Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 300: Shuffle (4)

300 shuffled four

When we entered the office building, there were also a lot of graduates coming and going, most of them came for employment consultation, but many people have already determined their future jobs and come here to go through the file formalities. The archive room will also become very busy at this time. In the past three years, as a student union member, I have been here more than once to help. As in the past, there are many student union members in the archive room under the command of the teacher in charge of file shifting, printing and stamping, and there are students at the desk and hallway to fill in and fill out the information. It ’s not easy to do anything other than employment processing at this time. Fortunately, I have some friendships with the clerk here, so when I asked whether there was a girl with the "color" in the student, the teacher readily agreed And allowed us to use the computer in her office.

Her office is in the middle of the archive room. At the busiest time, that computer should not be idle, but today we were lucky, and when we first entered, the students using that computer were preparing to leave.

I got into the student archives database by car, and entered the name of "color" in the search bar, and I quickly got the result. Sure enough, there are students called "colors" in the school, and there are no people with the same name and surname. I opened her file and saw her picture stunned for a moment. Misaki was also an unexpected expression on the side.

That was the girl I met before at the job fair layout, a graduate of a foreign language major in small languages, and a friend of Morino.

I couldn't help but feel that I insisted on asking her name. At this time, graduates no longer need to come to school, and they rarely stay in dorms all day. Most of them run outside for employment, even if She is a member of the student union and there is no guarantee that she will appear in the student union room. Finding her now is a hassle.

I wrote down her dormitory address and contact number, thinking about what excuses to visit. At this time, other students came to borrow the computer, and we left. The busy teacher who was staying outside asked about the employment situation of Miyaki and me. Needless to say, my situation did not mean that Miyaki did not find a job at all. The teacher complained a few words, but didn't say more. After all, I stayed with Misaki often. The teacher probably thought we were couples, and we were ready to get married.

It is not uncommon for women after marriage to go out to work, especially when the man does not worry about work and salary.

"Come on at work in the future." The teacher said to me kindly and let us go.

Both Saki Ye and I felt that visiting the classmates should not be too hasty. Even if we saw her, what should we say to her, and what should we say? She is not a member of the whisperer. She has not seen the skills of Bajing. She started to mention my strange dreams and the prophecy of Bajing as soon as she opened her mouth.

"How about letting her participate in an event?" Sakuya suggested: "She is a friend of Morino, so it should be possible to invite her to watch the ceremony when the demon summons?"

"But if the demon summons success ... I think it's a bit dangerous, I really don't want Morino to succeed." I said annoyedly.

"If the classmate is that person, then she is destined to touch this kind of thing." Compared to my hesitation, Saya Ye is more determined. Her statement is not unreasonable, but I still find it unacceptable. Dragging an uninformed outsider into an accident, even if it is a "prophecy" is not an accident, but if only one "prophecy" can determine the future of others, is this future a bit too playful? Although Saki Ye and I were almost a model of "running with prophecy," I still couldn't help but get this idea. It's not that I regret this behavior, but I think perhaps the other party should be chosen.

There is choice to be truly free. Over the years, even when Bajing tried to add members to the "whisperer", I have always held this view. No matter Sakuya or Morino and Shirai, although Bajing insisted on letting them join the whisperer, they finally joined voluntarily after I informed the whisperer, and they were not forced. I think Sakuya can understand this idea, and she was not willing to let me find a color before, but when we found it, he was very strong and hoped to drag her into the water. In order to achieve this, even if he did not provide "choice" does not matter.

"Because it's not the case, wouldn't it make no sense to find her?" Sakuya said firmly. "When we found her, no, when we started to find her, the gear of fate began to turn."

Misaki is not unreasonable. After considering a whole noon, I still rejected her proposal. Misaki is the same as usual, and I never insisted on my opinion after I made the decision. Her attitude of unconditional obedience sometimes makes me suspect that I am an arbitrary person who listens to others' opinions, and the result is still according to my own ideas.

"I just like Achuan, because I can't stick to my point anyway, and it will be shaken once others disagree, so I look forward to such Achuan instead." Sakuya so comforted me.

But I think Sakuya is not really such a person, because after years of partnering, I knew that she would become very stubborn at some point. So, I occasionally think, Sakuya is really a good girl, but is it too accommodating to me?

This kind of thinking is meaningless to Misaki itself, and she won't change her approach because of my preaching. This is a stubborn kind in itself.

In the end, according to my ideas, after making appointments on the pretext of employment issues, clearly told her about the nature of the "whisperer" and the bad consequences that Morino ’s "demon call" might cause, and then let her do it later Out of choice. After learning about my choices, Bajing gave me a "no sense" evaluation and let me go.

