Kimura Takuno was woken up.

It was not the injured kunoichi and the others. The kunoichi saw that he was resting and did not disturb him.

He was woken up by the head nurse.

"Nani? Have I been incorporated into Yuhi Kurenai-senpai's team?"

Kimura Takuno, who had just woken up and was still a little confused, took the transfer order from Yuhi Hong.

After watching carefully for a long time, I finally woke up.

Sure enough, this is really the case. You shouldn't save people. As soon as you save someone, Sandai, a peeping tom, finds out.

In fact, Kimura Takuno also knew that what happened in Konoha Hospital would definitely be reported to the Hokage by ANBU.

But what can be done?

You can't just ignore it.

Although I am not the kind of Mary who saves people all over the world.

There are so many people in this world, and I definitely can't save them, but when I meet someone worth saving, I can't help but save them.

This is the kind of person I am.

The plan to stay in the hospital was ruined.

That's it, it's not bad to have a teacher to lead the team, and she is the strongest ninjutsu ninja Yuhi Kurenai in Konoha.

Although in the later stages of Naruto, the profession of illusionist was axed.

Kurenai Yuhi, who is known as the strongest illusionist, was also crushed by Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan, which was used to enhance Itachi's godhood.

But in fact, the potential of illusions is unlimited, and I am not talking about infinite Tsukuyomi here.

Instead, Kurama Yakumo.

Kimura Takuno finally remembered who the little girl behind Yuhi Hong was.

The princess of the Kurama clan, Kurama Yakumo.

It is hailed as the hope for the revival of the Kurama clan.

Possessing the strongest illusion of blood inheritance - the illusion of true escape.

As the name suggests, it is the blood inheritance boundary that has the ability to turn illusions into reality.

The Kurama clan and the Yuhi clan are both Konoha genjutsu master ninja clan, and they are also blood successor ninja clan.

It's just that the blood succession of the Kurama clan is very unstable, and only a few can awaken in several generations.

But once awakened, he is invincible.

The Kurama clan was once a ninja clan that could rival Uchiha.

However, the last few generations have declined, and have even declined to the point where they cannot even train chuunin.

The only reason is that it is too difficult for the blood successors of the Kurama clan to awaken, and no one has awakened for several generations.

Moreover, no one has awakened the ability of blood inheritance, but many people have blood inheritance disease.

Although the condition would have been milder if they hadn't awakened, it also meant that their clan couldn't even leave the chuunin realm now.

Therefore, he fell down, and the Kurama Yakumo in front of him was the awakened blood successor of the Kurama clan.

The true hope of the whole clan.

But did that happen?

"How are you?"

A concerned word came, the voice was clear.

Bringing Kimura Takuno's thoughts back to the present.

He shook his head and patted his cheeks with both hands.

"Sorry, I worked the night shift last night and was a little sleepy."

"Do you have to go to work even if you are sick?"

"Uh, no, no, I'm not sick, I'm just here to take a nap."

Kimura Takuno rolled over from the hospital bed and said that he was not a patient, but just borrowing a place to catch up on his sleep. He turned his head and looked at Yuhi Kurenai. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

"I already know Hokage-sama's order. Then, Teacher Hong, I will be your subordinate from today on. Please give me your advice!"

After Kimura Takuno finished speaking, he bowed to Yuhi Kurenai.

I'm a bit reserved. After all these years, I still don't like this kind of craftsmanship.

"Haha, don't be so formal. I'm not a rigid old teacher. There are many things in the future that I have to ask Takuno to do. This is your teammate, Kurama Yakumo."

Kurenai Yuhi covered her mouth and chuckled, then introduced Kurama Yakumo beside her to Kimura Takuno.

"Hello, I am Kimura Takuno. I am good at medical ninjutsu, and I should also be good at 100 million points of taijutsu."

"Hello, I'm Kurama Yakumo. I'm good at, good at, I should be good at genjutsu."

"Pfft, hahaha."

