"Haha, for this kind of spiritual matter, just ask me, the Mountain Clan. Let's go directly to seal that monster now, and we can still make it in time for lunch!"

You are actually from the Akimichi clan!

When fighting, do you still think about eating?

Kimura Takumi complained.

In this illusion, ordinary people cannot use ninjutsu and have to rely on this guy's soul sealing technique. Then he reminded him.

"This is Kurama Yakumo's illusion world. Everything in this world is under her control. She is invincible in this world.

And that monster is Kurama Yakumo's subconscious mind, so that monster is also invincible here.

Don't be careless later. Although I have temporarily cut off the connection between your five senses and your brain.

But once the brain dies in this world, our brains in the outside world will also die! "

Seeing that Yamanaka Muku put away his contempt and became cautious, Kimura Takuno continued.

"When you meet that monster later, just control it. We find Kurama Yakumo and let her finish off the monster. Kurenai-sensei, when you meet Yakumo later, just calm her down." "

Unknowingly, Kimura Takuno took the initiative in this three-person team.

A special jounin, an elite jounin, all listened to his words unconsciously.

This surprised Yuhi Kurenai, who had not spoken much.

This kid is surprisingly reliable.

Hong smiled slightly, nodded to Kimura Takuno, and agreed with his arrangement.

The three of them began to explore this illusion world.

The sky is dark and covered with dark clouds.

On a dilapidated and deserted street.

The houses were all in decay and collapse.

"Still in Konoha, this is the clan territory of the Kurama clan.ɱ"

Kimura Takuno identified the environment in the fantasy world.

He pointed to the street ahead and continued talking to Kurenai Yuhi and Muku Yamanaka.

"Kurama Yakumo should be at her home, let's go and have a look. Muku-senpai, be prepared. If you encounter a monster, control it directly."

Yamanaka Mujiu felt it and confirmed that his sealing technique could still be used, and nodded to Kimura Takuno.

"Don't worry, as long as that monster dares to come out, I will definitely control it to death."

The three of them cautiously approached Kurama Yakumo's house. No one noticed that the scene behind them was becoming nothingness bit by bit.

In front of Yakumo's house.

Kurama Yakumo stood there, looking at his house.

This scene seems familiar.

Just like what Kimura Takuno saw when Yakumo's house was on fire in reality.


Yakumo's house suddenly burst into flames, and the fire appeared out of thin air.

Kurama Yakumo, however, remained motionless and did not respond when he called her.

Yuhi Hong stepped forward and put her arms around Yakumo, trying to wake him up.

It was completely useless, Yakumo remained motionless.

Kimura Takuno wanted to go to the house to save people. Yakumo's parents should still be trapped in the house.

But his transformation technique cannot be used in Yakumo's illusion.

In other words, everyone's ninjutsu is useless in Yakumo's fantasy world.

Except for soul-based spells, other spells cannot be cast.

Because everyone is now a soul body, with only soul energy and no body energy, it is impossible to refine chakra.

Without chakra, it is impossible to use ninjutsu.

While thinking, Kimura Takuno felt a little strange. He felt something was wrong.

He felt as if he could use some of his abilities.

It's ability.

rather than ninjutsu.

He took out the blade on his body and secretly made a cut on his finger.

Blood flowed out, and his heart moved, and the wound healed immediately.

Kimura Takuno couldn't help but be shocked.

In reality, such a wound would take at least six hours to fully recover based on its own healing ability.

Now it's just a thought.

It seems that in this illusion, my healing ability has been enhanced.


This is Yakumo's fantasy, what does it have to do with me.



It’s not a fantasy relationship!

It is a relationship between the soul. In reality, it is the body that is restored, but here it is the soul that is restored.

My ability comes from the soul. After the body is damaged, the soul needs to interfere with reality in order to restore the body.

The consumption is greater and recovery is slower.

In this illusion, the soul can directly restore itself.

So I am invincible here too.

This illusion can't hurt me at all!

After figuring out his abilities, Kimura Takuno rushed straight into the fire.

"Hey, boy, you told us to be careful, why are you so reckless!"

"It's too late to explain. You protect Teacher Hong and Yakumo. I want to save them."

"Damn boy, I just realized it. Where are we two jounin? Why is it you, the genin, who is commanding us?"

Yamanaka Mujiu looked angry, but still carried out Kimura Takuno's arrangement.

Yuhi Hong looked at the fire scene with some worry. She didn't know how Kimura Takuno resisted the flames. She just felt that she must be unable to resist it.

Not only ninjutsu, but also her genjutsu cannot be used here.

He could only hold Kurama Yakumo and try to wake her up.

But what Ling Hong didn't expect was that Kurama Yakumo in his arms suddenly took out a kunai and stabbed her in the heart!



Yuhi Hong was so shocked that she immediately retreated a few steps away, holding her heart and shaking.

Seeing this, Yamanaka Muku took action directly, regardless of the situation of Kurama Yakumo in front of him.

In short, control her first.

Instantly, a black chain appeared from the palm of Yamanaka Mukumo's hand and rushed straight to Kurama Yakumo.

A few twists tied her up.

"Controlled. What? What's going on?"

Yamanaka Mukumo just thought he had controlled Kurama Yakumo.

But he saw Kurama Yakumo disappearing bit by bit like a pencil drawing that was erased!

"How is it possible? My soul seal is not as simple as the chain it looks like. It is a seal for the soul! Can it run away?"

Yamanaka Mukumo was surprised, and saw that Yuhi Kurenai had fallen to the ground, so he hurried over to help her up.

"Yuhi Kurenai, are you okay?"

"I, I'm fine, the kunai was blocked by my ribs, and my heart was not injured."


The window of the burning house in front of him was broken.

Kimura Takuno took Yakumo Kurama's parents and jumped out of the window.

He felt a little weird, as if his soul perception ability was suddenly blocked.

His eyes went dark for a moment, then recovered.

Then he saw that Yuhi Kurenai was lying on the ground injured, and Yakumo Kurama was nowhere to be found.

"Teacher Kurenai, what happened to you? Where is Yakumo?"

Kimura Takuno was shocked to see the scene in front of him.

Then he heard Yamanaka Muku talk about Yakumo Kurama's strange behavior.

"It's my fault. I didn't expect that monster to pretend to be Yakumo."

It was indeed Kimura Takuno's fault. He didn't expect that monster to act like this and use his thinking inertia.

Reproduce the scene he had seen, making him think that the person in front of him was Yakumo Kurama.

In order not to arouse other people's suspicion, he didn't mention to others that the monster would turn into Yakumo.

Although he had cut off everyone's five senses in reality, as long as they didn't have a brain injury, they would be fine when they returned to reality.

But if you die in this illusion, you will really die in reality!

A single thought almost led to a big mistake.

He raised his hand and pressed on Yuhi Kurenai's wound, releasing his soul power through the air.

The wound healed quickly, at an amazing speed.

"Is this a medical ninjutsu? Takuya, can you use ninjutsu?"

"No, this is just a soul healing technique. I can't use other ninjutsu either."

Kimura Takuya made up a name and turned around to treat Yakumo's parents.

After a while, Yakumo's parents woke up.

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