"Get out of the way!"

Erzhuzi shouted in desperation.

Bang bang bang!

The three kunai shot at Kimura Takuno, but there was no sound of piercing into the flesh and blood.

There was only the dull sound of a hammer hitting the chopping board.

The iron kunai fell to the ground.

It made a tinkling sound.

"Hey, attacking Konoha ninja is an act of treason! It's the same behavior as Itachi Uchiha."

"No, no! Nissan didn't rebel against the village!"

"Huh? You don't believe it, why are you still defending him?"

Seeing Sasuke's confused expression, Kimura Takuno raised his brows and revealed a playful smile, without waiting for the latter to answer.

Turning around and leaving, he turned his back and said to Sasuke behind him.

"The mission has been interrupted. If you want to know anything, come with me. Hokage-sama is busy with work and has no time to coax children."

Then Kimura Takuno's figure flickered a few times and quickly left Erzhu's sight.

Sasuke was about to retort, but was surprised.

So fast!

If he didn't keep up, he would disappear, so he had to follow obediently. However, the person in front of him looked like a mountain in the distance, not far away, but Sasuke couldn't catch up.

In this way, the two came to the Hokage Rock.

"Why did you bring me here? What was the reason for the interruption of the mission?"

"Ah? Before answering this question, kid, do you have to say sorry to me?"

"Shut up! I don't have time to waste with you here, you are not much older than me! Tell me quickly, is that man back? Otherwise I won't be polite anymore!"

"Well, the three fatal attacks are actually being polite? It seems that you are in need of training. Kunake is not used to hurt the ninjas of the same village. Hmph!"

Kimura Takuno snorted coldly and released a trace of his own chakra aura.

Sasuke wanted to take out his kunai and ask.

However, he was frightened by Kimura Takuno's momentum and fell to his knees on the spot.

Momentum, or murderous intent?

The original description is murderous.

But it is actually the coercion generated by chakra intensity, which is the crushing effect of high-level energy on low-level energy.

Orochimaru's murderous aura scared Sasuke to the point of not moving during the chuunin exam, and even scared Kakashi to the point of breaking into a cold sweat.

Kakashi said that he was arrogant and said something that could lead to death with Orochimaru.

This shows that murderous intent is not a psychological feeling, but a real symbol of strength.

Seeing that Sasuke was so frightened that he was about to suffocate, Kimura Takuno chuckled and stopped in time.

"Hey, it's not too late to apologize now. If you dare to run away, I'll kill you kid."

"I'm sorry, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Erzhuzi was so frightened that he apologized and cried loudly.

The way his buttocks were trembling and wanted to run but didn't dare to run was really pitiful to see.

Seeing that the second pillar was almost broken, Kimura Takuno touched his nose.

Shouldn't it?

I really didn't try hard to scare him, it was just a little bit, how could I be so scared?

Erzhuzi isn't that cowardly, right?

After thinking about it, Kimura Takuno felt that he must have been frightened and remembered what happened when he was a child.

Itachi used Tsukuyomi to instill the memories of his clan members and parents being killed into Er Zhuzi, and forced Er Zhuzi to watch it repeatedly for a day and night.

Directly, Sasuke's Sharingan opened his eyes, but he was too young to use it at the time.

So now Sasuke has actually opened his eyes.

But he doesn't know it and doesn't know how to use it.

So, let me help you.

Kimura Takuno made up his mind and reached for Sasuke's head with one hand.


A kunai shot out from a distance.

"You idiot Sasi! Why don't you run away! You asked me to come and save you!"

A young man with yellow hair suddenly appeared.

Seeing that his attack was fruitless, the yellow-haired boy called out to Sasuke but couldn't.

Once again, Kimura Takuno ducked and attacked, taking a few steps back to easily avoid it.

The yellow-haired boy who suddenly came over finally saw Sasuke's expression clearly, and it turned out that he looked helpless and crying.

