"No one else should know about what happened today between Odarou and Kimura Takuno!"

"Let's not talk about that for now. What about that big sister? What about the apprenticeship?"

Kimura Takuno picked his nose with one hand and pointed at Tsunade with the other hand, asking her to be his apprentice. He was as arrogant as he could be.

Shizune, who was very angry, was about to go berserk on the spot.

Tsunade smiled heartily and stopped Shizune with her hand.

"Haha, okay. You become my apprentice!"


"I bet you can reattach your arm, and now I win. You become my apprentice, haha!"

Tsunade put her hands on her hips and laughed non-stop, looking at Kimura Takuno's confused expression.

She was ecstatic.

Hahaha, bet with me?

The first time I cheated, your father wasn't even born yet!

"You are so cunning!"

"We just started the gambling game, and neither you nor I have placed any bets. The bets are not fixed. So I bet that you can fix your arm, and I win. Is there a problem? You don't want to default on your debt, do you?"

Tsunade stared at Kimura Takuya, her eyes narrowed slightly, her expression darkened instantly, and the majestic aura of the Kage level surged towards Kimura Takuya.

It looks like she must accept this disciple today.

Wow haha!

I finally waited for you, fortunately I didn't give up~

Kimura Takuya looked weak under Tsunade's powerful aura.

In fact, he couldn't help singing a song in his heart, and almost sang out loud.

Do you know how I have been through these years?

I can only practice for two hours a day, and I dare only eat three meals a day, and I dare not even eat supper!

I was afraid that I would practice too hard and be discovered by others.

Now I can finally be invincible openly!

Only geniuses with backers can open the road to invincibility.

A genius without a backer is a cauldron!

Although Kimura Takuno was very happy in his heart, he still didn't show it on his face.

"You are not a Konoha ninja, you can't accept me as your apprentice!"

"Ah? Hahaha, just wait!"

Tsunade left with Shizune after saying that.

Back to her own house, her forehead protector has been placed at home for many years.

But it is well preserved. After taking it out, Tsunade looked at it again and again, and finally put it on her forehead, just like it was back then.

Looking at the figure in the mirror, Tsunade was a little dazed, as if she saw her former self.

A trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, and she took a deep breath.

She went out and went to the Hokage Building.

Kimura Takuno is a rare genius medical ninja. I want to accept him as my apprentice and may take him away to teach.

This must be told to Sarutobi teacher.

The Anbu in the Hokage Building naturally know the granddaughter of the first generation, Princess Tsunade of Konoha.

Tsunade came to the outside of the Hokage's office without any obstacles.

Just as he was thinking about how to talk to Sarutobi, he heard Danzo's voice from inside.

"Hiruzen, you can't think about it anymore. Kimura Takuno's ninjutsu is too dangerous, and it must be controlled in Konoha's hands.

If his ninjutsu is obtained by other villages, won't our enemies be cured instantly?

It must be collected as a forbidden technique, and only the Anbu can master it secretly.

Then remove Kimura Takuno's related ninjutsu memory. Such ninjutsu is in the hands of a child. It is too unsafe and can be taken away by other villages at any time!"

In the Hokage's office, Danzo had a calm face and said words about depriving others of ninjutsu.

Just a few words, and the fate of others was determined.

The two Hokage advisors, Utane Koharu and Mitomon En, were silent for a while without objection, and acquiesced to Danzo's decision.



The door of the office was kicked open.

The Anbu hidden inside instantly blocked the Hokage and several advisors.

"I don't agree! Old man, you want to treat my disciples like this, I will never agree!"


Tsunade's powerful momentum hit everyone present, and the Anbu were the first to bear the brunt, sweating profusely.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the forehead protector on Tsunade's forehead.

His eyes lit up, and he waved his hand to signal the Anbu to withdraw.

He walked in front of Tsunade.

"I have arranged Kimura Takuno under Yuhi Kurenai, he can't be your disciple."

"He is just the team leader, I want to accept him as my personal disciple!"

"No, that child's ninjutsu is too important to the village, he can't leave the village with you, I won't allow you to accept him as a disciple. Unless,"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Tsunade's forehead protector, his expression was trance, as if he saw Tsunade and the others when they were young.

At that time, Tsunade was reforming the medical ninja system with great sweeping strokes.

At that time, Jiraiya was still in the village, and Orochimaru had not defected.

How high-spirited were the three ninjas of Konoha at that time?

"Old man, you have something to say, unless what?"

"Unless you inherit the position of Hokage!

Tsunade, become the fifth Hokage."

"What? No, I, I don't want to be Hokage."

Tsunade was frightened by Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, took two steps back, and refused with a stumbling tone.

Sarutobi Hiruzen watched Tsunade retreat, and understood Tsunade's concerns in his heart, not only because of hemophobia, but also because of her disgust for the ninja world.

"If you don't become Hokage, you can't interfere with Konoha's decision now. I have decided that Kimura Takuno's ninjutsu must be taken back by the Anbu and listed as a forbidden technique.

And I will immediately arrange for the Yamanaka clan to erase Kimura Takuno's ninjutsu memory.

Back off, Tsunade. ”

“Nandesga? Why do you have to do this? The secret technique of the Yamanaka clan to erase memories will turn people into idiots!”

Faced with Tsunade's questioning, Sarutobi Hiruzen showed no mercy.

“For the village! This matter has been decided, and you can't change it now.”

“Wagada. I understand, then, I accept the position of Hokage.”

“What? I'm old, and my voice is too soft to hear clearly.”

“I said, I'll be the Hokage! Are you satisfied, old man?”

Tsunade roared and roared, as if being a Hokage was a bad thing and being a Hokage was embarrassing her.

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw Tsunade agreed, and laughed and took several puffs of his pipe.

“Tomorrow's Hokage succession ceremony, no one objects, right? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen's aged figure seemed to be reborn after he said this.

His momentum rose steadily, and he looked down upon the elders present.

For a moment, no one dared to look him in the eye.

That's right.

This is the ninja hero Sarutobi Hiruzen after all!

The Third Hokage of the Three Ninjas' Master!

No matter what his merits and demerits are, he is the Hokage, and the Hokage is naturally the strongest in Konoha at the same time, there is no doubt about that!

"I agree, Tsunade will be the Fifth Hokage."

Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En looked at each other and agreed at the same time.

Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, and seeing his momentum approaching, he turned to look at Tsunade, his eyes full of unwillingness.

"Elder Danzo, are you dissatisfied with me being the Hokage? "

Tsunade is naturally not afraid of Danzo, and she looked up at the latter with contempt.

While speaking, it seems to be a question, but in fact, the tone is grim and full of threats.

If Danzo dares to say no, then Tsunade will dare to turn against him on the spot and teach this old man who threatens her disciples a lesson.

"No dissatisfaction, I agree."

The situation is stronger than the person, and there are four votes in favor, so there is no point for him to oppose.

It is not shameful to be decisive and follow your heart.

And he has endured it for so many years under the hands of the third generation.

It is actually a good thing for him that Tsunade, a young man, comes to power.

At least when Tsunade first comes to power, her control over Konoha is definitely not as good as Yuan Fei's. Then can't the root take the opportunity to develop again?

Danzo, who has figured out the key points, calmed down and expressed his agreement.

Just said one more sentence.

"Kurama Yakumo and Kimura Takuno are equally important. The two are now in the same team and need protective supervision. I will draw outstanding personnel from the root and join Yuhi Kurenai's team to protect them both. "

"Agree. "×2

Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En, obviously wanting to balance the power of the Hokage, agreed with Danzo's proposal.

Three to two, the matter was settled.

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