Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 725: Distant Gemini

The United States Homeland Defense Strategic Command Headquarters made a decision to use nuclear weapons to fight Las Vegas. Both Husband and I disagree with this decision. I believe the same is true of other mysterious organizations.

Nuclear bombs are the upper limit weapons developed by the science of this world, and at present there is no more destructive technological creation than it. At this upper limit, the difference in power is only the difference in quantity. Nuclear reactions and mass-energy conversion are the limits of this destructive force. However, "mystery" is a phenomenon that exceeds the current scientific upper limit.

Las Vegas City no longer exists in a sense, only a huge city-like Val Puss night stands on the original site, that is a mysterious existence called the repeater connection system, according to its name Looking at its function, it is roughly like an airfield. By docking with the repeater of the Nazi headquarters on the moon, its large troops are continuously transported to this location. At the same time, it also assumes the function of advancing the base and is the first foothold of the Nazis in the normal world. Just like the relationship between the Walpus Night in the 51st area and the normal base, the Nazi Lunar Headquarters and this repeater connection system also have similar properties, except that the relay connection system has both scale and performance. The normal bases in the 51st district are not comparable.

If you want to destroy such a meticulously crafted, mysterious base, even if it is a nuclear weapon like a bomb, it will of course not have the desired effect. For now, what I know is the way to destroy a Valpus night, or downgrade it a little, and interfere with the results of the operation of a Valpus night, only to contact with another Valpus night, There will be roughly two results after that, one is a successful confrontation. The other is that one side engulfed the other, and which side wins depends on the strength of the respective Valpus Night and the ability of the operator to control the Valpus Night.

For something like Valpus Night, even "Jiang" shot. It is not so easy to solve. Although the current "Jiang" has successfully released its own power in this world through various means, such power is also limited. The mystery of the "Jiang" power is very high. Wrong, but relatively weak in "quantity". Otherwise, "Jiang" does not need to find the "human pillar" in various ways to intervene indirectly. If "Jiang" can completely get rid of the seals of super color and super Dorothy, and come in a complete form, otherwise, the night of Valpuss produced by the spiritual integration device is still the highest in the world at present. One of the mysterious forces.

Although those who make the decision may well know this. However, it is natural to be reluctant not to use the strongest power that you can understand and master the strongest power that you can master, and give up the dominance to the "mystery" that you cannot understand. Although it is the same as the fire, I also feel that this decision is not very wise, and it is better to succeed. Failure will inevitably lead to quite serious sequelae, not to mention the damage to the environment and the limitation of the deteriorating environment on future defensive counterattacks. In terms of political interests, it is already possible to imagine how troublesome it is.

The use of nuclear weapons is more than gain, but this decision makes me feel understandable. The serious expression of the fire escaped and eventually returned to calm, also because of understandable reasons. It is because of understanding that it cannot be prevented, and it is because of understanding that this decision was actually expected. Not enough to waste emotions.

"Probably how much equivalent of a nuclear bomb will be used?" I asked, although not a nuclear energy student, but popularizing knowledge is enough to give people a rough idea of ​​what a nuclear bomb is.

"The extent to which Las Vegas City can be destroyed." The fire escape did not specify the specific value, but only described the power slightly, or rather, the desired effect of the United States Homeland Defense Strategic Headquarters. Imagine a little. At this time, there must be a lot of professionals, based on the information at hand, to calculate the equivalent of the ultimate need-just to destroy the scale of Las Vegas City, not to completely destroy the entire Lasvi Gas region. However, the "mystery" cannot be accurately estimated, so their final calculation results are either far greater than the standard value, or far less than the standard value, and far less than the standard value is more likely, because they also need to consider the release of nuclear bombs Later, it will affect the military bases in the 51st area and nearby areas, as well as future operations.

Theoretically, the United States Department of State is absolutely not allowed to release a nuclear bomb of such a degree that it can destroy the entire Las Vegas. That is not only the destruction of its own land, but also a kind of destruction of the entire planetary environment. The state will never allow such actions, unless the entire human race has been confirmed to be out of luck, then the fall of one, two, or even dozens of countries, even if it includes a big country like the United States, will not be allowed to do this The act of burning all kinds of jade. It is conceivable that when the situation is not the earliest, even if the entire United States has fallen into the despair of national destruction, once they make a decision to release all nuclear bombs so that others cannot survive, they will immediately be disintegrated, not just people from other countries. , The people of the United States will also prevent this decision-after all, the country is destroyed, the people of the United States can also move to other places where they can survive, no matter how strong the national consciousness, it can not withstand the desire of human survival. This has been in the past. It has been verified in countless wars.