"If she is the one in the prophecy, then when you see her early, no matter what you say, the result is already doomed." Bajing said, "You have to choose from the other party, only choose not to meet her, but How could you control yourself not to meet her? Remember how you told me? You want to find her! So, everything you do is meaningless. "

"Am I doing something wrong?" I asked.

"No, you haven't done anything wrong. Everyone's every decision, every choice, will affect the future of others. This is the result of social structure, no matter who will encounter it, unless you live alone. Bajing sarcastically said: "I don't think I should tell you this. You always understand it, don't you? You just don't want to bear such a result, because you know that it is impossible for everyone affected by you." Be responsible for."

Probably as Bajing said. Once you feel that your choice may bring misfortune to a stranger, you will feel that your shoulders are very heavy.

"You think too much." Bajing chuckled and said: "You are not a hero, and no one asks you to be a hero. Maybe you want to be a hero yourself, but you don't think you are a hero?"

I have to say that it is a pity that Bajing did not study psychology, but it may not be a good thing. Her sensitivity can always hit the center of the heart, but the harsh words that are not obvious to everyone are not acceptable behaviors.

I can't stand being laughed at by the eight scenes anymore, and quickly turned to the topic, "About Morino's Demon Summon ... Do you have nothing to say to me?"

"Ah, didn't she tell you? I think you will meet her, so I didn't tell you, so I can save some money." Bajing said without apologizing.

Compared with the demon summoning itself, the phone bill is not worth mentioning.

"Forget it." Ba Jing's answer was not unexpected, and I didn't continue to struggle. "Is there no deeper content in the prophecy? For example, what kind of demons will be summoned, and what kind of evil results will be caused. Since it is called a demon, then It ’s not a good thing? Even Morino ’s Demon Summon will succeed, but before that, it should be possible to suggest that she never make a Demon Summon? "

"Do you think she will listen to me? Won't you agree verbally and do it yourself behind your back?" Bajing replied, "Maybe something will happen that will force her to call the devil. I can't control her behavior and future. Is n’t it safer to put this under our noses? "

"It makes sense to say so. Are you ready?" I said, "If the summons are out of control, I feel a headache if I imagine them, but they only appear in mythology."

"Because I only know of this kind of thing in mythology, no one has seen it myself, so I can't prepare it. Do you know how many kinds of demons are officially rumored in this world? At least thousands of kinds! Generally speaking, summon The type of demon that comes out is related to the summoning ritual, but we also cannot control the summoning ritual, because Morino ’s previous summoning has never been successful. Who knows what factors led to the success of this summoning. It is this unpredictable factor that determines this. Only the devil is definitely not the kind we originally wanted to summon. "

Bajing is an expert in occultism. Although I have made similar judgments, I still feel frustrated after asking her for evidence. Now that the Eight Scenes have also admitted, then the situation will develop in such a way.

"Is there really no way?" I said reluctantly. I didn't like this kind of thing that was decided to be completely out of control at the beginning, but it would happen. This kind of situation has not happened frequently in the whisperer activities in the past four years, but every time it makes people tired. I have already prepared for the worst. When something has the potential to go in a bad direction, it will definitely develop that way, and it may be worse than expected.

"At least I can't help it. Do you have it? A Chuan." Ba Jing asked rhetorically.

"All I can think of is to arm myself as much as possible, and then choose a place where there are few people." I said with a sigh.

"It is possible to deal with the devil's things as much as possible." Bajing said: "The location of the demon summoning ceremony has also been found."

"Okay, as long as the color is willing, I will take her." I hung up the phone when I was finished.

"It seems that it has been decided." Miyaki smiled aside, "The heart is thumping and thumping."

"This event is more dangerous than before." I told her.

"I will definitely stay with Achuan." Miyaki didn't look scared at all, "So, Achuan doesn't want to leave me aside."

"Yes, we are the best partner." I also laughed. Saying no to worry is of course deceiving, but since this is Misaki's choice, then I am willing to take any risks from it.

I found the book that recorded the color telephone and dialed the other party's telephone according to the number.

"Hello, is this a classmate?"

"Ah yes, are you?"

"My name is Gao Chuan, a friend of Morino, I met in the booth of the job fair, do you remember?"

"Uh, is it? Ah, I remembered it. Is there anything to find me?" The **** the opposite side asked in doubt.

"Although it's rash, but I want to talk to you about employment. Are you a foreign language student?" I deliberately mentioned her major.

"Yes ... uh, does it have anything to do with professionalism? Is it important?" The girl asked nervously.

Sure enough, this little trick is always useful.

