Resurrection Empire

Chapter 150 Living towards death

Ten minutes later, Ren Zhong arrived at the arms mall.

Ju Qingmeng has been waiting here for a long time.

Her small laboratory is filled with three large boxes.

The box is full of the hard goods Wang Zhaofu sent last night, exoskeleton modification parts worth 3.2 million points.

Ren Zhong only gave Wang Zhaofu 2.95 million, and still owed 250,000 in payment.

No way, he really has no money in his pocket.

Starting from the 67th day, he and Ma Xiaoling entered the VIP area of ​​the training ground once a day.

Each person gets 100,000 points every 4 hours, and when two people enter together, it becomes 200,000 points.

This alone cost him a total of 1.2 million points.

During these six days, Ren Zhong also received some scattered income, such as industry dividends in Spark Town, 300 points of sleep income per day, salary for second-level professional titles, etc.

As for his commission from the professional team in Chromium Carbon Town, he didn't keep any points, and distributed them all to Zheng Tian's five people, totaling 26,880 points.

This money is only a drop in the bucket for him, but it is a huge amount of wealth to other people in the team.

After only staying in Chromium Carbon Town for less than ten days, Zheng Tian and others changed their equipment again.

In addition, everyone can finally walk into the high-end areas of various vocational training grounds with confidence and boldness, without having to search and count money on their fingers to get by.

Pushing open the door of the small laboratory, Ju Qingmeng put down the parameter manual in front of him and smiled, "Back?"

"Well, I'm back."

"Time is running out, so let's get started."

"Thank you."

"You are always so polite and seem offended."

"Ah. Sorry."

"Forget it, I'm used to it." Ju Qingmeng shrugged, stood up, and helped Ren Zhong take off the exoskeleton armor one by one.

At the same time, she said: "There are only two days, the task is very heavy."

"Can it be done?"

Ju Qingmeng blinked, "If it were someone else, I would definitely not agree without ten days and a half. If it were you, I usually need five days. But now..."

"What now?"

"No one in town goes hunting anymore. I'm free and I can work 15 and a half hours a day. I can do it."

Ren Zhong was silent for a long time.

In the end, he couldn't hold it back, "Thank you, thank you for your hard work."

You don’t have to say every word.

With different motives and waiting for death at different times, the two men understand each other tacitly.

Day 75, early morning.

Heavy fog filled the Valley of Bones.

The blue sun is rising slowly in the distance.

It was exactly half past six in the morning.

The long night is dying and the dawn breaks.

A huge crowd appeared at the mouth of the Bone Valley.

Ren Zhong was wearing blue armor, holding the unactivated Flame Slashing Blade diagonally in his right hand, riding a floating motorboat, and stood proudly in front of the crowd.

Behind him were Yu Jin, Zheng Tian, ​​Wen Lei, Ou Youning, Bai Feng and Chen Hanyu, who were holding their fangs in their arms and sniping heavily.

Seven people formed a triangle with sharp arrows.

Behind the seven people are a total of fourteen former semi-professional teams in Spark Town.

These teams have been ruthlessly abandoned, but now they have become important followers.

Behind the semi-professional team formation, there were more than 3,700 scavengers from Spark Town, all showing excitement.

Ren Zhong is already familiar with Yuan Xing.

He didn't use any big-picture reasoning to convince these scavengers to work for him.

He just stood up yesterday, told a lie, and gave a true promise.

First, he told the deserters that the resource recycling company arranged by Yang Bingzhong to take over Spark Town would be in place tomorrow.

Second, he also said that today he would personally lead a team to open up the Valley of Bones and focus on annihilating the third- and fourth-level ruin beasts inside. Scavengers who participate in today's group hunting activities will be able to receive dividends from the profits of level 3 and level 4 beasts in proportion to the number of level 1 and level 2 beasts they hunt. All scavengers in Spark Town can follow him to fight the autumn wind. And he doesn't charge a penny in commission.

Ever since, everyone in Xinghuo Town who had some fighting ability came.

Fighting for oneself is the strongest reason for people at the bottom to draw swords in a chaotic world.

Even though they knew that there might be a demon baby born in the Valley of Bones, the opportunity to change their destiny and reach the sky still attracted the people of the wilderness to flock to it like moths to a flame.