Moreover, the destruction of the entire Las Vegas is just to destroy a Nazi advance base, the interests are not consistent, and it is not in line with the overall strategy. People in the United States Homeland Defense Command Headquarters can no longer be reconciled, nor can they act on their own.

"You only have twenty minutes, and I will send a commissioner to go with you." Huo said, "If someone obstructs you on the road, then you can only ask for happiness."

"Enough." I nodded.

The fire escape took us into the elevator. Judging from the rise time, the location of the command room was very deep under the ground, and there was a considerable gap between the location of the entire base when entering from the lake. At that time, both the surface and the ground in the 51st area were located in the temporary data hedging space. The location and environment were necessarily different from the normal scenes with corresponding coordinates. At this time, the base has been out of the temporary data hedge space. Then, all factors related to it will return to normal, and it is a matter of course to produce a sense of strangeness.

When we left the elevator, there was already a group of people waiting in the passage, many of them armed soldiers. However, the two men in black suits and Gregia staying beside them are the key figures in their business. Gregia's complexion looks good. The previous battle with the Doomsday Truth did not affect her who was strictly protected. Even, she may not yet understand what changes have taken place in this base, or how serious the outside situation has become. She has been in a relatively closed environment since she followed Father Sisen into the area of ​​51. However, despite so many dangerous and incredible things. Once depressed and bored, at this time, to a certain extent, it has always been under house arrest, but she is still full of young people's vitality, and does not seem to complain much.

"Hey, Mr. Gao Chuan! Sakuya!" When Gregia saw us, she immediately waved her hands in excitement. She is planning to fly over. The two black suits beside him immediately wanted to hold her down, but Gregia shrank her body sensitively, easily throwing off the two men's unconscious behavior.

"Don't think it's that easy." Gregia flicked a grimace at the two. The two black suits looked at the fire unchanged, and after confirming the reaction, they ignored it.

"Mr. Gao Chuan! Mr. Gao Chuan! Great, are we going to leave here?" Gregor said eagerly, apparently, although he was not treated harshly. Even, living conditions may be better than in the past, but she is still dissatisfied with her previous situation. After knowing that he is a **** in a government plan, no matter how comfortable life is under house arrest, I will feel a lot of uncomfortableness and the future.

"Yes. Have you decided? The thing of joining the whisperer." I confirmed again.

"Of course, of course, hurry to take me out of this ghost place!" Gregia sparrowed her head and nodded, but it gave the feeling of "no matter what, let's talk first". However, I didn't care. No matter whether she changed her mind after going out, it was not an important thing for me. Of course, if she changed her mind, what she would do and what she would encounter later had nothing to do with me.

"Hello, let's stop here." Huohuo said to us: "There is not much time, these two gentlemen will take you on a journey." So, nodded at the two black suits, and looked at the younger black suit. Let's take a look at us and say to us: "Come on, ladies and gentlemen, I don't want to fly halfway through the aftermath of the nuclear bomb, or be robbed by those **** Nazis."

Once again I said goodbye to the fire, thanked the two accompanying commissioners, and took Saya, Cheka, and Gregia together with them to the hangar. Along the way, the black suit explained how to leave in detail. Simply put, we will take a helicopter to the nearest safe city, and then transfer to an emergency flight to Washington, the political center of the United States. Afterwards, the black suits will complete their tasks, and we will fly back to the Central Principality by ourselves.

Although the Nazi vanguard destroyed the city of Las Vegas and scattered several troops to invade the surrounding state cities, it is impossible to destroy all the cities that passed the state along the way. Even in Nevada, where Las Vegas is located, Las Vegas City has been devastated. Although other cities are panicked, there is currently no damage. People in those cities want to leave and go to more reliable state cities to take refuge, such as the political center of Washington, the financial center of New York and other cities that should be strictly guarded, but it is not so easy. Even if the black suits do n’t mention anything, it is conceivable that after the Las Vegas city was attacked, these cities will inevitably launch an emergency war security plan, not only to protect the people in the city, but also to prevent proliferation chaos. Among them, prohibiting most people from escaping on their own is an important purpose.

When the city will be attacked by the enemy at any time, instead of letting the people flee for themselves, it is better for the government department to carry out strategic scheduling. The latter is more flexible and efficient, and is in line with the operation of the overall strategy. Even if there will be a certain level of public resentment in the early days, it is not too difficult to persuade under tough control. According to the black suit, at this time. The entry and exit channels of nearby cities have been taken over by the military, and flights will not be open to the public unless they have a permit.