"Well, it's not clear on the phone. We will make an appointment and find a place to sit down and talk slowly. I will take Misaki when I arrive, which is my girl friend."

"That's it ..." The other party hesitated, but the sound of breathing from the receiver became a lot easier. "No problem. At three in the afternoon, I met at the cold drink shop in Dongxiaomen."

I gave thumbs up to Misaki night, and she also gave me thumbs up, so the afternoon schedule was settled.

When she arrived at her destination on time at the appointed time, she saw that the color was sitting by the window of the cold drink shop. She looked a little absent-minded and seemed to wait for a while. Saki Ye and I hurriedly walked over, and looked back to see us, and quickly stood up to say something, but I waved her to sit down and talk.

"Wait a long time?" I asked.

"No, I have just arrived." Xie Se said so, and could not hear whether it was the truth.

"Drink something first." I motioned for Misaki to order at the counter, and Sei wanted to do it for her, but was stopped by Misaki. She smiled kindly at Sei and said, "You talk to Achuan first, I'm fighting Soy sauce. "

After sitting down again, the tie looked at me a few times and seemed a little cramped.

"Is it a job? Classmate Gao Chuan, you are from the student union ..." She stopped and didn't seem to think of my job. But what we have to say has nothing to do with my student union position.

"Well, about employment." I thought about it. "Whisperer" is out of campus now, barely a social organization? An illegal company that is not listed or registered with China Merchants Bureau? "Frankly speaking, after internal discussions, I decided to let you join us, so I will explain to you the situation, of course, you have the right to refuse."

"Internal consultations?" The color man is playing with a small spoon, looking at me suspiciously and angrily. "Has classmate Gao Chuan already served? What company?"

"Me, Saya Ye, Morino and her boyfriend Shirai joined an informal society called Whisperer at the university. The president is a girl named Bajing, and I am the vice president. Now that I have graduated from university, Eight Scenes decided to continue the association and operate in the society. "I explained it in a more moderate way.

"Whisperer? Is there a club in the school?" Xie Se frowned and thought for a while, she certainly could not have an impression.

"So, it is an unofficial association, which is not registered in the school, and the funds are made by the members themselves."

Nodded clearly.

"So, are you planning to transform the club into an operating company? Is this a business of your own? It's amazing, do you want me to join the company?"

"Yes, I want you to join us."

"So, what does your company do?"

"We do not engage in ordinary business operations, and even the activities themselves do not directly involve profits."

Xi Se thought for a while, then Miyue came to me and sat down, and soon a waiter brought our cold drink. At this time, it was only speculation that "Is it a non-profit company? What is it for?"

"It may be inappropriate to say that the company is a non-profit organization." I said to her very seriously: "The nature is similar to Greenpeace, and the goal of the organization is to save the world."

Xi Se just took a sip of the drink, and when I heard what I said, it suddenly spewed out and coughed violently. Misaki handed over the handkerchief quickly, and the color was slowly eased over. He took the handkerchief awkwardly, wiped his mouth, and looked at me with an unclear look.

"Sorry, I didn't hear it clearly. You mean saving the world?"

"Yes, as you heard. We have been busy with this goal for the past four years. Even after leaving the university, we plan to continue our activities and intend to expand our influence to the entire society. We have high school branches and university branches, The development prospects are good ... "Speaking of which, I can't help but feel guilty. Although these are not lies," Although we are not a for-profit organization, if you take this job as a full-time job ~ ~ I also have enough funds to pay your wages. Ah, of course, if you have your own job and do n’t need wages, that ’s not bad. For example, I actually have another job outside, and I will use part of my salary as an organization every month. Of funds. "

"Sorry, sorry, let me think about it ..." Xie Se rubbed his temples, "Are you planning to hire me, or do you want me to join? Although the idea of ​​saving the world is a bit empty, but you are not an illegal MLM organization, and Is it more like an organization like Greenpeace? "

"Honestly, now what I am going to say, you will feel unbelievable and feel that I am daydreaming, but I still have to tell you here. The goal of the organization is indeed to save the world, because the end of the world is coming, And we will carry out activities with the help of a prophet. These activities will be very exciting and dangerous ... If you are unlucky, you ca n’t complain if you lose your life. ”I said carefully that ordinary people would definitely regard it as The mental patient whispered words, and then drank all the drinks in one go, "So, please be careful to consider what I say as real. Maybe you are not very clear about who I am, you can ask the students of the student union, also You can consult Morino in detail. She is also a member of us. However, please do n’t involve us in any of our activities before you make a choice. Well, for you, you do n’t want to participate in Morino ’s activities. Emphasize that these recent activities will be There is a life threatening. "


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