Resurrecting people as soon as they see them, you call this medical ninjutsu

Chapter 8 The possibility of self-realization of immortal arts

Compared to Orochimaru, Kimura Takuno's situation is much better.

He felt that his soul was not injured during the crossing, but was strengthened.

So Kimura Takuno felt that it should not be difficult for him to practice immortal arts.

The difficult part is to realize immortal arts by himself, that is, to develop his own immortal mode.

This first requires all the cells in his body to deposit a sufficient amount of natural energy.

Then after reconciliation, he can reach his own balance point.

The introduction of immortal chakra in the original work is a 1:1:1 balance between spiritual energy, cell strength and natural energy.

However, the balance points of the three holy places are actually different. The ratio is roughly three-point, but each should have some fine-tuning.

This kind of fine-tuning after the decimal point is actually the most difficult. If you don't pay attention, you will lose control.

The result of losing control is that it is assimilated into various monsters by natural energy.

On the dissection table, the frog has been perfectly dissected.

"Frog No. 172 sample is less affected by natural energy than before, and the sample itself is younger. It is consistent with the previous conclusion. The number of samples is sufficient, and we can try the first step of fairy training."

The first step: transform the skin to greatly improve the skin's breathing ability.

The second step: try to synthesize fairy chakra in a small range, and the fairy mode can be selectively turned on for a short time.

The third step: convert the whole body chakra into fairy chakra, and the fairy mode can be turned on normally.

At the second step, it can be said that the fairy mode has been successfully cultivated.

The third step is the most ideal form of the fairy mode, which is the state of the three great sages and the later Kabuto Yakushi.

The first step is very simple-transformation.

This is a basic ninjutsu that all students in the ninja school can use.

It is very nice, and its transformation principle is unknown, but its transformation ability is simply terrifying.

Changing the body appearance and clothing are only the most basic applications.

The ability to change the material is the real bug.

Naruto once used the transformation technique to transform into a wind demon shuriken and was thrown out by Sasuke.

It's outrageous, very outrageous!

This is not a transformation technique at all, but a transformation technique.

If you are good at this technique, you can also achieve some success.

And there is a ninja clan in this world who is very good at this technique.

The Akimichi clan's multiplication technique is the development of the transformation technique.

The purpose of all the members of their clan eating fat is to use this secret technique.

The conservation of energy is the same in the ninja world.

Chakra is the combination of physical energy provided by 130 trillion cells in the body and spiritual energy.

In other words, the upper limit of the number of chakras of ordinary people will be limited by the number of cells in the body.

In order to obtain more physical energy, the Akimichi clan took a different approach.

All members directly eat fat, and fat cells are also cells.

Even from the perspective of energy, fat itself is energy.

In this way, although the people of their clan are just ordinary blood in terms of bloodline.

But at the cost of the whole clan eating fat, they have obtained several times the amount of chakra than other ordinary people.

This amount of chakra can not only support them to use ordinary multiplication techniques, but even super multiplication techniques similar to Fa Tian Xiang Di.

These ninjutsu are impossible to achieve with the chakra of ordinary people.

However, Kimura Takuye just wants to change the skin structure so that the cells in the whole body can quickly accumulate natural energy.

After dissecting so many animal skin structures.

With Kimura Takuye's proficiency in transformation, it is easy to do this, and he even uses more than just transformation.


"Real Transformation Technique!"


With a light sound, the smoke dissipated.

Except that Kimura Takuye's skin has become more delicate, it seems that there is no change at all.

"Huh, it feels a bit stuffy, and the breathing ability of the skin has greatly increased. Covered by clothes, I didn't expect it to be so stuffy."

Kimura Takuye shook his head helplessly, feeling a little miscalculated.

The first step should have been the simplest in his imagination, but he didn't expect there would be such a side effect.

But fortunately, it is June now, so you can wear something cooler.

Tomorrow, change into shorts and a vest, and then change into flip-flops.


Why do you feel that this look is invincible?

After cleaning up the laboratory, Kimura Takuye continued his work as a substitute nurse.

Nothing happened overnight.

While chatting with Chimiko, he thought of a great new ninjutsu.

If the real transformation technique can be used to change one's skin, can it also change the injured parts of the human body?

When used on the injured, the injured parts should be "changed" directly.

Isn't this a universal medical ninjutsu that can cure all injuries?

There is no time to experiment today, so Kimura Takuya decided to wait until tomorrow.

Early the next morning.

The doctors and nurses also came, and after handing over the day shift nurses.

Kimura Takuya came to the dean's office, waiting for the acting dean to make him a regular.

Just at this time.

There was a loud shouting from the emergency department.

"Baga, how can you, a bunch of rubbish, not save the captain? The captain is An, who has made great contributions to the village. She can't just die like this!"

Kimura Takuya followed the sound to the emergency room.

There was a purple-haired female ninja lying on the bed. She looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who she was for a while.

A hole the size of a volleyball was opened under the chest of the female ninja. The reason why she was able to survive until now must be because there was a medical ninja in the team.

She must be the female medical ninja who is still beside the hospital bed, trying hard to use palm senjutsu.

And the male ninja who shouted for the doctors to save him had a mutilated arm and blood dripping everywhere.

Although the doctors repeatedly stated that the injured person could not be saved, he refused to stop his bleeding.

He only asked everyone to save his captain first.

"With this level of trauma, even if you were sent to the hospital right after the injury, there is nothing you can do. The wound is too big and we can't heal it at all.

Unless the healing and regeneration technique is used, this technique requires a medical ninja of the level of Dean Tsunade, leading a dozen top medical ninjas to perform it in shifts.

Dean Tsunade has left Konoha for more than twenty years, and now no one in the entire Konoha hospital can use this technique. "

"Only Tsunade-sama can heal? Tsunade-sama, Baga, why have you been away for so long, Baga."

The broken-arm ninja cried and gave up. He sat slumped on the ground, blood was flowing from his broken arm, but it seemed that his tears could not flow.

The female medical ninja beside the hospital bed was also shaky and her chakra was about to be exhausted.

"Leave it to me. You can receive treatment on your own first."

Kimura Takuno walked over and passed by the broken-arm ninja.

"Boy, stop joking. Even the acting dean doesn't know how to heal and regenerate. What can you use?"

“When people come into this world, they are delivered by someone else’s warm hands.

It's too lonely to die like this on a cold hospital bed. Let me try. If she doesn't succeed, just let me send her away myself.

And what I want to use is not that technique, but a newly developed technique of my own. "

"No, the newly developed jutsu is even worse. The remains of ninjas cannot be used as props for you to practice ninjutsu.

I can't agree, and you haven't joined the job yet. You're not even a medical ninja. You have no right to use medical ninjutsu in my ward! "

Kimura Takuno stared at the medical ninja who spoke.

Masa Watanabe.

The chief physician of the emergency department, Takuno Kimura, is the one who will assist him as an assistant physician.

This position was originally given to his son, but his son almost caused a medical accident due to a mistake. It was Kimura Takuno who discovered and solved the problem in time.

Because of this, his son was punished, and the position of assistant physician fell to Kimura Takuno.

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