"Hashido Sack, wait a minute, are you a medical ninja too? Don't you even know the common sense that animal bodies are not compatible with human bodies? You will kill people!"

Kimura Takuno turned his head and looked outside, seeing this familiar shape and peak.

It was Tsunade Senju.

Outside the store, Tsunade shouted to stop the two of them, but she did not go into the store and just stood outside the store.

Just now she asked Shizune to announce the mission to find the five-man caravan.

Because I didn’t really want to see the third-generation old man, I ran to the street to look for him first.

Unexpectedly, I encountered this scene.

Out of her own professional ethics, she endured her discomfort with the butcher shop and verbally scolded Kimura Takuno.

"This sister, who are you? Don't think that you can talk nonsense because you have grown up. No one in Konoha knows medical ninjutsu better than me! Lady Tsunade is here, and I say the same thing!"

"How can it be repaired? Kid, you are a newly graduated ninja. You can tell by looking at your brand new forehead protector that you haven't worn it for a few days! How dare you say such a thing? Do you know who I am?"

Tsunade was extremely irritated by Kimura Takuno's words.

Not even afraid of the blood in the butcher shop, he came in and picked up Kimura Takuno's collar.

At this time, Kimura Takuno was only about 1.5 meters tall, an ordinary twelve-year-old, and was carried to the chest by Tsunade, who was 1.63 meters tall.

The line of sight happens to be at the top of the mountain, where you can see all the small mountains.

"Miss, please don't do this to Takuno-kun, otherwise I won't be polite."

Odaro took out a kunai with one arm and looked at Tsunade warily.

The latter looked at the neat wounds on Odalang's broken arm, which were obviously caused by high-temperature cutting with some kind of tool.

But the strange thing is that there are no ordinary burn scars.

It's just like a seal, sealing the wound?

As long as the high-temperature cutting surface is removed, the arm surgery can begin immediately.

It's incredible.

It's like a miracle.

Yes, a miracle!

The genius medical ninja Shizune talked about yesterday seemed to have used some kind of ninjutsu that could generate high temperatures to treat a broken-armed ninja before treating the female ninja.

Isn't it the ninja with a broken arm in front of me?

Is this arrogant boy the genius medical ninja?

Thinking of this, Tsunade finally let go of her hand and stared at Kimura Takuno.

"Are you Takuno Kimura?"

"Oh? You know me too. Yes, I am one of the most talented medical ninjas in the history of Konoha. Tsunade will have to worship me as her master when she comes!"

Kimura Takuno's tone was arrogant and domineering, and his expression was arrogant. He was truly crazy.

A change from the safe appearance of the past.

He acted like this deliberately in front of Tsunade.

Of course there is a reason.

Although Kimura Takuno's current medical ninjutsu has surpassed Tsunade to a certain extent.

But that was just single-target treatment, and Tsunade knew more than just medical ninjutsu.

The strange power, the Yin Seal, and the summoning scroll of the Slug Immortal are all good things.

And Tsunade has always been a hard-spoken person with a soft heart. If she were asked to teach medical ninjutsu in person, she would definitely refuse now.

It can only be pretending.

A genius of Konoha's medical ninja, but he is a bad kid and tries to take evil ways.

As a Konoha senior, you are the founder of Konoha medical ninjutsu.

Don’t you think you can’t stand it anymore and want to discipline and discipline you?

Sure enough, Tsunade was so angry at the words "Tsunade has to become a disciple even when she comes".

"Kid, I think you don't know whether to live or die!"

"What? You don't even have a ninja forehead protector. Who are you? Are you also an admirer of Tsunade-sama?"

Tsunade was stunned when she heard this.


Who are you?

Why are you preaching to him here?

After wandering around for many years, a ninja forehead protector would reveal her identity, so she didn't wear a forehead protector for a long time.

And she didn't want to take it with her anymore. The cruelty of the ninja world made her physically and mentally exhausted.

She was tired of being a ninja.

Therefore, she rarely returned to Konoha for so many years. Even if she came back, she would only take money. She would still ask Shizune to go to the village to get it, and she would never step foot in Konoha.

This time I returned to the village because Doudou had an accident, otherwise he would probably never come back.

Tsunade, who looked a little disappointed, heard the last sentence and her eyes flashed.

"Boy, are you also an admirer of Tsunade-sama?"

"Huh? No, how could I admire such a person?"

"Yes, she has been away from Konoha Village for so long, maybe she has already been sentenced to death."

Ness, Oda Langshen assisted, and Kimura Takumi gave Oda Lang a thumbs up.

But he didn't show any signs of it on his face and continued to speak.

“You obviously have responsibilities, but you also have the abilities and talents to match them.

But he left immediately and never came back even after the death of the Fourth Hokage.

If she had been in Konoha at that time, many people would not have died that time.

But she just wasn't there! my parents,"

When Kimura Takuno said this, he hesitated to speak. He also controlled the tear glands in his eyes, secreted a trace of tears, and then withdrew them just right.

Then he took a deep breath and continued as if he had ignored something unpleasant.

"Even in the end, she didn't come back. If she could come back, the village wouldn't let Sandai, an old man like him, go out again."

Tsunade looked at the boy in front of her. Of course she knew what Kimura Takuno said.

The fourth Hokage and his wife in Konoha were killed. How could such a big event be hidden?

Even if she was wandering outside and was not well-informed, she would still have heard about it. She even knew that something like this happened and Konoha lost two high-end combat power.

At this time, Teacher Yuan Fei will definitely send someone to recall her.

But during that time, she even deliberately transformed into a child to escape the ninjas who were out looking for her.

She was found several times by the third generation, but she evaded the people who came to find her every time.

Like a child who doesn't want to go home, running away from everything.

The third generation also gave up looking for her and came back.

That incident was really serious, even the Hokage died in the battle, and ordinary people suffered heavy casualties as well.

Judging from the child's age, he must be the orphan of that incident.

No wonder, no wonder he looks down on me so much.

"Maybe she has her own reasons. Not everyone can bear the cruelty and ruthlessness of the ninja world."

Tsunade defended herself slightly, looking lonely.

I dare not look at Kimura Takuno anymore.

"Maybe, but it has nothing to do with me. I just want to become the strongest ninja, and then lead Konoha to destroy other ninja villages, so that everyone can feel my pain, so there will be no more wars!"

Kimura Takuno looks like a militant who uses killing to stop killing and fighting to stop war.

There was a murderous look on his little face, and he looked even better than Nagato.

"Baga, war will only bring about greater war. Your idea is too dangerous!"

Tsunade looked at the boy in front of her in shock. He actually wanted to start a new ninja war!

Does he really know what war is?

As a person who has personally experienced two ninja wars.

Her lover and brother both died in the war.

Tsunade hated war in her heart.

Kimura Takuno said these words, and the look she looked at the boy in front of her changed from soft to sharp.

No, he must change his mind!

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