Resurrection Empire

Chapter 129: Fraudulent injury [5600 words]

Before I knew it, two more days passed.

Everything has been normal these past two days.

Ren Zhong's only trouble comes from Ma Xiaoling, the combat instructor.

She is getting more and more arrogant and can't help but want to enter the stock market.

Ren Zhong kept pulling her back, and it was very hard.

Ma Xiaoling's character is obviously the kind of fierce person who will completely ignore it once he makes a decision.

At present, Ren Zhong can barely hold her down with his reputation as the Iron-mouthed God and the Stock-breaking God, but he always feels that it won't be long before she quietly enters the market behind his back, buys a few lots to test the waters, and then starts paying tuition.

She has already begun to pester Ren to make clear stock recommendations.

How could the god of stocks who had fallen into the mortal world dare to make random comments about the country? He repeatedly refused, saying that real stock traders only teach people methods and would never recommend stocks easily.

Even if I have to recommend stocks, I will never give a clear time. At most, I will only talk about the fundamentals of a certain company that I am optimistic about, and I think the trend of this check is good. I have entered the market myself. Do you want to follow? When? Go ahead, decide for yourself.

As for when I will leave, I can't give you an exact date, but I will tell you as soon as I leave.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. Stock trading is always something that you must be responsible for yourself. Others have no right and should not make decisions about your wealth.

Although you are talented, you are just getting started. If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools and learn more. Don't be impatient.

Although you have to pay tuition for stock trading, it is always good to pay less.

Ma Xiaoling calmed down after hearing this, and then proposed a "private placement" of investing in the company.

Ren Zhong refused again, saying that he had washed his hands of the problem again.

I have made too many purchases recently. Although the amount is not large, I have always entered the market illegally. I have received warnings from relevant departments of the association and so on.

Ma Xiaoling was completely honest now.

At a quarter past ten in the evening, Ren Zhong parked the floating motorboat on the hill outside the west gate of the town.

The night wind is very cool, blowing on the exoskeleton and passing through the metal gaps, making a gentle rustling sound.

Ren Zhong hugged his legs with his hands and sat on a boulder on the top of the mountain, staring into the distance.

In five minutes, Wang Zhaofu will appear there.

As of today, Fatty Wang has finally got all the products on the list and they are about to be delivered as promised.

Seeing two bright lights piercing the night sky beyond the distant horizon, Ren Zhong nodded slightly and looked down at the time on his watch.

After a long period of hard work, he was getting closer and closer to gaining the power to break the wall of sighs, almost within reach.

He still remembered that he had just woken up and was sitting next to the freezer like this after he died tragically at the hands of a hunter for the first time.

His whole body was chilled, and emotions such as despair, fear, confusion, confusion, and confusion dominated him at that time.

At that time, he didn't even know if there were humans on this planet.

He is still worried that he will be like Matt Damon in the antique movie "The Martian", living alone on a deserted planet.

Unexpectedly, after 48 days, he not only reintegrated into society, but also became a person with more than ten thousand people in a small town.

Although he is actually still weak due to the heavy responsibility, if he really lets go of his faith, he will immediately be able to live a life like an ancient landowner, with fine clothes and fine food, and a group of wives and concubines.

All this gave him a sense of time and space, and he was filled with emotions.

Starting three days ago, the gears started turning again.

His personal timeline began to flow forward irreversibly again.

He finally felt the passage of time clearly again.

We can never go back to that day, and the regrets we once had can never be made up for.

Ren Zhong raised his head and looked at the twin moons.

Under the cover of the Source Star, two gaps of varying degrees appeared on the edges of the two moons, one large and one small, as if they had been bitten by naughty children.

As long as there is a moon, there must be gains and losses.

The wisdom of the ancients is always worthy of admiration.

The moon waxes and wanes, and people have joys and sorrows. This is a difficult thing in ancient times.

Mr. Su Dongpo sincerely does not deceive me.

Ren Zhong sighed lightly, lowered his head and looked to the side.

Under the dim light of the twin moons, there was a white dandelion covered with silver frost swaying in the wind in the cracks in the rock and soil there.

On the Origin Star, which is dominated by blue-based plants, white plants are very rare, just like blue roses on Earth.

Looking at the fragile and shaky dandelion, as if it could break at any time, Ren Zhong subconsciously recalled an image in his mind.

That picture was from exactly thirty days and two hours ago.

The crushed girl lay on a white stretcher.

The two slender little legs that were dangling were really like the stems of this dandelion.

Suddenly, the whistling sound came and then stopped abruptly.

A strong wind blew and dust flew.

The dandelion was weighed down by the wind, groaning and falling down.

The cattail feathers hanging on the top of it fell off one after another, and flew up in the man-made wind, carrying the seeds to unknown distances.

