Originally, the Tiger King found that the little guys in his tribe were just paralyzed and fainted.

So he followed at the end and was not in a hurry.

Therefore, he was not sensed by Kimura Takuya, after Kimura Takuya's series of long-range balls bombardment.

He immediately instinctively felt that the power of the explosion would definitely kill his subordinates!


It screamed and rushed over, and saw that his subordinates were all on the ground with their skin torn apart.

Although Kimura Takuya avoided the giant tiger itself, the explosion power of the big ball Rasengan still injured all the ninja tigers.

Although it didn't matter much with their recovery ability, the Tiger King was obviously angry because of his concern.


"Don't be Siguoyi, get out of the way, there's a more ruthless one coming!"

Kimura Takuya pushed away Shizune, who was frightened by Kimura Takuya's big move just now, and is still shocked now!

The Tiger King was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of the two people, and a pounce knocked down the big tree under their feet.

Fortunately, Kimura Takuya dodged in advance, but the Tiger King is a Tiger King after all, and it actually mastered some ninja physical skills.

When it pounced on the tree, it saw the two people dodged in advance, and it crashed into it directly, and then used the force to rebound and chase the two people.

Then there was a series of rapid pursuits!

Kimura Takuya and Shizune could only dodge separately.

The Tiger King was also smart. Seeing the two people separated.

He only chased one person, leaving Kimura Takuya beside him and chasing Shizune.

It seems that he plans to get rid of a weak one first, and then deal with Kimura Takuya.

And Shizune was chased by the Tiger King with all his means, and his trump cards were all tongue needles, poison thousand books, and even the last poison kunai was thrown out, but it didn't even break the Tiger King's defense!

Kimura Takuya took a breath. Just now, in order to quickly eliminate the group of ninja tigers, he used the two-handed long-range large ball Rasengan continuous shooting version.

He released more than a dozen large balls in a row, and controlled the long-range fixed-point explosion.

Each ball was more powerful than the A-level. Although it did not reach the S-level, it was shocking enough to release more than a dozen super A-level ninjutsu in a row.

The amount of chakra consumed was definitely more than one card of chakra.

Now he was in the hollow state.

It was empty, there was no more, all shot at once!

So when Kimura Takuya saw Shizune being chased by the Tiger King in danger, he could only shoot a few kunai from behind, but none of them had any effect.

"There is no other way, I can only open the door. Opening the door in the empty blue state will greatly squeeze the body's functions.

I'm afraid there will be a long period of weakness afterwards."

This is also something that cannot be done at this stage. After all, even Might Guy and Rock Lee will have a weak period after opening the door with full blue.

Kimura Takuya is opening the door in the empty blue state now, which is equivalent to squeezing the power of the body and mind to the limit.

Although it may be relieved due to the immortality, Kimura Takuya estimates that the weak period will be less than an hour.

"Open the wound gate!"

A stream of chakra burst out from Kimura Takuya, and Kimura Takuya felt that all the cells in his body twitched, and a tearing sensation came from his spirit.

This is the feeling of forcibly extracting chakra. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably lie down on the spot.

But Kimura Takuya cut off the pain nerves in advance, and the physical pain was directly ignored by him. He also survived the mental damage with his powerful soul.


Kimura Takuya, who opened the wound gate, rushed straight to the Tiger King.

The Tiger King was chasing Shizune happily, and suddenly felt a burst of chakra behind him, rushing straight to his buttocks.

His anus tightened.

This can't be blamed on Kimura Takuya's wretchedness, but only on the Tiger King's posture being too good!

If he doesn't give it the secret of Konoha fluid technique, Thousand Years of Killing.

This is a shame for the position arranged by God!

"Thousand Years of Killing!"

The Tiger King is more than five meters tall when standing on four legs, and more than ten meters tall when standing on two legs, almost as tall as a five-story building!

The size is only slightly different from the toads in Myoboku Mountain.

So Kimura Takuye used a branch that was just cut from the broken tree next to him for the Millennium Killer.

It's called a branch, but it's thicker than Kimura Takuye.

The whole branch must be as long as an ordinary big tree with the thickness of a small bucket!

It should be more than ten meters long, right?


The branch slid in half.


The tiger king was hit and screamed. He shrank his butt and bounced out, running away with his tail between his legs.

"Ha, you run fast! But I have left soul energy in you, and I will deal with you later when I have time!"

Kimura Takuye put his hands on his waist for a while, then found a suitable place to sit down and closed the Eight Gates Formation.

He lay down against a big tree.

"Takuye, great job! You stabbed me so hard!"

"No more, I've been drained, I'm going to faint."

"Takuye, Takuye, what's wrong with you?"

Kimura Takuye fainted as soon as he said he would, without giving Shizune any time to react.

He just lay down.

Fortunately, he had found a good position in advance to avoid unnecessary falls.

Shizune looked at Kimura Takuye, who was overdrawn of chakra, and shook her head helplessly.

She came to his side and used medical ninjutsu to relieve his physical burden.

After a long time, Kimura Takuye slowly woke up.

"I woke up a little earlier than expected. Did Sister Shizune help me relieve it?"

He stood up and looked for a while, but couldn't find Shizune.

It was already sunset, and the night came faster in this giant forest that looked like a prehistoric jungle than in other places.

"Sister Shizune!"

"Sister Shizune!"

"Takutuoye, are you awake? Wait a minute, I'll be out soon, you stay there, don't look around!"

The sound of gurgling water came from the forest not far behind him, which was particularly obvious in the dark night.

Kimura Takuye immediately knew what was going on, and listened obediently and waited for a while.

Soon, Shizune came out of the forest behind him, and asked with concern as usual.

"Takuye, are you okay? Are you okay?"

"Ah, I can only walk, and my chakra hasn't recovered yet. I opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia before, which forced me to overdraw my body. Now my body has recovered a little. But I guess I can't use chakra today."

Kimura Takuye felt a splitting headache. He had just released the pain shield, and it was not good for his body to cut off the pain nerves for a long time.

He touched his head and responded to Shizune's concern with a grin.

Shizune couldn't help but scold him when she saw this. She didn't know if she was acting like a senior sister or for some other reason.

She felt that her image had really collapsed in front of this kid. She was obviously very good-tempered, but how many times had she gone berserk just because of him today?

"Really, you are too much of a fool. Forcibly overdrawing chakra like this will cause great harm to the body!

This is not as simple as not being able to use chakra today. You are also a medical ninja. Don't you know that this injury to the body is permanent?"

"What can I do? I can't just watch you, sister Shizune, being eaten by a tiger, right?"

"Well, then I can't do that. I have a way to run away."

"How should I know? If I can't run away, I will lose another close person."

Shizune was silent for a while.

Yes, this child has no other relatives for a long time.

So, as a senior sister, have I become his closest person?

Shizune's eyes were red with emotion. She walked to Kimura Takuya and let him lie on her lap. She wanted to use medical ninjutsu to relieve his headache.

The kind that cannot be refused.

Kimura Takuya was confused. He was suddenly pressed on his head and lapped for no reason?

He just didn't bother to argue with Shizune and made up an excuse.

Was he taken seriously?

However, it doesn't hurt to take it seriously.

Hmm, it smells really good.

Kimura Takuya, who was enjoying Shizune's lap, had nothing to do and couldn't move casually, so he had to observe the tiger king in his mind.

"Hmm? Where is it? Why does it look like a base?"

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