He was startled in his heart and immediately stood in front of Sasuke.

"Who the hell are you bastard? What did you do to Sasuke?"

"No more! Run, run!"

Sasuke finally recovered from his memories, picked up Naruto and ran away.

But it was a step too late.

Kimura Takuno performed a Silent Silencing Technique and quietly walked between the two of them, hugging both of them with one hand.

"Hey, Uchiha Sasuke, I told you that if you dare to run away, I will kill you, right? Huh?"

Both of them were suppressed by Kimura Takuno's momentum and could not move at all.

Kimura Takuno let go of Sasuke, grabbed Naruto with one hand, and slowly stabbed Naruto with a kunai in the other hand.

"Is this kid your friend? Then kill this kid first to add to the fun!"

"No, no!"

Seeing Sasuke repeatedly shouting for a pulse pressure band, Kimura Takuno smiled evilly and turned around to block the former's view.

He suddenly raised the hand holding the kunai, thrust the kunai at it, and then quickly pulled it away.


Blood splattered like rain.

"No, don't!"

Ignoring the tragic screams from the two pillars behind him, Kimura Takuno suddenly turned his head.

His face was covered with blood, and he stretched out his tongue to lick the blood drops around his mouth.

"It's your turn, Saas!"


Sasuke's frightened pupils dilated and then narrowed rapidly. The bottom of his two eyes changed from black to red, and there was a comma in each one.

Sasuke, who officially opened his Sharingan, spit out a mouthful of blood.

He adjusted his mentality in an instant, bit his tongue, and used the pain to escape from Kimura Takuya's pressure.


Sasuke took out a kunai and chopped at Kimura Takuya, but the latter dodged it with his back turned.

But his attack did not stop, but he used the momentum of the chop to rotate his body and kicked again.

He was dodged again, but the other party took the opportunity to turn to Naruto.

But when Sasuke got here, he was dumbfounded.

He saw Naruto covered his mouth with Kimura Takuya, and his whole body was unharmed.

On the contrary, Kimura Takuya's arm that covered Naruto's mouth was covered with blood.

It turned out that the knife was stabbed into Kimura Takuya's own arm!

Nizhuzi stood there for a long time, looking at Kimura Takuya in disbelief.

But the latter smiled.

"Haha, do you understand? Kid, sometimes what you see is not the truth, but what others want you to see."

Kimura Takuya retracted his momentum and instantly healed the wound on his arm.

But Naruto, who had escaped from the trap, was furious.

"Bakayarō! You lunatic! Why are you treating me like this? I was so scared by your eyes that I couldn't move. How can I be a Hokage in the future! How can I be a Hokage! Qi Ke Xiu!"

"I'll treat you to ramen."

"Huh? I'm Uzumaki Naruto, I'm not someone who can be easily dismissed!"

"No limit."

"Deal! I'm going to Ichiraku to eat!"

"Sasuke, come with me."

Kimura Takuya looked at Sasuke who was thinking about life and invited him too.

"Yes, Sasuke, your eyes are red from crying. Let's go eat ramen together. Ichiraku ramen is super delicious. Whenever I feel unhappy, I will feel happy after eating Ichiraku ramen!"

Although Naruto didn't quite understand what was going on, the man in front of him didn't hurt himself and Sasuke, and seemed to be comforting Sasuke, and invited him to eat ramen.

Then he is definitely not a bad person.

To be honest, he has wanted to make friends with Sasuke for a long time, when he knew about the Uchiha family's massacre.

In addition to sympathy for the victims, there was actually a trace of happiness in his heart.

Naruto knew that this was wrong, but he was a little happy, happy that he finally had someone like him in the ninja school.

He wanted to get close to Sasuke, but Sasuke was the first in everything and was always the focus of others, which made him stay away.

Today, he actually had a chance, and he also wanted to get close to Sasuke.

Sasuke's eyes flashed, and he followed silently without refusing.

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