In an instant, Ren Zhong was hit hard.

Immediately, he stood up slowly and sighed softly.

Goodbye, nameless girl.

I hope you have an afterlife and go to a world without nightmares.

During these three days, he had countless opportunities to commit suicide.

But he didn't.

He actually didn't know whether this was right or wrong, and he couldn't comment. He even felt a hint of regret in his heart.

But what the power of time is best at is leaving irreparable regrets in people's hearts.

Wang Zhaofu jumped out of the car and walked up to Ren Zhong with pounding steps.

"Hey, brother Ren, what's wrong with you?"

Ren Zhong waved his hand, "It's nothing. Your car came too hard just now and picked up some sand. There was sand in my eyes."

Wang Zhaofu: "Ah, sorry, sorry."

Ren Zhong: "It's not in the way."

Wang Zhaofu hummed, took out two remote controls, and pressed them first.

The hard traction between the armed Qingfeng heavy truck and the armed escort vehicle is automatically disconnected.

Wang Zhaofu handed one of the remote controls to Ren Zhong's hand, "This is the key to the Qingfeng heavy truck. All your things are in it. It's so stuffed that it can barely fit in a carriage."

He took over the task and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Brother Wang."

"Okay, Brother Ren, you can drive the car into the town later. I won't go into the town, and I have to go back to Liaoyuan County quickly. Haha, I'm different now. Brother Ren, you took me to do a few big orders. , although I try not to make money from you, my income is indeed much higher than before, and I am preparing my own small company."

Ren Zhong forced a smile, "That's pretty good. We will have a lot of time to be together in the future."

"That's necessary!"

Now that the two of them are very familiar with each other, they no longer have the politeness before, and they get along very naturally.

"Okay, I'll leave first if it's okay." After Wang Zhaofu said that, he went straight to the armed escort vehicle with automatic cruise function.

Ren Zhong called him from behind, "By the way, Brother Wang, how old are you this year?"

Wang Zhaofu turned around in confusion, "Thirty-two, what's the matter?"

He looked to be in his forties, which matched his actual age of thirty-two.

But Ren Zhong thought of Yu Jin's mother again. That thirty-eight-year-old woman looked like an old lady in her sixties or seventies.

So based on this calculation, Wang Zhaofu may not have many more years to live.

Ren Zhong asked in confusion: "Brother Wang, you are not young anymore, why are you still working so hard? Aren't you tired?"

Wang Zhaofu shrugged, "Who said I am a first-class preliminary citizen during the assessment period? Anti-aging medicine is so expensive, I can't do it without fighting for it. I'm gone."

The fat man jumped into the car with a vigorous posture, and within seconds the armed escort vehicle sped away again.

Ren Zhong also slowly walked towards the armed Qingfeng heavy truck that carried his "future".

He is moving forward.

Opening the car door, before getting in the car, Ren Zhong looked back at the dandelions on the ground not far away.

The dandelions that had just been blown away by the strong wind of his "future" did not completely disappear.

Its stems still stand tenaciously on the rock and soil, still swinging in the wind, as if waving goodbye to the departing cattail feathers and seeds.

Close the door and leave.

In the dark night, Ren Zhong drove the car directly into the No. 2 underground warehouse of the arms mall.

Ju Qingmeng's personal experimental equipment and materials are usually stacked in this warehouse, and there is an automatic transfer conveyor belt between it and the small laboratory.

It took him nearly half an hour to send these large and small boxes into the small laboratory one after another.

Then he was too lazy to bother and spread out the folding bed to sleep casually.

By the time his figure appeared in the virtual reality training ground, it was almost eleven o'clock at night.

Ju Qingmeng is randomly combining equipment and testing its performance.

There is another function added to the third-level virtual reality training, that is, the trainer can assemble the equipment by himself, and then hand it over to the AI ​​warrior to use, and put it into the training ground to observe and calculate the armor performance under ideal conditions, similar to a game Let the crazy computer play against the crazy computer.

At this time, below the training ground, a mecha warrior with a somewhat similar appearance and parameters and responsibilities was being besieged by several level three beasts. The fight was in full swing, with row after row of parameters swishing out. .

She looked very intently.

"Where's Ma Xiaoling?"

"She waited for a while and saw that you didn't come. She said she went to play games again."

"That's just right. I have put the things in the laboratory. Let's start adjusting the equipment from tomorrow."

The black market goods that Ren Zhong bought this time were divided into two categories.

One is to replace the special parts added to his armor, and the other is various types of hidden machine gun towers, explosive traps, special traps, self-destructing swarms and other intelligent weapons with autonomous combat capabilities.

