In the unknown space, Kimura Takuya's superposition state was almost broken.

"49%! Are you okay?"

Finally, Dr. Kimura excitedly replied with a confirmation message.

"Okay! I finally solved the secret of the God of Otsutsuki!"

"Okay! Let's start!"

Dr. Kimura instantly sent the realm of the God of Otsutsuki that he analyzed to Kimura Takuya through soul connection.

Then the doctor assisted Kimura Takuya's consciousness resonance.

Relying on the connection of all Kimura Takuya's dragon bars, one in series.

Dr. Kimura connected to Kimura Takuya, and Kimura Takuya connected to the dragon bar he placed.

Instantly, Kimura Takuya's souls on all timelines were connected together.

And then all were adjusted to the same frequency, and then all Kimura Takuya's souls inevitably merged together across time and space.

Kimura Takuya wanted to maintain the consciousness of others, but at this time he found that this was simply impossible!

He was deceived!

When the souls merge, the consciousness of other people cannot be preserved at all.

However, Dr. Kimura did what he said.

With Kimura Takuye's consciousness as the main one, even his own consciousness was involved!

At the last moment of the soul fusion, Kimura Takuye said to Dr. Kimura.

"What about this? Even you are involved, don't you want to take revenge yourself?

And we are only dealing with Otsutsuki Tenshiki in my timeline now.

Your enemy is still in your own timeline, right? Do you just believe that I will avenge you?"

Dr. Kimura smiled and told the truth.

"Although our state is simulating Tenshiki's Otsutsuki God realm.

But it is different from the state of their Otsutsuki devouring each other.

We are originally one!

So no matter whose consciousness is the main one during the fusion.

The last person will still be Kimura Takuye!

There is only one Kimura Takuye in this world!

Hahaha! So, my hatred and other people's hatred are actually the same, they are all our hatred! They are all your hatred!"

Kimura Takuye was stunned when he heard it, so that's it.

They were originally one, so after the fusion, how can there be a distinction between the primary and the secondary?

I was short-sighted before and let the doctor trick me, but now it is impossible to regret it.

Because the fusion of souls has ended!

In an unknown space.

Kimura Takuya, who was being beaten by Tianshi with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

Tianshi was startled and was about to speak.

But before he could speak, Kimura Takuya shook his hand.

He actually held Tianshi in his hand.

He really held it in his hand!

Because Tianshi, the moment Kimura Takuya stretched out his hand, his body became smaller uncontrollably!

Then he was held in Kimura Takuya's hand uncontrollably.

Tianshi stood on Kimura Takuya's palm, feeling terrified.

"How is it possible? How can you break through my speed? How can you make me powerless to resist?

What kind of power is this? What's going on?

Your aura has not changed at all.

No! Your aura even makes me feel like you are just an ordinary person!

What's wrong with you? What kind of power is this?!"

Kimura Takuye looked at the shrunken Tenshiki in his hand, and felt like he was reading a comic book in his previous life.

Aren't the characters in the comic book just this small one held in his hand?

Kimura Takuye held Tenshiki in one hand, and drew a small cuboid in the void with the other hand.

Then the small cuboid turned into a white eraser!

Tenshiki was even more shocked when he saw this scene.

With his current realm of the God of Otsutsuki, he could see at a glance that Kimura Takuye's move was very unusual!

"Void Creation? This is a Void Creation? There is no energy fluctuation, and it is not energy converted into matter!

This is a real Void Creation? Who are you?"

However, Kimura Takuye turned a deaf ear to Tenshiki's shock.

He just took the eraser and rubbed it on Tenshiki's body.

And Tenshiki, who originally had some infinite quantum superposition states.

It was like a pencil drawing being erased, and it was really erased bit by bit with the movement of Kimura Takuye's hand!

All his superposition states on all timelines were erased!

Tenshiki was really gone!

Whether it was the body or the soul.

Or the Tenshiki who defeated Dr. Kimura in other timelines, or the Tenshiki in those timelines where Dr. Kimura's experiments failed.

All the Otsutsuki Tenshiki at all time nodes disappeared directly under Kimura Takuye's eraser!

Even in this world, the concept of Otsutsuki Tenshiki also disappeared!

All Kimura Takuye and Tenshiki, whether they had blood feuds or not, were avenged.

Then, Kimura Takuye's body fell down!

After his soul fusion was successful, he recovered to the same level of "God of Creation".

This body was obviously unable to carry his soul.

