Konoha 62 years.

On June 20th, the sky was slightly bright in the morning.

In a resettlement room in the civilian area of ​​Konoha Village.

A young man is rapidly releasing the Three Body Technique.

Transform first, then clone, and then continue to use the substitute technique to change places with the clone.

The young man was wearing a white training suit and had black hair and black eyes.

He is young, just twelve years old, and his name is Kimura Takuno.

He didn't even have a ninja forehead protector, so he was obviously a student who had not yet graduated from the ninja school.

But when he used the Three Body Technique, it was instant and unprintable!

Much more skilled than many jounin.

The three-body technique was released continuously for more than two hours.

There is still energy left and no feeling of fatigue at all.

"That's almost it, today is the graduation day of Ninja School.

You have to save some chakra, and you can't pretend too much. "

Kimura Takuno simply made some food and went out after eating.

If one person is full, the whole family will not be hungry.

The parents of this body had long since died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

Originally this house was destroyed by Kyuubi.

But it was later rebuilt and one set was given to Kimura Takuno, the "surviving" orphan.

This shows that the lives of ordinary people in Konoha Village are still okay.

After all, Konoha is the leader of the five great ninja villages, and the living standards of the people are also benefited.

After leaving the civilian area, the shops on both sides of the street have just opened for business.

There is an endless stream of pedestrians, and from time to time traveling merchants pass by, carrying goods to sell along the street.

Kimura Takuno couldn't help but sigh.

This level of prosperity is comparable to that of some modern cities.

Do you insist on saying that this is a village, Huaxi Village?

This Konoha Village is more than 100 million points bigger than when I watched the anime before.

The population is over 100,000, and there are more than 500 students in the same class as Kimura Takuno in the Ninja School alone.

One grade is divided into ten classes.

This is only reasonable.

Without this population base, how could the 80,000 ninja coalition troops from the five major ninja villages come from during the Fourth Ninja War?

"Takuno-kun, wait for me."

Um? It's this little girl again. Women can only affect the speed of my seal formation. Although I don't form seals very much, you can't affect it!

Besides, my adult soul has no interest in a little girl.

It would be okay if this girl grows up.

Now, it's boring.

Run quickly!

Kimura Takuno ran away, but as soon as he ran away, she chased the girl behind him.

The girl is wearing purple clothes, with blond hair and blue eyes in a high ponytail.

As he ran, his ponytail swayed, giving off an air of youth.

"Takuno-kun, you are taking your graduation exam today, and I have prepared a love lunch for you. You will definitely pass the exam if you eat it!

You go ahead and Ino will bring it to you to eat at noon! "

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, Yamanaka Ino didn't force himself.

Anyway, today is the sixth grade graduation exam, and they, the lower grades, are all on holiday.

If you run away for a while, you won't be able to run forever!

"Takuno-kun is really hardworking. He must be in such a hurry to go to school to review for the exam.

The girl comforted herself like this.

Ninja school.

In the classroom.

"The two subjects of Ninja Knowledge and Will of Fire will be tested in the morning, and the physical skills will be tested in the afternoon. Only by passing all three subjects can you successfully graduate. Do you understand?"

"Hey, I understand."

The teacher didn't talk nonsense and handed out the papers directly.

The test paper questions range from basic information about ninja villages in various countries and the ninjutsu they are good at to the use, maintenance, repair and production of blades.

Then move on to battlefield strategy, overall situation and other extra-point questions.

After six years of Ninja School, there is still a lot to learn.

But most of them are basic things, and most of them tend to be common sense. Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and blades only have the most basic three-body skills, basic Taijutsu, and how to use basic blades.

But even so, the teaching tasks during these six years are still very heavy.

In reality, primary school students only need to learn some basic knowledge such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, pinyin literacy and recitation.

But in the ninja world, in addition to basic cultural courses, there are a lot of fighting things.

The schoolwork is really heavy.

Fortunately, Kimura Takuno is an adult soul, and all the lessons he has learned over the years are no problem for him.

In the first subject, the ninja general knowledge subject, Kimura Takuno answered the questions like a fly.

Achieve a score of 80 or above, complete the exam safely, and do not choose to hand in the paper in advance.

But when it came to the second subject, the special subject of the Will of Fire, he was extremely cautious.

This subject exam, called the graduation exam, is actually a loyalty test.

It is full of all kinds of leading questions. What you think is a just answer actually does not meet the requirements.

If you want to meet the requirements, you only need to master one basic method of answering questions - the interests of Konoha Village are above all else!

If your answer does not meet the requirements of Konoha's top management, the failure will be minor.

I'm afraid that when the time comes, it will leave a stain on your file.

From then on, promotion was blocked, and it was even more impossible to enter the upper echelons of the village.

But the answer cannot be too good.

If it is too expressed, it will easily be incorporated into the dark areas and even be absorbed by the roots.

Accurately control the score to 85!

Not too high, not too low, just right.

After finishing the two subject exams in the morning, the students ate lunch.

"Kimura-san, have you really thought about it? Are you sure you don't want to burn your youth with me?"

A young man wearing off-white training clothes walked towards Kimura Takuno.

The young man had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and when he spoke, a light flashed on his teeth.

Hmm, so bright and dazzling!

Kimura Takuya narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head to explain.

"I was recommended by the hospital to attend the ninja school. I will become a medical ninja after graduation and have reserved a position as an assistant physician in the emergency department."

The boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes looked regretful and said something strange about medical ninjas not being young enough.

This boy is Xiao Li who has not yet become a disciple of Emperor Kai.

He has not yet obtained the iconic green tights.

But this temperament has already been revealed.

Might Guy has already intended to accept a disciple. Has he contacted him?

Xiao Li in the original work has no talent for ninjutsu. During his time at the ninja school, he was even weaker than others in physical skills.

He can be said to be a complete waste of ninjutsu, illusion, and physical skills.

But his willpower is outstanding. When others are playing, he spends all his time practicing physical skills.

Finally, he caught Might Guy's eye.

He graduated as a physical skill specialty student and became a disciple of Might Guy, the emperor of Konoha physical skills.

However, during his time at the Ninja School, he was inferior to others in everything, and the experience of being excluded and ridiculed made him extremely inferior in his heart.

Even in the Chunin Exam, he defeated a genius like Nizhuzi.

He did not have any pride, and only wanted to get the recognition of his master Might Guy.

But now, because of the existence of Kimura Takuya, the situation has become different.

Although he is still ridiculed and excluded by others, there is now an extra Kimura Takuya by Lee's side.

Kimura Takuya concealed his strength.

Before going to school every day, he would exhaust his chakra to prevent the Byakugan from seeing his true strength.

So he looks like a sickly and exhausted person every day.

Maybe this is also one of the reasons that attracted Ino?

As for why he concealed his strength?

Wouldn't it be nice to show his strength to beat his classmates and enjoy the treatment that a genius should enjoy?

It's quite nice.

If it weren't for that incident when he was a child, Kimura Takuya might not have concealed his strength.

In addition, there are some special abilities that cannot be discovered by some people.

At least they cannot be discovered before the strength is strong enough.

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