Ju Qingmeng thought about it and said: "The independent equipment is okay, I can do it slowly. But the armor modification alone will probably take at least fifty or sixty working hours to complete. I usually have to deal with some work as a mall manager, so every day At most, we can only devote seven or eight working hours. It will take seven or eight days to complete the entire project. I’m not afraid of being tired, but how should you cope with Lin Wang’s hunting mission during the day?”

Ren Zhong smiled and waved his hand.

The entire transformation plan was projected in front of the two of them.

"Actually, I have considered this issue. Would you like to take a closer look?"

After a long time, Ju Qingmeng held his heart in his hands, his face full of surprise.

"You have divided the entire equipment transformation into eight stages. Each stage requires six to eight hours of work. Each stage completed can improve a performance in a targeted manner, but it can barely maintain it. With the stability of the equipment, you can still wear the equipment and go out.”

Ren Zhong: "Yes."

"Awesome, indeed amazing. I have always only paid attention to the details before, without fully unfolding them, and I didn't realize this. Did you take this situation into consideration when you first started designing?"

Ren nodded, "Yes. Tomorrow's first transformation will start with the core energy system."

Ju Qingmeng deduced it in his mind and determined the feasibility of Ren Zhong's idea, and sighed again, "To complete such a time-sharing modular design, you must have a complete overall plan in your mind from the beginning... "

Ren Zhong shrugged, "As I said, I can independently design a complete transformation plan for the fourth-level exoskeleton. Now I just change the third-level exoskeleton into a fourth-level exoskeleton, which is not very difficult."

Ju Qingmeng was silent for a long time.

She really wanted to praise her, but she felt she was short of words.

Forget it, it wasn't the first day I met him anyway.

He's always like this, and you should get used to it over time.

"But there is still a problem. Even the shortest stage takes six hours, which will still affect your hunting during the day."

Ren Zhong shook his head, "No, I have other plans tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, you will be like this..."

After returning to Spark Town, Ren Zhong spent three days perfectly playing the role of Lin Wang's "three good new players".

Although his performance in the abandoned mine was not amazing, it was still satisfactory and he played a role close to that of Xing Ming.

In the afternoon's "Operation Autumn Wind", he also completed the task very well.

The horrifying urban legend of "I'd rather meet Bei Lihui than Ren Pei" has gradually spread among the individual scavengers.

Yang Bingzhong and Lin Wang were very satisfied with this.

Lin Wang repeatedly urged and encouraged Ren Zhong to fight against the autumn wind. In addition to corrupting Ren Zhong, he also had another purpose.

In order to kiss Ma Xiaoling's fragrance, Ren Zhong once got very close to Ma Dafu.

Although he has now fully surrendered to Lin Wang and Yang Bingzhong, they still have some lingering worries in their minds.

But after Ma Xiaoling and Ren Zhong publicly broke up, Ren Zhong finally went against the good-for-nothing mayor who claimed to be smart.

The more ruthlessly Ren Zhong exploits the desolate people, the more unpopular they will be with Ma Dafu, who is full of womanly kindness.

The clues can be seen from the fact that Ma Xiaoling deliberately turned a blind eye to Ren Zhong several times recently when he encountered her on the road, clenched his fists, hummed in his nose, and gave disdainful feedback.

Ma Dafu no longer summoned Ren Zhong and just regarded him as nothing.

A break between the two sides was inevitable.

Mr. Yang and Captain Lin could feel that they were transforming a kind-hearted person from the civil class into their own kind.

When the two communicated in private, they even felt like playing a nurturing game.

Yang Bingzhong was extremely proud.

As the boss of Spark Resources, the pinnacle of Mr. Yang's life so far is to completely oust Madafu, the mayor of the town, and tightly hold the votes of the citizens of the town in his hands.

Now, he will once again take a chess piece from Madafu's hand.

Even though the chess piece is just a pawn, the sense of accomplishment is not compromised.

Everything was going very smoothly until this morning, something unexpected happened.

Ren Zhong was "injured" in the abandoned mine, and the injury was not serious.

When Lin Wang led his team on a regular patrol, a huge third-level sandworm suddenly sprang up from the ground.

The huge mouth of the abyss swallowed Sima Wan.

Ren Zhong from behind swooped up and pushed Sima Wan forward, saving Sima Wan's life, but he was swallowed whole by the sandworm.

Then the sandworm twisted around, re-entered the wall of the hole at an extremely fast speed, and fled.

By the time Lin Wang and the others found Ren Zhong, more than half an hour had passed.

Ren Zhong was lying on the side of the pit, holding two guns tightly. The tips of the guns were stained with green, blue, and gray insect tissue fluid.

At this time, Ren Zhong had no obvious injuries. After all, his level 3 exoskeleton had built-in protective properties that were quite important.

But he was extremely tired and his eyes were distracted.

