At the entrance of the underground palace of Otogakure.

At this moment, everyone in Konoha is lying in ambush at a distance around the entrance of the underground palace.

It is still uncertain what the strength of Otogakure is at this moment.

So Takuya did not attack rashly, but just lay in ambush around the entrance of the underground palace with everyone, and the sensing ninja was sensing the situation of the ninja inside the underground palace.

But a thin ninja wearing a hood and orange hair suddenly rushed to the entrance of the underground palace.

But he was easily caught by the trap on the ground.

Hanged in the air.

Immediately, three figures appeared.

"You really don't know how to live or die. Lord Orochimaru is fusing his body. At this time, I want to see who dares to disturb him?"

One person stepped forward and took off the hood of the thin ninja.

But he didn't expect to tear apart his long hair. The thin ninja turned out to be a cute girl with purple eyes and orange hair.


"Hakiri, Tomako, and Earth Spider? Where's Brother Arashi? Where did he go?"

Sasame, who was not strong enough, was hanging upside down in the air. After a while, her pretty face began to turn red.

But even so, she still questioned the three people in front of her regardless of her own safety.

These three people are from the same clan as Sasame, and they are all members of the Fuma clan.

But the purpose of her trip was another person.

Fuma Arashi, a young talent of the Fuma clan.

Fuma Sasame's cousin.

A few days ago, some tribesmen said that they finally got in touch with a certain adult and obtained the qualification to join the Sound Village.

As long as they bring the genius of the Fuma clan to join, that adult will help the Fuma clan revive!

So the three people in front of him and another female ninja, together with Sasame's brother Arashi, joined the Sound Village.

Sasame thought about it and always felt that something was wrong.

After all, that sir is Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas of Konoha, and he is also an S-level rebel ninja of Konoha Village.

When that sir first came to the Land of Fields and established the Sound Village, he didn't look down on the people of the Fuma clan.

This time, he suddenly accepted the Fuma clan and even named Brother Arashi to go. It's not right no matter how you think about it, right?

It is rumored that the sir became a rebel ninja when he was in Konoha, and he was caught by someone and became a rebel ninja.

If ninjas from the same village can be used for experiments, what about other people?

This time, he suddenly named Brother Arashi. Is he going to use him as an experimental subject for some experiments?

So Sasame stood up.

For Arashi, the brother who protected her since childhood.

This time, Sasame felt that it was her turn to protect her brother.

This is the scene of Sasame breaking into the Sound Village alone.

"Orochimaru needs Arashi's body, and Arashi volunteered to sacrifice himself. Therefore, Orochimaru also promised us that he would help our Fuma clan revive again!"

"Impossible! What kind of revival requires the sacrifice of companions? I want to ask Brother Arashi in person!"

"Whether you believe it or not, you can't go in. I'll let you go for the sake of our clan. Don't be ungrateful."

The male ninja named Hachiri waved the scissors-like weapon in his hand.

He put Sasame down.

He told her to leave here sternly, and if she dared to come again, he would kill her.

Sasame had no choice but to compromise, but judging from her eyes, she hadn't given up yet.

She limped away from here.

Then she hid in an abandoned temple.

She treated her ankle that was strangled by the trap alone, but she didn't have any herbal wine for bruises.

She had to pick some herbs she knew outside, crushed them and applied them randomly to the injured area.

But it was obvious that the girl had not learned to identify wild herbs. She just recognized that it was an herb, but she didn't know that the herb was not suitable for the disease.

"That is Imperata cylindrica, which is used to treat blood in stool, and the medicinal part is not the leaves, but the rhizome."

"Who is there!"

A young ninja walked down from the roof.

Sasame saw that it was a ninja and quickly grabbed the kunai.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Don't be nervous, my name is Kimura Takuno, and I'm a medical ninja. I just want to tell you that Imperata cylindrica can't cure athlete's foot."

"Who wants to cure athlete's foot! You have athlete's foot, and your whole family has athlete's foot!"

"Oh? Then you don't want to use that to treat strangulation, right? You don't know that herb, right? Hahaha!"

"Buzzword! Don't bother with it!"


The orange-haired girl threw the kunai in anger.

But her strength was really sparse, and Kimura Takuno clamped the kunai thrown by the girl with two fingers.

"Little friend, throwing kunai at ninjas will kill them as enemies."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Several kunai were fired at once.


Sasame, who thought she was killed, screamed, but found that she was not injured.

It turned out that those kunai just nailed her to the wooden floor along the edge of her clothes.

When the girl came to her senses.

She saw that the young ninja who called himself Kimura Takuno was using medical ninjutsu to treat her injuries.

After a while, the bruises disappeared.

Sasame also felt that his ankle could move.

It's amazing, he looks the same age as me, right?

He can actually master medical ninjutsu that even adult ninjas may not be able to master.

"You, who are you?"

"Haha, I'm a ninja from Konoha. I'm here to hunt down Orochimaru. You seem to know some information about the Sound Village. Can you tell me?"

"Don't joke, although you are powerful, you look like just a medical ninja. You actually want to hunt down that adult? Do you know that adult is an S-rank traitor? Is Konoha Ninja Village so cruel? They actually send Genin to die?"

After hearing Takuya's real purpose, Sasame was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth for a long time.

I just felt that the ninja world was indeed full of darkness, and even the five major ninja villages could not avoid it.

And Kimura Takuya just touched his nose and said jokingly.

"You can't say it's sending you to die, right? Although I'm just a Genin, I'm super powerful."

"How powerful can a Genin be? There are three Jonins guarding the entrance to the underground palace of Otogakure! I advise you not to go there. Those three are elite Jonins of my Fuma clan. They let me go because they see that I am of the same clan. If you go there and get caught, you will definitely be killed."

After hearing what the girl said, the Konoha Anbu in the dark shook their shoulders.

It was quite hard for the ninja.

"Hahaha! Sorry, I've received professional training and I don't usually laugh like this."

Oda Lang walked out from the dark, holding his stomach and laughing so hard that his hands became leopard claws.

Seeing this, the others no longer hid and appeared behind Kimura Takuya.

"How is it, now you don't have to worry about me being caught, right?"

"Why are there so many people?"

Sasame exclaimed again, and then she finally told Kimura Takuya all the information she knew.

"The Five Sound Ninjas? Haha, there may be other ninjas among them?"

"Yes, in addition to the people of the Fuma clan, there are people from other ninja clans, and some wandering ninjas."

"Takuya, let's talk about these things later, it seems that there are a few "friends" outside!"

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