Konoha Hospital.

After Kimura Takuye took some blood from Itachi for testing.

"Itachi, given your physical condition, I'm afraid you won't live for five years."

"What? Itachi can't live for five years?"

Itachi knew what was going on and his expression was normal.

But Hoshigaki Kisame, who came with him, was shocked.

"Mr. Itachi, no wonder you asked me to protect your brother at that time. I didn't expect that even if you could escape in the end, you wouldn't live long. So you are entrusting your orphan to me?

Don't worry, Mr. Itachi, I will take good care of your brother. From today on, your brother is my brother, so don't worry!"

Hoshigaki Kisame's tears fell instantly.

Is this the feeling of being trusted?

So touching!

Itachi looked at Kisame's performance and felt that he was a little too strong at that time?

Did the god of the gods use it too hard?

How did Kisame become so sentimental?

I still have five years left?

I'm not dead yet!

How can you go with peace of mind?

Kimura Takuye continued.

"Although it's less than five years, I have a way."


Kisame Hoshigaki, who is 1.95 meters tall and almost 2 meters tall when wearing shoes, cried bitterly.

After listening to Kimura Takuya's words, he stood there for a while and said.

"There is a way? Why didn't you say it earlier? You made me cry for a long time!"

"You didn't ask, right? Okay, no more nonsense. I will help you install your eyes first, and then help you heal your body."

Although Kimura Takuya's words were a bit strange, Itachi accepted it.

In the Sharingan taken back from the Hokage, Itachi immediately found Shisui's eyes.

Only this eye was the same as the one he installed in his eye socket, the same dim light, as if the core pupil power was also exhausted.

Sure enough, did Danzo use it too?

Fortunately, it has been successfully recovered.

Itachi's original intention was to destroy Shisui's eyes.

But now Itachi has returned to Konoha and wants to revitalize the Uchiha clan.

Originally, he only had one eye left, and his vision was getting worse.

So Itachi thought about leaving his eye to Sasuke so that Sasuke could open the Eternal Mangekyō.

And now, by chance, after transplanting Shisui's eye, he actually opened the Eternal Mangekyō.

In this case, why not inherit Shisui's eye completely.

"Hold on."


Kimura Takuya was quick and removed Itachi's blind eyeball with one hand.

He didn't even use anesthesia.

Itachi was also a ruthless person. He didn't move at all. He had done it himself before, so it would be the same for others.

Itachi even felt that someone suddenly attacked him and he hadn't reacted before his eyeball was gone. This was much more comfortable than taking it out himself.

With a snap.

Takuya put the new eyeball in, and Itachi didn't wait for Takuya to make a move, and connected the eye with his own Yang Release Chakra.

But before Itachi could connect it.


Kimura Takuya took it off again!


"Sorry, I put it in the wrong way."

Takuya Kimura calmly wiped the eyeball in his hand with saline and continued.

"One more time, don't heal it yourself. Otherwise, you have to do it again if it's crooked. The one you put in is a little slanted. I'll help you adjust it later."


Itachi was expressionless and speechless. Now he seriously doubted the authenticity of Kimura Takuya's resume.

What terminal illness can be cured?

What dying wounded can be cured in minutes?

Can you put an eye in the wrong way?

And you say I put it in the wrong way?

I can do it with my eyes closed, so I, Uchiha Itachi, can do it!

Itachi tilted his head and looked straight at the person in front of him.

"Don't move! Turn your head around."


After a while, Takuya fixed Itachi's eyes again.

This time Itachi learned his lesson and didn't heal himself, but let Takuya pull the eyeball in the eye socket and spin it around.

Finally, it was fixed, and the other crooked one was also straightened.

He also adjusted the distance between the pupils of both eyes and other things.

"It's done. The next thing is the simplest thing, to restore your physical condition."


Itachi's face was full of question marks again. Even Tsunade-sama couldn't cure the blood disease.

I believed you if you said you could cure it, but you spent so much time fixing my eyes.

Then you said my physical condition was the simplest thing?

Why can't I believe it?

"Stretch out your hand."

Takuye asked Itachi to stretch out his hand, and at the same time he stretched out his hand and cut his palm with a kunai.

Then, in Itachi's puzzled eyes, he also cut Itachi's hand.

Then Takuye connected his wound with Itachi's wound.

The real transformation technique was performed.

The wounds of the two were connected together, and they were one!

Itachi was shocked!

After all the work, you actually want to merge with me?

Takuye rolled his eyes. Now the two bodies are connected, and they can be said to be one.

Kimura Takuya knew Itachi's thoughts in an instant.

Who would have thought that Itachi, who looked like a man of few words, was actually a reserved man?

No, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!

Itachi looked horrified. How could Kimura Takuya know his thoughts directly?

The heart net is not open?

The heart net is not open, but now we are two souls in one body, don't bother me with your random thoughts!

. . .

The art of blood and flesh replacement, Kimura Takuye released it on himself, which can be regarded as actively calling up his own immortality.

So it can be used without consuming blood and flesh.

When used on others, it is performed in the body of another person.

So it can only use immortality as a trigger, and then call other cells to replace or fill the dead cells.

This also leads to the fact that this technique may not be used in the absence of homologous cells.

Either the fat cells of the recipient are used, or the hair, if there is none, it can only dissolve a little muscle.

So before, when Kimura Takuye treated patients in the hospital, he would let them eat high-calorie foods and gain weight before performing the technique.

Or if it was too late, he could only dissolve the muscles first to save their lives, and then perform the technique again to restore their muscles after gaining weight.

So many times after Kimura Takuye performed the technique, the already thin patients turned directly into skin and bones.

The frightened family members thought that Kimura Takuye was sucking the blood and flesh of the patients.

And through the connection of blood and flesh, the effect of two souls in one body is achieved.

In this way, the patient's body is also considered to be Takuye's body.

At this time, using the Flesh and Blood Substitution Technique again is equivalent to using it on yourself.

This way, you don't have to consume flesh and blood.

But Kimura Takuno guessed that this might consume his own soul energy.

But this is just a guess. When he used it on himself before, he didn't feel that his soul energy was consumed.

When he "installed surveillance" on others, he clearly felt the reduction of soul energy.

So except for important people, he didn't put soul energy on everyone.

This is also the first time that the Flesh and Blood Substitution Technique is used in this way.

So it's possible, but not certain.

"Flesh and Blood Substitution Technique!"

Kimura Takuno closed his eyes and performed the technique.

Itachi only felt that his body was enveloped by a powerful soul.

After that, his body recovered miraculously!

Completely recovered!

And the speed was so fast that it recovered almost as soon as Kimura Takuno finished speaking.

It's incredible!

Is this a miracle?

Yes, please call me miracle boy.

Kimura Takuno answered Itachi's question in his mind.

Without waiting for his reply, he cut the connection between their palms.

Then he used the palm magic to heal the wounds on their hands.

"Okay, it's done."

"Is that it? It took you a long time to treat an eye just now? Now you're treating the whole body. Shake hands and shout again and it'll be cured?"

Kisame was waiting to see how Kimura Takuya would perform against all odds and treat the terminal illness that Tsunade, the first divine doctor in the ninja world, couldn't cure.

And it ended like this?

Are you kidding me?

"It's not completely cured. It only cured the current body. The same symptoms will appear later. There is no way to completely solve it for the time being, but you can just treat it again when the time comes."

Kimura Takuya was very satisfied with this experiment because the previous guess was inaccurate.

After connecting with the flesh and blood of others, using the flesh and blood replacement technique, there is no consumption at all.

This result made him happy, but he was also a little confused. Why didn't his soul energy consume when he used it himself?

This is not scientific.

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