Beside him were the corpses of two beasts, one was the sandworm from before, and the other was the alien fourth-level beast in the waste mine that made people talk about it - the Dreamweaver Labyrinth Bug.

Lin Wang made a judgment with just one glance.

"Still alive, but he was hit by the mental shock of the dream weaver. He was mentally traumatized."

Bei Lihui sighed, "Ren Zhongdao is really powerful. He can actually fight off level three sandworms and level four dream weavers by himself."

Sima Wan, who was dismantling the chip next to him, said: "The equipment the captain gave him is also good. If he had still had the same exoskeleton as before, he would have been dead long ago. Alas. In fact, I don't even need him to sacrifice his life to save me like this. My combat uniform comes with it." The cutting escape system takes care of the sandworms.”

Lin Wang waved his hand, "Let's not say sarcastic words for now. End the hunting early and send him to Miaoshou for rejuvenation as soon as possible."

Sun Miao gave the diagnosis.

Brother Sun had a sad face and said worriedly: "The mental impact of the dream weaver is no better than that of ordinary beasts. Ren Zhong relied on his survival instinct to control his body and forcibly stabbed the dream weaver to death. But he ingested the special particles released by the dream weaver. Too much, too deep into the nightmare. The dream weaver was killed by him, but his consciousness itself has not been freed from the illness."

Lin Wang asked: "What should we do? Is there any treatment?"

Sun Miao shook his head, "The most difficult disease to cure is heart disease. Mental illness has been a big trouble that has plagued the people of Yuanxing since ancient times. Whether he can get out of it depends on his own will."

Lin Wang: "What if I can't get out?"

Sun Miao rolled her eyes, "Captain Lin, haven't you driven a lot of people crazy before? Have you never seen a lunatic? What is the fate of these people? Can't you understand?"

Lin Wang smiled awkwardly and said nonchalantly: "Those are all rumors from outside."

At this moment, Ju Qingmeng, who learned the bad news, suddenly opened the clinic door.

She first approached Ren Zhong, looked at him carefully for a long time, then stood up straight again, smiled sadly, and then glared at Lin Wang.

"Ren Zhong is your team member, and you protect him like this? Lin Wang, you are the strongest professional captain in this town, how did you harm him like this?"

Lin Wangzhi shook his head, "Manager Ju, you are too excited. There is no difference between hunting and marching. Accidents can happen every day. I don't want Ren Zhong to do this. Not long ago, another team member of mine, Xing Ming, was even more direct. Died tragically in an abandoned mine, you can't say that I killed two people in a row, right? I know you won't believe anything I say, but I believe that Ren Zhong will wake up, and he will tell you the cause and effect when the time comes. We also do Tried my best.”


Ju Qingmeng turned away, unwilling to talk to Lin Wang, then gritted his teeth, picked up Ren Zhong, walked out of the clinic, and put him on the co-pilot of the Beetle suspension vehicle parked outside.

Lin Wang sighed, but without saying anything else, he picked up the third-level exoskeleton stacked aside and put it into the trunk of the Beetle.

After everyone left, Sun Miao closed the clinic door and returned to the underground laboratory, looking at the smelting tank that was still boiling.


Brother Sun thinks, if one day a film crew comes to Spark Town looking for extras.

As soon as the acting trio of Ren Zhong, himself, and Ju Qingmeng appeared on the stage, the starring team lost their jobs on the spot!

Alas, we all chose the wrong industry and wasted our talents.

In the bedroom of the villa, Ju Qingmeng poked Ren Zhong's forehead, who was lying on the bed pretending to be dead, and laughed while holding his stomach.

"It's really yours! Your acting skills before were so scary. If I hadn't known about it in advance, I would have almost believed it."

Ren Zhong sighed, "There is nothing I can do. I have to take the Xingyuan injection tomorrow. I will have the need to overeat for a long time. I really can't stay around them anymore, otherwise it will arouse people's suspicion."

"Well, you're so thoughtful."

While the two were chatting, another communication request came from Ju Qingmeng's side, which was from the guard at Baiqiang.

"Manager Ju, there is a team of scavengers here who want to come in and see you. Do they have an appointment?"

Ren Zhong: "It's Zheng Tian and the others who are here."

Ju Qingmeng hummed, "I have an appointment, let's go."

Guard: "Okay! You guys must walk along the prescribed route after entering. You can only go to Manager Ju's villa. Do you understand?"

After hanging up the call, Ju Qingmeng said with some worry: "Lin Wang was caught off guard and didn't react. But I guess he will come to visit you in the next two days to show off. With his suspicion, the number of times If it’s too much, I’m afraid you’ll still reveal your secret.”

Ren Zhong smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have another preparation."


"In addition to being a dismantler, Chen Hanyu is also a master of disguise."


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