Damn it more than one person, is it violent?" When Ken took his attention back, he immediately realized Zhenjiang's spell.

"Stop her" he shouted, "maintain the formation and start the enchantment"

The mages floating in mid-air spit out gray fog when the shouts hadn't fallen, and the weak sound of mantras were joined together, like millions of wasps shaking their wings frantically, less than a moment, messy The frequencies quickly overlap. Ken also made an attacking posture, but the vortex behind Zhenjiang had formed, holding me slowly into the back. The last scene I saw was a tossed spear, and a light-like network formed quickly between mages at a speed that the human eye could not fully capture.

In the next moment, there was only a gloom in front of me, not a complete darkness, but there was no sign of the existence of any material in Ranwen Fiction Net. Without the reference of Ranwen Fiction Net, the facial features lost their reason for existence, as if falling into Had a muddy dream. Until a little light appeared in the darkness, and quickly expanded into a one-person high exit, real things poured into the field of vision.

As if awakening from a deep dream, as if coming out of a long, monotonous and dim channel, Zhenjiang led me into a room.

A little familiar feeling.

The fireplace did not ignite, and all the curtains were put down, but the warm feeling did not completely dissipate. The coffee cup on the table was knocked over and the liquid spilled on the ground was about to dry up. The furniture was either destroyed or pushed down, and the entrance door was not completely closed by It seemed that someone had broken in, and the house was swept through again, looking messy.

In my mind, the scattered decoration fell back to its original position like a rewind, and the damaged place was restored again, making me realize that this is the original residence of the female bartender. Obviously, after the female bartender "Sha" was confirmed as rebellious, the street manager sent someone to come, but there was no ranwen fiction net to catch our tail.

However, these people did not retreat completely. Three black-robed mages are pushing open the door and coming in, frequently talking in the local language. When the person who first stepped into the room touched our sight, the posture immediately froze, stuck at the door, and was immediately hit by the person behind him unconsciously, and the person behind complained immediately.

In addition to these three masters, there should be more people waiting outside. The conversation between these three people let me know that they should have stayed in the room, but they were only disturbed by the movement caused by Zhenjiang, so they ran out of the house.

Zhenjiang's unexpected throwing attack not only caused errors in the large encirclement forces, but also caused a brief slack for the enemies involved in the pursuit.

The reason why these people stayed here and Zhenjiang used teleportation alchemy to return to this place is obviously not accidental. Reminiscent of the situation when he was first brought into the street by the black robe mage, I have realized that this is the key to leaving the street.

This series of changes and results, such a strategy of counting birds with one stone, seems to be Zhenjiang's conscious plan, letting people fully appreciate her ease.

Before the black robe master responded, the prepared spell had already fallen on him, and the body suddenly burst out with the sound of "zizizi", "gurgling", and the cloth was like the black smoke rising up. Turned into ashes, dissociated layer by layer. The black robe wizard bent down painfully, but couldn't make any sound, but just tore his clothes, but his hand accidentally touched the disengaged part, the piece of skin suddenly fell to the same end, and the wound was still constant expand.

This time, the person behind him finally realized our existence and wanted to do something. My dagger had passed through the middle of the two. When they were taken aback, maybe when they were thankful for my miss, the thread Put on the necks of the two.

The black-robed wizard who was hit by Zhenjiang's spell fell to the ground, and half of his shoulders disappeared, twitching like a frog, and the pungent smell drifted with the wind in the thicker black smoke.

The two black robe wizards who were wrapped around their necks with silk thread could not make a sound. When they subconsciously grasped the silk thread, their heads had been separated.

The attack was destined to end from the beginning. Zhenjiang was already chanting high-speed mantras. When the dagger returned to my hand under the traction of the silk thread, the spell had been in effect.

The fireplace made a crackling sound, the fire that had been extinguished exploded and a new Mars was burning quickly. The flame from the flame to the flame outside the furnace only took a blink of an eye. The ash also blown out, and the trajectory was obvious Sense of regularity.