"What if the Nazis had another devastating blow like Las Vegas City?" Cheka couldn't help asking. Although it is theoretically correct to strictly control the actions of the people during wartime, the opponent's attack is too sharp. Destroying a city is only a matter of a dozen or tens of minutes. This time is simply not enough to evacuate all the people in the city. The interception ability of the ordinary army is like a piece of paper. To some extent. Relative to the destructive power displayed by the Nazis, the Las Vegas area has been expanded to the entire state, and the defense mechanism constructed with the city as the center can hardly be said to have any defensive capabilities.

"The destruction of Las Vegas is just a special case." The black suit replied expressionlessly: "If it is the same attack mode, it will not have such a strong effect if it is used again for the second time. Moreover, even Lasvi Gas, do n’t you die all over the city? ”His words are not unreasonable, but they will inevitably make people feel cold, because this is just to arrange the plan according to the best situation inferred.

Although I think so, I will not go too deep into this topic. This country has the practice of this country. Of course, this outsider is inconvenient to judge and have no ability to interfere. Cheka was a little silent. Her silence, in my opinion, was not the same thing as Misaki ’s silence. She seemed unsatisfied with the current American plan. Although intellectually understandable, she was a little more emotional. not feeling well.

"Don't think too much." I said to Cheka, she didn't seem to think I would say that. Can't help but stunned.

"Just ... did you say something terrible?" Gregia next to him asked in surprise: "What's wrong with Las Vegas?" It seems that Gregia really doesn't understand the situation outside. What a tragic change happened. She entered the temporary data hedging space in the 51st area earlier than us, even the Nazi's initial attack did not know much about it.

"Las Vegas is finished." Cheka said to her, but. This kind of argument still cannot make her really understand the cruelty of the situation.

"In short, you will understand when you fly to the sky." Cheka said, Gregia turned to me, and I didn't explain too much. As the saying goes, it is better to take a look at it than to spend time for it. She explained, it might as well let her see, anyway, just by the way.

It took us a few minutes to arrive at the hangar. There was a scooter in the base, but where we met was just next to the hangar. After the soldiers responsible for protection left, the black suit and the hangar staff talked a few words. After submitting the permit certificate, the staff took us to a twin-propeller armed transport helicopter. The two drivers were already in the cab. Besides us, a team of five soldiers stood by in the cabin, including two black suits, me, Misaki, Cheka, and Gregia, for a total of ten. Two people.

"Get on the plane." The black suit said, hurried into the cabin, and I let the others trail behind, and I went up last.

Although the three of me, Miyake and Gregia were flying for the first time in a helicopter gunship, only Gregia was excited and kept looking left and right. "Sit down! It's time to go!" A pilot's reminder came from the loudspeaker. The helicopter's hatch was gradually closed. From the porthole, the hangar staff could see the thumbs up and hurried away. At the moment when the light changed, I suddenly had a very unique feeling. The operation of the brain hardware severely suppressed the emotional emotions. However, this unspeakable feeling was still very strong, forcing me to turn. Head to the left. I know very well that this is not an unconscious turn at all, but I think there is something to be concerned about there.

Then, I saw—

The phantom of the teenager Gao Chuan.

The first time I saw him, it was still a blurry silhouette standing. However, once again, he was already sitting beside me. I remember very clearly that the person sitting on his left hand, Sakuya, but at this time, there was suddenly a place between Sakuya and me, and this young man Gao Chuan was sitting.

I know this is an illusion ~ ~ is a sequelae of a series of personality consciousness changes that occurred in the repeater before. This is not the first time I have seen him. Although he keeps telling himself that this is an illusion, the sense of existence of this young Gaochuan phantom is increasing. Now, I saw him again.

I blinked again. This time, he was no longer a school uniform, but wearing that crimson combat trench coat, fully armed, just like the soldiers about to leave.

Does his appearance imply such a gesture? I was depressed by the brain hardware, thinking calmly, but after all, there is no one sure. His appearance cannot sum up specific changes at all. It can only be said that these changes can be predicted, which is definitely not an interesting thing.

At the next moment, the young Gaochuan Fantasy had turned his head and met my eyes.

A weird feeling, as if I saw my reflection in an invisible mirror, but it is not the same. Both strange and familiar. Perhaps, it can be described as "the farthest twin, the closest stranger". (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read at m.)

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