So, Kimura Takuye's soul left his body because of this.

After his soul left his body, Kimura Takuya felt that his vision instantly saw through everything.

Everything in this world turned into a flat comic book.

Kimura Takuya's vision saw beyond the comic book.

That's the reality!

As long as I pass through the comic book industry, I can go back!

In the fused consciousness, there are countless Kimura Takuya who actually thought about going back to reality.

But most of them gave up because they had no way.

Now these consciousnesses that want to go back have worked again.

So Kimura Takuya's soul slowly floated upwards, as if it was about to float out of the comic book industry and into the real world.

He looked back at the ninja world.

He saw through all the barriers of space and saw the people of Santenjo who were scattered in the eight star regions to cleanse the descendants of Otsutsuki.

He saw the people left behind in Santenjo who were instantly transferred to the Kamui space for refuge.

He saw Ino, Tsunade, Shizune, Tenten, Yakumo, Fishing Fire, Sasame, Dragonfly, Fu, Ye Cang, Yuzuki, Mei Terumi, and Kaguya.

Kimura Takuya's consciousness was instantly awakened, and the memories of others wanted to go back.

But he didn't want to go back!

Then more memories also awakened, they were all the memories of Kimura Takuya who didn't want to go back.

So the two memories began to pull each other.

Kimura Takuya's soul was in the air, swaying back and forth.

Sometimes he wanted to leave, sometimes he wanted to stay.

After a long stalemate, Kimura Takuya's soul could no longer hold on.

Bang, it exploded!

It turned into countless light spots, some of which went outside the comic book industry.

Some of them returned to Kimura Takuya who didn't want to leave in each timeline.

One of the light spots slowly landed on Kimura Takuya's body on the ground.

Not long after.

Kimura Takuya on the ground woke up slowly.

"Hmm! Hmm?? Why did I sleep here? What is this place? An unknown space?

Why am I here?

Oh no! I'm still dealing with the enemies attacking the Earth!

Someone just launched a laser wave attack on the Earth.

The Moon is not as thick as this laser wave.

If it hits, my Earth will be gone!

By the way, who was that person? Why did I seem to remember who he was, but forgot it again?

Forget it, don't think about it, go back quickly!

It's too late, Kaguya and the others will be anxious!"

Kimura Takuya returned to the main universe.

The enemies, big and small, had long disappeared.

It was strange, but there was no direction to chase them.

So he picked up the people who had been sent to the Kamui space to hide.

A few months later, Santenjo Castle completely cleaned up the eight star regions.

Still did not find the missing Otsutsuki high-level personnel.

Kimura Takuya followed them.

But because there was no trace of other high-level personnel.

The location of the bottom Otsutsuki in the other 100 star regions has lost its trace and cannot be directly teleported to.

So, in order to completely annihilate the Otsutsuki clan.

Santenjo City sent an expeditionary force, directly using space technology and a batch of newly manufactured starships to teleport and sail in space.

Expedition to those star regions without space coordinates.

After that, the Santenjo City expeditionary force spent thousands of years.

Before completely taking over the territory where the Otsutsuki were located, and the remnants of the Otsutsuki clan still popped out from various unknown alien spaces from time to time to cause trouble for Santenjo City.

But at that time, there were only two or three big cats and kittens left in the Otsutsuki clan.

It can only be a graduation task for elementary school graduates in Santenjo City.

Junior high school students disdain to accept such tasks, let alone high school students and college students.

Their target is placed on other races in the Milky Way.

Because of the dragon blood warriors, Santenjo City is naturally hated by the Shenlong clan.

They believe that the people of Santenjo City have tainted the blood of the Shenlong clan.

Not only that, the other two tribes in the Milky Way.

The Asura tribe and the Ghost tribe, because they were at odds with the Dragon Tribe, they also hated the Three Heavens City as soon as they saw the Dragon Blood Warriors of the Three Heavens City.

In addition, the Three Heavens City over-exploited the alien space.

Some terrifying races in the alien space were also provoked.

There were also strong men from other galaxies who wanted to conquer the Milky Way.

They landed in the Milky Way from the sphere of influence of the Three Heavens City, and the first battle was fought on the mother planet of the Three Heavens City.

In short, the situation of the Three Heavens City can be said to be full of dangers.

However, under the leadership of Kimura Takuye and his descendants, they became stronger and stronger, and their foundation became deeper and deeper.

Finally, they embarked on the road of hegemony among all races in the universe.

(The end of the play)

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