"What? Do you still want to mass-produce this kind of thing?"

"Right? How can such a good thing not be mass-produced?"

Kimura Takuno looked at the two ladies who were already stunned.

I feel a little strange. Before I even started showing off, both of them were blushing with excitement?

And it’s just mass production. Are you shocked like this?

Won’t any technological product pursue industrial mass production in the end?

But then I thought about it.

When the detonating talisman first appeared, some people might have been so surprised.

The detonating talisman that seals advanced fire escape ninjutsu can be activated by anyone with a little chakra.

Equivalent to students who have just entered the ninja school, they can also use advanced fire escape.

In fact, the war is of great significance.

And there is not only one kind of detonating talisman, but also other talismans.

Coupled with its low cost and simple manufacturing, it was quickly imitated by various countries and became one of the standard ninja tools.

However, other than this, there are very few extraordinary items used by ninjas.

Apart from talismans, there is no extraordinary ninja tool that can be popularized.

How can this be done?

The "shuttle" in front of me is an extraordinary ninja tool made by Kimura Takuno that can be popularized.

Kimura Takuno stopped thinking and handed the "shuttle" in his hand to Shizune.

Shizune's reaction was a bit strange, like she wanted to throw it away but was reluctant to let it go?

All in all, I was very confused and embarrassed.

Kimura Takuno naturally thought that Shizune didn't know how to use it and was embarrassed to ask questions.

"Sister Shizune, you don't know how to use it yet? Come on, I'll teach you how to use it."

"What? You bastard, you want to teach Shizune how to use this kind of thing here? No, no, no, get out!"

"Then Sister Shizune, let's go outside."

"No! Not even outside! What if someone sees me?"

"That's right. Sister Shizune, let's go to the roof. There's a lot of space there and there's no one there."

In this way, Kimura Takuno pulled Shizune, whose outlook was shattered and petrified on the spot, to the top of the building.

Tsunade wanted to stop her, but she was also pulled in by Kimura Takuno.

The roof of the Hokage Building.

At this time, Tsunade had already reacted. They must have misunderstood just now.

Seeing that Shizune was still in a dazed state, the child was frightened by what he was thinking.

Tsunade took the opportunity to take out her camera and took pictures.

Shizune, Shizune, your dark history has increased!

Kimura Takuno was also caught in this flash of light.

Thinking about it over the years, it seems that I only took photos when I graduated from ninja school, and I didn't even have a student ID card when I was in school.

Although there are cameras in this world.

But it has not yet become popular, and it is still in the age of film cameras.

So Takuno took a few poses.

"Master, once the photos are developed, don't forget to give me one too."

"Okay, do you want any other photos? Hehe!"

"No! No! Tsunade-sama, don't give it to Takuno!"

Shizune finally came to her senses. She also figured out the matter. It was probably a misunderstanding.

And isn't Tsunade-sama taking a picture of her own dark history?

The first time I was drunk and acted crazy, the first time I lost money and refused to admit it, and other embarrassing scenes were all captured by this unscrupulous master!

This time, it will definitely be the same.

I should have thought of it a long time ago. This thing must be useful. Tuoye said when he first started playing with it, it was a very important thing.

How could he, like his master, think so dirty of a simple child like Tuoye, that he even thought he was a pervert?

"I'm really sorry, don't even think about photos or anything like that, Tuoye.

Didn’t you say you wanted to teach me how to use this?

Can you first tell me what it is? "

"Uh, okay. The photos don't matter.

This thing is called 'Dragonfly Wings'.

It's a flying ninja tool.

The current function is relatively simple, only the ability to fly.

If it continues to be improved in the future, it will have attack, defense, control, flight and other functions.

Of course, if your chakra control is strong enough, you can also do this directly through it.

So this is a perfect ninja tool with endless possibilities! "

"How is this possible? Even the ninja tool of the Sage of Six Paths cannot be called a perfect ninja tool. Bastard, are you exaggerating?"

When Tsunade mentioned the ninja tools of the Six Paths Sage, she thought of the golden and silver-horned brothers in Hidden Cloud Village, as well as the Second Hokage, her own uncle, who was killed by them.

My uncle is also a great inventor.

The detonating charm was his invention.

It even developed a powerful mutual multiplication detonation talisman.

In addition, many other things have been developed.

But even a genius like him could not create a ninja tool that could be called perfect.

This kid is quite good at blowing stuff.

Seeing Tsunade's disdainful smile, Kimura Takuno raised his eyebrows.

"Whether you have blown it too much, you have to blow it before you know.

Sister Shizune, you do as I say, no, you do as I say. "

"Well, okay. How to do it?"

"You just need to input chakra from the back of this thing. Be careful to input it steadily and evenly, not too fast or too slow."

Shizune followed what Kimura Takuno said and input her chakra evenly from the bottom of the "shuttle".

Slowly the "shuttle" lit up, and then many bright chakra threads began to appear.

"What is this?"

"Don't stop! Keep going, it's not all out yet!"

Shizune continued to input chakra.

Then, after these threads reached a certain length, they began to weave together by themselves.

Soon after, they were woven into two pairs of wings!

These wings were very different from the ones when the dragonfly transformed, and they looked more like the feather wings of an angel.

And they were also brighter, just like the sacred wings of light.

"So beautiful!"

The two ladies present were all impressed by these beautiful wings.

But these wings were held in Shizune's hands.

Tsunade came to her senses and saw the problem, and asked Kimura Takuya curiously.

"How do you use this? Fly with it in your hands?"

"Hehe, this flying ability is not easy for you to demonstrate, let me do it."

Shizune handed the "wings" in her hand to Kimura Takuya.

But the latter did not reach out to take it, but shook his head to let Shizune take back the chakra first and close the wings.

Then Kimura Takuya took off his shirt.

Shizune turned away as soon as he saw the muscular upper body.

But a certain Hokage saw it openly.

Tsunade suddenly touched her nose.

It was okay, it was just snot.

I said, how could this level make me bleed from the nose?

"Ahem, Takuya, if you want to demonstrate, then demonstrate. Why are you taking off your clothes?"

Take it off if you want to, but it's really a bummer to only take off half of it!

Kimura Takuya naturally didn't know the dirty thoughts in his master's mind.

He just split out a shadow clone.

"Let's start!"

"Have you cut off your pain?"


After a brief conversation, the shadow clone came directly behind Kimura Takuya with a scalpel.

Swish, it was a knife!

This knife was so cruel.

Directly on Kimura Takuya's back, a wound of nearly 30 centimeters was opened vertically!

The wound was just in the middle of the back, and then the clone took the "flying shuttle" from Shizune's hand.

Shizune understood that they were planning to implant the shuttle into the back!

No wonder they said that the two of them were not suitable for demonstration.

Sure enough, the clone took the shuttle and pressed it into the wound on Kimura Takuya's back, preparing to heal the wound.


"What's wrong?"

"You didn't install it the wrong way?"

"Oh my god, you actually question your own skills? Of course I didn't install it the wrong way!"

"Check it out, we both know each other, it was you who installed the eyes on Itachi in the hospital last time!"

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