At this time, the wizards and soldiers who were waiting for the rabbit outside the house had already noticed the strangeness in the house, and there were successive vortexes of gray fog around us.

As long as there is another breathing time, the enemy will intercept us again. However, it is this gap in time that Zhenjiang and I have thrown into flames.

The burning and the pain did not come from the literary novel network. The scenery in the field of vision is like two sides of the paper, and gently flipped into another world.

The furnishings and the four walls of the house completely disappeared, and a wider world was replaced. Dense woods, bushes, slippery moss, and layers of mountain rocks, the feel of the soles of the feet becomes soft and uneven, and countless accumulated water converges from all directions, making a murky sound. When the wind blew, the branches above the head swayed, and a large pool of water poured out.

The gray mist endlessly permeates between the earth and the sky, and when he lifts his head, there is only a gray color, and the outline of the tree crown. The air was wet with rain, and the smell of mud and grass.

All this is telling me that we have left the street and returned to the mountainside of the temporary data hedge space.

Although everything didn't end at, to me, it seemed like a heavy lead was removed. The world is still hazy, but the vast world makes my mood suddenly bright. Although I still don't understand whether the street that must be accessed through special channels is hidden in the mountains or another independent data hedging space of the temporary data hedging space, these issues are no longer important.

Not only does the "street" exist, but it is also the home base of the Mar Jones family, where we got what we wanted, confirmed the thoughts buried in our hearts, and embarked on our own path. This is the truth that I am in.

This is a wonderful and exciting adventure. It is an extremely valuable experience for both yourself and others, and it is also a new one. This is life, isn't it? Gao Chuan. The doomsday did not come completely and the battle continued.

"Go to the top of the mountain, A Jiang, before they come."

Zhen Jiang hugged me into the air, the treetops became more and more hazy at the foot, but there was a gray whirlpool above his head, and he plunged in in an instant. The field of vision turns into gray, the light expands in front of the eyes, and once again steps out of the light exit, the scene has changed, and the trajectory of our flight has also changed from rising to forward. But this is not the end, there are vortices again in front, between breathing, the darkness and the light door appear again, and the scene changes again.


As I proceeded, I reassessed the plan again and sorted out the intelligence I have collected so far.

How long has it been since entering this temporary data hedge space? Unable to calculate, it seems that the younger Sint did not come back from the Ranwen Fiction Net. As a "cornerstone" Sent was traumatized. The chaos in the street suddenly broke out, plus the enemy ’s wrong estimation of our strength. It is unlikely that the hilltop garrison will be rearranged inside. Relying on the power of Zhenjiang, it is not difficult to break through the enemy's defense. The only thing that matters is that the strange gate at the top of the mountain can be opened again?

However, now that Irene Nightmare World has communicated with the locals, the integration of the two temporary data hedging spaces is imperative, and the masters stationed on the top of the mountain should further analyze the connection method during this time.

At that time, I entered the nightmare world of Irene from the gate at the top of the mountain. It was caught by the giant hand sticking out of the gate. Is it a monster hidden in Irene's nightmare world, or something else?

Similar to the gap between the temporary data hedging space in the cemetery and the temporary data hedging space on the hilltop, the temporary data hedging space in the tomb area and the temporary data hedging space in the wharf area are not directly connected to the Ranwen Novel Net. The road leading to the town at the foot of the mountain formed a bottomless sky halfway. To get up from the foot of the mountain, you had to take a bizarre bus.

At the beginning, I felt that the demon image of the bus driver should have some meaning. However, since Tianmen Project 10 was born out of Doomsday Power and Domination Bureau technology, it is not surprising that it is a real demon. It is also highly possible to temporarily connect three temporary data hedge spaces through the power of demons.

What is interesting is that although the strength of the demon driver can't be seen, its wisdom is obviously higher than that of the demons it has encountered. The giant hand that protrudes from the door is full of rude power. Judging by the proportion of that hand, its real body is as high as ten floors, and the imagination is frightening.