The boy and girl looked at each other and smiled, and Yuhi Hong felt relieved when she saw that the two of them could get along harmoniously.

But in fact, Kimura Takuno was thinking about another thing at the moment.

To be able to laugh so happily, that thing probably hasn't happened yet.

In the original play, Kurama Yakumo awakened the blood inheritance limit and was placed high hopes by the Kurama clan. However, the young Kurama Yakumo could not withstand this pressure.

In his subconscious, a monster personality was born who wanted to destroy everything.

Because of her ability to make illusions come true, this personality becomes a true monster.

This monster's name is Idu.

It was so strong that even the Hokage was scared when he saw it.

But in the end, she was stabbed to death by herself with a spoon, proving that she was the strongest one.

But before that, she lost her parents because of this monster.

The blood disease caused her to be in poor physical condition and unable to become a ninja.

Kurama Yakumo, who had high hopes from her tribe, could not accept this outcome, causing the monster to lose control and kill her parents.

However, she had no memory of the incident at all afterwards, and overheard the conversation between Sandai and Yuhi Kurenai secretly saying that they wanted to get rid of her, and if they couldn't get rid of her, they would seal her.

Ri thought it was Sandai and Kurenai who conspired to kill her parents and also kill her.

In fact, it was to get rid of the monster inside her.

Anyway, because of this, she drew a lightning bolt and almost blew up the Hokage building.

Its strength can be said to be very buggy.

The second pillar's S-level lightning ninjutsu Kirin needs the right time, right place, and right people to prepare for a long time, and it takes a long time to pretend to be cool before it can strike down.

But for the same powerful thunder, this girl can use it by drawing a picture and then drawing a thunder.

The process is easy and freehand, it's just the consumption of drawing a picture.

Can you imagine how outrageous this is?

It's just outrageous!

It's also because the bloodline setting of the Kurama clan is too outrageous.

Kishimoto also realized that this supporting role is too awesome. After Naruto helped her solve the monster, Kurama Yakumo never appeared again.

Even the Ninja World War and the final Naruto and Hina wedding did not appear.

Some people say that it may be because of the bloodline disease that died young.

After all, even the first scientist in the ninja world, Orochimaru, can't do anything about the bloodline disease.

Orochimaru can only watch Kimimaro die with such a loyal subordinate, and there is nothing he can do.

Bloodline disease is a genetic disease brought by blood.

The bloodline of the bloodline limit brings powerful abilities, but also brings more or less genetic diseases.

For example, the bloodline disease of the Uchiha clan is that the whole clan is paranoid, prone to extremes, and blind due to excessive use of eyes and poor health.

The bloodline disease of the Hyuga clan is relatively simple, just "cataracts" of the whole clan, that is, when the eyes are not open, the eyes are also completely white.

The bloodline disease of the Kurama clan is currently just weak and sickly.

It's nothing, as long as the muscles, organs, and bones are all strengthened, it should be fine.

But this is just Kimura Takuno's guess, and the specific situation can only be known after a careful examination.

Kimura Takuno and Teacher Hong agreed to meet again tomorrow, go home and rest today, and leave together.

And just when Kimura Takuno was about to leave.

"Knock bean sack, please wait!"

It's over.

He was still stopped.

He deliberately left with Teacher Hong just because he didn't want to be stopped by this female ninja.

After all, uh.

"It will grow back. I just used the fat from that part."

"Uh, wow, ali gado. Thank you Kimura-san, I thought I couldn't survive. I am Uzuki Yugao, and I will repay you for saving my life."

"Ahaha, you're welcome. You were injured for the village, and as a member of Konoha, it's my duty to rescue you."

Kimura Takuya was slightly stunned. No wonder the purple hair looked so familiar.

It turned out to be the girlfriend of the through-style ninja Gekko Hayate.

But why did she get this kind of injury at this time?

If it weren't for him today, she wouldn't have survived at all?

Was she saved by someone else?

But the only people in Konoha who can treat this kind of injury are Tsunade and Shizune.

Did Tsunade come back today?

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