Konoha's secret base.

This has become the base of the Spark Club. Kimura Takuno used earth escape to re-hide the passage. You must use earth escape to get in and out.

At this moment, Kimura Takuno was inside the base, observing Orochimaru and Scorpion.

At this point in time, Orochimaru has not yet quit the Akatsuki organization and is still teaming up with Scorpion.

In the early days, the Akatsuki organization had always been very low-key, and its members only traveled around collecting information about major ninja villages.

He is not causing trouble everywhere, he is still in the obscene stage of development.

Occasionally there are some war missions, but none of them directly confront the five major powers.

This is very smart. After all, even if all the members are super shadow-level, there are too few core members, and most of them are guys with evil intentions like Orochimaru.

Even Itachi is undercover.

Really speaking, I'm afraid only Nagato, Konan, and Kisame are the ones who really work for the organization.

Others are either evil or funny.

This group of people is always a risk factor, and Kimura Takuno wants to take this opportunity to see if he can get his hands into the Akatsuki organization.

"First add some ingredients to them and let these two people work for me, hehe."

Immediately, Kimura Takuno controlled the soul energy in Danzo's body, released negative energy, and attached it to the interface between Danzo's head and the pig's body.

In this way, when these two people find out, they will think that this negative energy is the key.

At that time, not only would they be unable to crack their own healing ninjutsu, but their research results would also be harvested.

Kimura Takuno is quite confident in his flesh and blood generation technique and is not afraid of being cracked by these two people.

Because he tried to teach this ninjutsu to Shizune, but he couldn't learn it with Shizune's talent.

After Tsunade heard about it, she also came to study, but in the end, even Tsunade failed to learn it.

Neither of them could even learn the art of real transformation, let alone the art of flesh-and-blood regeneration on others.

Both of them know the principle well, but that doesn't mean they can learn it.

Kimura Takuno guessed that it might be related to his ability.

Perhaps the essence of this technique is actually to mobilize the immortality of one's own soul.

This resulted in both of them being unable to learn.

Therefore, Orochimaru and Scorpion are destined to work in vain for Kimura Takuno.

But maybe with Orochimaru's genius, he might be able to make some other discoveries, but those are destined to be Kimura Takuno's!

A certain old man stopped paying attention to Orochimaru and began to concentrate on his own affairs.

Although his current strength has exceeded the average shadow level.

But it can't surpass the Sannin, and it can only be a tie at most.

What's more, each of the three ninjas has their own secret skills. Once they fight hard, it's not clear who will win in the end.

Although this strength is already commendable.

But it's not enough. In front of a truly strong person, he still looks like a child.

The current problem is still the amount of chakra.

Although he has carved the Yin Seal, the Yin Seal does not increase the upper limit of chakra, but only stores the usual excess chakra.

Tsunade once said that this technique must be stored for at least three years before it can be used.

Only in this way can the chakra in the Yin Seal stabilize. Otherwise, if you use it in advance, it will dissipate instantly and all your efforts will be wasted.

The accumulation of more than half a month is obviously impossible to use.

And absorbing other people's chakra cannot increase your own mana limit.

It's useless to inhale it. It can only be used when the blue is empty. It's okay to inhale it.

When I first discovered that the Reversal Rasengan could absorb other people's chakra.

Kimura Takuno was so excited that he thought he could be like Beiming's magic star-absorbing technique.

It turns out that in the ninja world, the human body itself has an upper limit on the amount of chakra it can store.

Most people's blue bars are of a fixed length, and you can't save them no matter how much you absorb other people's chakra.

And even if you want to store it in the Yin Seal, it won't work. Different people's chakras have different properties and cannot be fused at all.

Even if chakras appear to have the same attributes, there will still be subtle personal differences, which makes them unable to fuse like blood of the same blood type.

When Kimura Takuno absorbs other people's chakra and uses it, he also has to use it separately from his own.

Just like when a jinchuriki uses tailed beast chakra, he usually doesn't use his own chakra.

Therefore, wanting to practice Beiming Shen Gong in the ninja world is simply overthinking.

Not only did Kimura Takuno think too much, Orochimaru also thought too much.

In the original Chunin Exam, wasn't there a sidekick who fought against Sasuke?

The second pillar's chakra absorption technique almost sucked the second pillar dry, so he forced the second pillar to use the power of the curse seal.

The extras were the people in Kabuto's team, Orochimaru's people, and the fat man among the four sound ninjas, who almost sucked the Shikamaru team dry who was chasing Sasuke.

"It seems that Orochimaru has also faced the predicament I am in now.

No wonder the supporting character in the original novel is just a supporting character. No matter how good you are at being an ordinary person, you are still an ordinary person.

As for Jirobo, the fat man with orange hair among the four sound ninjas who could attract a group of people, he seemed to be from the Uzumaki clan, otherwise he wouldn't be able to attract a group of people.

So Orochimaru's last resort is to abandon the human body of ordinary people?

Reincarnation without corpse, is this technique not only used to live forever, but also used to increase the amount of chakra? "

Kimura Takuno suddenly felt a little discouraged when he thought of this.

Orochimaru has encountered all the problems he encountered in his relationship, and he has not been able to truly solve them.

Whether it's a blood disease or a problem with the amount of chakra.

But Kimura Takuno only sighed slightly and regained his confidence.

"If Orochimaru can't solve the problem, I, Kimura Takuno, may not be unable to solve it!"

This is not bragging, nor is it the blind confidence of a time traveler.

But he has found a way.

Whether it is a blood disease or a problem with the amount of chakra.

He has an idea.

It's just a little difficult, and there are too many problems he wants to solve.

There are far more than these two problems.

"There's not enough time, forget it, let's use multiple shadow clones."

Kimura Takuno raised his hand and split out more than a dozen shadow clones.

I just used it before, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

Twice a day is enough, and I have to use it once more.

Kimura Takuno has a little liver pain. The side effects of long-term use of shadow clones for training and research are not only headaches, but also the huge amount of information written into the soul, which causes soul pressure.

With his current soul strength, it's actually a bit uncomfortable.

But you have to endure the discomfort. If you want too many things, you have to work harder, right?

"Takuno, many people in the Root have joined the fifth generation of Anbu before. Should we join too?"

"Tell everyone that they don't need to ask me. If they want to join the Anbu, they can join. If they don't want to join, their status will be changed to white.

Like the remaining Root members who haven't joined, be a leading jonin.

Spread the ideas of our Spark Club widely, so as to completely change the ideas of Konoha ninjas."

The ideas of the Spark Club are nothing special.

It's just that they add a little bit to the premise of the Will of Fire.

For example, the concept of equality, de-clanization, ninja pragmatism, etc.

It's the best time to start training the Genin who have just finished their ninja school education.

This change is like a spring breeze, extremely subtle and not a radical reformism.

No need for conflict, no need for bloodshed, only time.

I believe that after a few years, the world should become better and better.

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