Whether it ’s a devil or a ruling bureau, all kinds of sacrifices, weird machines, extraordinary weapons, supernatural powers and phenomena, and even a bizarre world that is different from reality, all of which are temporarily generated beyond the common sense Existence is based on the existence of "God particles"-if you think about it, in this adventure of more than a month, the broken puzzles produced by what you have seen and heard can already be joined together.

This is the outline of the world that is stepping towards the end.

If I reflect on this outline, everything I have encountered so far is nothing but the obscurity before the birth of the new technology, and the diffuse social turmoil generated during the period of technological monopoly. If this is the case, it should not be so serious as to end in the end of the world. . Through the analysis of the technology of the ruling bureau, after the data involved in the Tianmen project has spread out, the understanding and application of "God particles" will develop at an unimaginable rate. There is a global peacekeeping countermeasure network ball. The impact of Shanghai on the current social structure will not be too great. Even in the worst case, the current social structure is disintegrating, because the three-pronged force of cyberballs, black nests, and doomsday truth will quickly rebuild with the advent of the new era.

Netball is committed to maintaining social stability.

The program of Black Nest is loose and negative, but it is not too aggressive.

Although Doomsday Truth seems to be a bit wrong with Doom ’s enthusiasm and perseverance, and its doctrines are also extreme, from the perspective of the entire world, most people cannot be so sad.

No matter what you think, you don't think the world will enter the end as predicted.

However, there is something strange and disturbing.

The research on "God Particle" has only made breakthrough progress in recent years, and these developments all started after the emergence of doomsday illusion, the mining of the technology of the ruling bureau, and the creation of the Mageweaver and the Prophet.

In this way, is the key to the problem back to the original point? I subconsciously stroked the magic pattern on my right wrist, and once again recalled the one who had given me the magic pattern, the monster in red who had only been seen in the doomsday phantom and called himself the agent of the end.

It is because of the existence of the Mageweave Messenger that the end is bound to appear. Only after the end does the phrase "save the world" make sense. What did he mean by what he said at first?

Recall that the Mageweave messengers who have dealt with ourselves seem to have more or less noticed from their unclear words. This Mageweave that gives us extraordinary power is also influencing the outside world through us. It's just that because from one's perspective, there is too little to see, and the number of Mageweave messengers is not so large that it is impossible to cut the entity to see the strength of this influence, so it can't or dare not confirm.

——You have noticed that no matter what we are doing, or what you are doing, or even the things the black nest guys are doing, we are accelerating the coming of the end.

——I finally understand that everything that happened is Achuan ’s wish.

——It does n’t matter, Achuan will love this world.

——Gao Chuan, are you looking forward to the end?

Plural voices overlapped in my mind, Morino, Misaki, Shirai, Goat Union, Doomsday Truth cadres, fire escape, file ... Xi Sen, Cui Di, Jung ... Jiang ... One after another came to my mind.

"Is it the culprit but us? What a joke"

When the field of vision was gloomy again, I cut off my lightning thoughts. No one can fall into self-complaint, no matter how true the speculations appearing in the mind ~ ~ there is not enough evidence to determine that even if it is the truth, it cannot stop here.

Because there is always no choice.

If you do not advance in silence, you will be crazy in the roar.

Certainly, there is something that I can do.

Light blooms in the dark world, like punching a hole in the eggshell, peering out at the world. As the hole enlarges, more and more scenes squeeze into the field of view. When Zhenjiang took me out of the light door, familiar scenes passed through my body like a gust of wind.

The impassable mental hospital with the same background and the strange gate in front of the hospital stood in front of my eyes.

Thick and heavy, it seems to be made of a whole iron plate, a whole rusted iron plate, the more unusual thing is that these rust traces show a fuchsia luster in lightning, they are not fixed, keep This kind of thick posture creeps, reminiscent of flowing magma, or groups of fire ants, and there are countless loop-like patterns all over the door. The difference from the first time I saw it is that in the pattern formed by these circuits, part of the route overlaps and interweaves into a giant Mar Jones cross.

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