Late at night.

Kimura Takuya left.

He went to the starry sky alone.

The people of Santen Castle were still immersed in the victory carnival of regaining the earth.

Only the women in the secretary's room of the city lord's mansion got the news from Kaguya, and looked at the starry sky and prayed for Kimura Takuya.

Kimura Takuya didn't even bring Kaguya with him, which showed that they couldn't help in this battle.

So the only thing she could do was pray, but she didn't know what gods could help.

After all, the ghosts and gods in the earth's ninja world had long been dealt with by Kimura Takuya.

But now if they don't pray, what can they do?

Tsunade felt a little depressed, clapped her hands to attract everyone's attention and said.

"Okay, everyone, wait for good news. After all, that kid has never done anything he is not sure of since his debut.

He has fulfilled all his promises, hasn't he?

This time he said there is a way, then there must be one, I believe he will not act on impulse.

After all, he was able to take us to hide in the other dimension before. If he couldn't deal with the Otsutsuki high-level officials, he would not let us stay on Earth, and would definitely let us hide in the other dimension.

So I can be sure that he must be sure to solve the problem."

"Yes, Takuya can do it! But Master, why are you still calling Takuya that kid now?"

Shizune questioned Tsunade's address with a smirk.

Ino on the side also had a playful smile on her face and echoed.

"Yes, yes! Master, don't you know whether Takuya is small or not?"

Tsunade blushed instantly, but she did not show any weakness in her shame and anger.

"You two know it, and you still ask me?"

Tiantian was in a state of confusion, and was shocked in her heart.

What's going on? Am I not the only one who knows Takuya's size?

Yakumo and Sasame blushed when they heard the seniors' explicit words, and dared not interrupt and say anything more.

Yekura, Yuzuki, and Mei Terumi smiled at each other, blinked their eyes and said nothing.

Fu didn't care at all, and pulled Yuhuo aside carelessly.

She said that they lost the last time they played poker with Takuya, and this time when Takuya comes back, they must win back.

They can't let Takuya bully them anymore, there are obviously two of them, they should bully Takuya together.

What else can't fight alone anymore, they should attack together, so that they can defeat Takuya.

Yuhuo was shocked and quickly reached out to cover Fu's mouth.

"Shh, how can you say such a thing so loudly!"

"Well! So what, everyone here has fought with Takuya... Well!"

Yuhuo's hand clenched even harder, but the field was quiet.

Turning around, he saw everyone looking at him with reproach, and the girls blushed.

He secretly scolded Kimura Takuye in his heart.

Pah! This scumbag is having too much fun!

If Kimura Takuye could hear the girls' voices.

He would just shake his head and say.

"I've said it, I want it all!"

If he said this in front of the girls, he would be attacked by them immediately.

Unfortunately, Kimura Takuye didn't know it now.


In the starry sky.

The galaxy where an unknown planet is located.

Kimura Takuye's figure stood proudly in the space.

Ah, ah, ah...

"Fuck, what's going on? He sneezed thirteen times in a row!"

Kimura Takuye shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

The dragonfly wings that had not been used for a long time behind him.

He stretched out the chakra thread and captured an asteroid.

His face turned cold and he looked at the unknown planet under his feet.

This unknown planet is the terminal for Long Shi, the transporter, to deliver the fruit of the sacred tree and chakra pills.

The Otsutsuki high-level who controls this star region is on it!

"Since I'm here, how can I come empty-handed? I'll give you a small gift first."

Kimura Takuya muttered to himself, with a sneer on his lips.

He raised his hand and waved.

He didn't touch the asteroid.

The asteroid suddenly accelerated to a very fast speed and crashed into the planet under his feet.

After the asteroid approached the gravitational range of the planet, its speed was getting faster and faster!

After entering the atmosphere, the bottom of the asteroid rubbed out huge heat and released bright light.

And the people on this planet also reacted.

This asteroid that suddenly attacked was not simple.

This asteroid seemed to have eyes, and it went straight to the huge palace in the center of the planet's continent.

"How brave! You dare to attack us actively?!"

Obviously, the lord of this planet guessed the origin of Kimura Takuya.

A space portal suddenly appeared on the attack track of the asteroid.

Without any surprise, the asteroid was teleported into an unknown space.

Then a long-haired man who looked like an ordinary earthling appeared not far in front of Kimura Takuya.


The long-haired man just opened his mouth, but Kimura Takuya didn't give him a chance to open his mouth and launched a nuclear fusion energy shock.

But the long-haired man easily dodged it, and he was not angry at Kimura Takuya's sudden attack.

He just smiled and made a sound by vibrating the space with energy.

"If you only have this ability, I'm afraid it's not enough to defeat me, right?

Let me introduce myself, I am the owner of this star area.

Otsutsuki Zero.

Which planet are you native to? With your strength, you are qualified, let me remember your name. "

Type Zero's tone was calm, but his tone was so aggressive.

Takuno Kimura wrinkled his nose and said that he also vibrated the space with energy.

"It's really annoying. Why do you Otsutsuki clan smell like this?

Don’t you know that people who don’t speak well will die? "


Zero laughed suddenly, as if a human saw a bug that dared to show its teeth and claws at him, without any discomfort at being threatened.

I simply think this insect is very interesting.

"How many years has it been? The last time was tens of thousands of years ago, on this planet.

One native said he was a god. "

Sub-Zero curled his lips as he spoke and continued disdainfully.

"God? Haha, he is just a little reptile who has mastered some energy utilization skills.

How dare he call himself God? What do you think he is doing now? "

"I gave him the power of the Otsutsuki clan and allowed him to live until now, but he lived until now as my little pet.

He has been my dog ​​for tens of thousands of years! "

Type Zero asked and answered himself, paying no attention to Kimura Takuno in front of him.

Then he waved to the planet behind him.

Suddenly there was a giant on the planet, and he kicked off and flew into space.

The giant has a majestic appearance, a golden crown on his head, a hundred meters tall and covered in golden armor.

He looks good, and his aura is even more powerful than Kaguya, who has achieved a high level!

It is indeed understandable that such a strong man calls himself a god.

But after this giant came into space.

Just in this void, he knelt down on his knees, making an appearance of lying on all fours, and crawled under the void to get to Type Zero.

He gently used his huge head as a stepping stone to rest on Zero's feet.

The crown that was previously on the giant's head now looks like a huge throne.


Type Zero retreated slightly and sat on the crown above the giant's head.

This crown is really the Type-0 throne!

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