The nameless scum who called themselves the Five Tigers surrounded this generation of Ino-Shika-Chou.

This might be the peak of their lives.

The gap between civilian ninjas and family ninjas is not just the difference in how many ninjutsu they master.

The chakra refining techniques of the major ninja families are better than those taught in ninja schools without exception.

The small skills of using and practicing various ninjutsu are also an important inheritance of the major ninja families.

Not to mention the various family secrets that are not passed on.

And in this world where bloodline is the only thing.

The children of ninjas are more talented in ninjutsu than the children of civilians.

Seeing the Five Tigers surrounding him, Shikamaru was not afraid, but he was still a little nervous, after all, there were many people on the other side.

He turned his head to look at Kimura Takuya.

He saw that he was still sitting there eating, and he also pulled another person who wanted to help.

Damn, don’t you want to take care of things here at all?

Ino Pig, actually likes such a person.

It’s really troublesome.

Shikamaru’s little brain turned and shouted loudly.

"What are you doing? My big brother Takuya can beat ten of you guys!

With just the five of you, big brother Takuya can handle it with one hand!"

"Yes, that's right!"

Ino felt that what Shikamaru said was right and expressed her complete agreement.

Choji also nodded, anything is fine, as long as they don't come to steal his potato chips.

Five small fish, oh no, five tigers turned to look at Kimura Takuya.

Seeing that he was still eating at this time, and he was holding Xiao Li to prevent him from coming over.

"Hahaha, this loser, he doesn't dare to show up himself, and he's holding others. It's so funny, hahaha!"

"Hahaha, yes, he's really a loser, and an orphan, a loser orphan."

Shikamaru saw that Kimura Takuya didn't react and was still eating.

So he provoked him again.

"Hmph, that's because you are too incompetent. You don't even have the ability to arouse the interest of Brother Takuye.

My Brother Takuye can kill you in a minute!

It won't take even a finger to kill you."

"He's just a sickly guy? I'll beat him up first, and let you see how incompetent your Brother Takuye is!"

The plan worked, and he was fooled!

The corners of Shikamaru's mouth rose slightly, and then quickly smoothed it out, and then continued to fool and add fuel to the fire.

"You, don't! Don't go over there. Brother Takuye has not said a word until now, he must be angry, you will die if you go over there now, come back quickly!"

"Little brat, dare to look down on us! Ah! Kimura Takuye, come out and fight us."


After eating, it's still better to make your own Chinese food.

What kind of love bento made by a little girl, it's all sushi rice balls, is that something for people to eat?

Kimura Takuye looked up at the small fish rushing over, and thought to himself that he failed.

What a failed disguise.

I shouldn't have exposed my strength that day and saved a little girl.

"A ninja who is about to graduate wet his pants because he was afraid of injections."

One of the Five Tigers looked panicked, and the other students in the class pricked up their ears.

"A person was afraid of thunder when he was hospitalized, and he covered himself with a quilt in the middle of the night and almost suffocated himself."

"Another person had diarrhea due to overeating and peed in his pants."

"Another person was bitten by a turtle while swimming naked, and came to the hospital for help."

"Finally, there is another person who wants to know if bedwetting at the age of twelve is a disease?"

As soon as Kimura Takuye said this, one of the Five Tigers looked panicked.

Seeing that they looked at the curious and playful eyes of the classmates around them, they seemed to be desperate, so Kimura Takuye stopped revealing the news.

"Oh, I don't remember their names. If someone hits my head, I should be able to remember them.

I heard that amnesia can be cured like this. Come and help me, hit my head!"

"Uh, how can this be done? We are all classmates. How can I hit your head?"

"Yes, yes, these are not important things. Just forget them if you forget them!"

Looking at the small fish trying to persuade him in a panic, he secretly laughed at the little brats in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, just frowned.

"No, I feel uncomfortable if I don't remember! If you don't hit me, I will hit myself."

After saying that, he picked up the chopsticks and pretended to hit himself on the head.

Scared, several people quickly held his hand.

"No, Takuya-kun, you can't hurt yourself! Just forget it, you still have an exam this afternoon.

After the exam, we will graduate, and we all have a bright future!"

"Yes, yes, a bright future is waiting for us."

Kimura Takuya nodded and put down the chopsticks in his hand.

"Yeah, that's right. But I suddenly felt like I could remember it without knocking my head. When someone scolds me, I can remember it when I get angry. Why don't you scold me?"

"How, how can you scold others? I hate people who scold others the most in my life. It's so rude. You two scolded others just now, right? Apologize to Takuya-kun!"

"Uh, sorry, sorry, Takuya-kun, we were just joking with you."

"Well, it's okay, I forgive you."

Kimura Takuya looked at the people in front of him who were forced to bow their heads and felt a little funny.

Although he has not yet become a formal medical ninja, Kimura Takuya has been doing odd jobs in the hospital to make a living over the years.

Who doesn't have headaches and fever?

Kimura Takuno had naturally met these people in the hospital.

Kimura Takuno made the five people surrender while chatting and laughing.

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes.

Not easy, he solved the opponent effortlessly.

Is this kind of person really a waste who dares not to cause trouble?

Could it be that what Ino said was true, that there was really a master who could fight ten people alone in this last-place class?

Wasn't it just her fantasy because she saw that he was handsome and became crazy about him?

"Takuno-kun, you are so amazing! You solved the problem without doing anything."

Ino ran towards Kimura Takuno like a crazy fan, and placed the lunch box in her hand in front of the latter.

Opening it carefully, there were heart-shaped sushi and heart-shaped rice balls inside.

"Takuya-kun, look, this is the love bento I made for you, and it comes with ketchup."

"Hip, ah, thank you. You're late, I'm full, sorry, hiccup, I can't eat anymore."

"It's okay, Takuya-kun, you can take it home for dinner. Come, Takuya-kun, drink some water."

Takuya took the kettle handed over by Ino, thanked him, and refused the bento.

But he took the bag of ketchup inside.

"Thank you, but this thing won't be fresh by the evening, right? It will taste different. The classmate eating potato chips over there, he hasn't eaten enough, right? Give it to him, they are your friends too, right?"

"Ah, yes, just ordinary friends. Takuya-kun, don't get me wrong. Because our parents know each other, I became ordinary friends with them, don't get me wrong."

"Um, um, hello, my name is Kimura Takuya, this is my good friend Rock Lee."

When Rock Lee heard the word good friend, he got excited and moved.

"That's right! I'm Takuya-kun's good friend, and Takuya-kun's friends are also my friends, hello!"

After the two sides introduced themselves to each other, they got to know each other.

Shikamaru looked at the Five Tigers who had returned to their seats, and whispered to Kimura Takuya.

"Kimura-senpai, those guys were forced to retreat by your words, but they don't look like they will give up. It's a bit troublesome."

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