After all, there were many people who escaped successfully when the Demon Infant reappeared nearly two months ago. Even if it was provoked again this time, with so many people gathered together, there must still be a chance of escape, and it is worth fighting for.

This is what ordinary people think.

But Ren Zhong, who told a big lie again and was about to personally destroy the illusion of peace built on Yang Bingzhong's lies, had another meaning in his heart.

Everything that is about to happen here and now is one of the important links in his attack on the impossible Sighing Barrier in order to save Spark Town.

It's true that you can't draw out the demon baby by yourself.

If he failed to fight the Demon Infant and just wiped his neck, the value of his death would be greatly reduced.

He needs the help of desert people.

Therefore, the barren people are indeed fighting for their own destiny.

Ren Zhong turned his head and looked behind him.

His eyes swept across the group of deserters, thinking silently in his mind.

Many people will die today.


I thank you on behalf of myself and all of you in the future.

Finally, his eyes fell on Zheng Tian and others.

Compared with other scavengers who were "cheated", Yu Jin, Zheng Tian and others knew his real plan.

He came to die.

In a sense, he brought everyone to his death.

"Zheng Tian, ​​how did you do what I asked you to do yesterday?"

Zheng Tian: "We have compiled and distributed the methods you taught us to reduce the difficulty of hunting, Brother Ren, into a booklet. The booklet covers more than 90% of the common beasts in the Valley of Bones. Now almost everyone has a copy. Last night, At that time, the inventory in the arms mall was sold out. Fortunately, Manager Ju resisted the pressure to stock up, otherwise I don’t know how big the gap would be."

After a slight pause, Ren Zhong said.

"Very good, you did a very good job. Thank you for your trust in me. In fact, you could have refused me today and not come. I believe you should also know very well that this kind of death is actually meaningless."

Yu Jin shook his head, "Mr. Ren's enemies are my enemies. If Mr. Ren dies, I will die too. I don't need meaning."

Zheng Tian smiled and said, "Anyway, Brother Ren, what you decided must make sense. Besides, we don't necessarily die. Brother Ren, the task you gave us is to kill as many people as possible like the previous professional team." Just the Ruins beast. Last time, Brother Ren, you escaped with so many of us alone. This time we are not afraid."

Ou Youning also nodded, "Yes. We have a motorboat now. Even those ghost heads can't catch up, not to mention there are so many people. The ghost heads will definitely have to pick the weak persimmons, and it won't be our turn." .”

Wen Lei said: "I don't think he will necessarily die. Mr. Ren, you were able to kill Lin Wang back then, but now that so much time has passed and you have become stronger, maybe you can defeat the Demon Infant?"

Ren Zhong made Wen Lei laugh.

This honest guy has more confidence in himself than he does.

Bai Feng: "Last time in the Valley of Bones, if it weren't for Brother Ren, we would have died here. Now that you are in need, it is only right that I return my life to you here."

Chen Hanyu took a step forward, looked up at Ren Zhong, and said slowly: "If you die, Mr. Ren, my hope of revenge will be gone. There is no point in continuing to live."

Ren Zhong waved his hand, "Relax, don't act like you're gone forever. Do you remember what I said to you that night in the villa in Chrome Carbon Town? There are still many mistakes we need to correct. The new order still has If you don’t come, I won’t die easily.”


Everyone nodded.

Knowing that what Ren Zhong said was unrealistic, the heavy feeling in everyone's hearts was inexplicably dissipated, and instead they felt a bit impassioned.

Ren Zhong's expression perked up, "As we said before. The seven of you will disperse and each of you will lead a team of ten people selected to attack the enemy. I will leave all the third-level ruin beasts that I have no time to take care of to you!" have you understood?"

"I understand!"

Ren Zhong took a deep breath, raised his knife to the sky, "Let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rode forward and rushed towards the Bone Valley where a large number of beasts had accumulated in the past two months.

Behind him, a mighty team of 3,700 people roared forward.

Most of the faces of the sprinting crowd were flushed with excitement.

Everyone is full of energy when they think that today will usher in the long-awaited bumper harvest, that a new resource recycling company will arrive tomorrow, and that the harvest in hand can be converted into money.

In the distance, on the horizon, from four directions, four hunters came here to reunite.

The ultra-high-definition cameras of these hunters all focused on the team of more than 3,700 people.

A large amount of images and language information are being summarized in remote data centers.

The computing power utilization percentage of the "net" that monitors Yuanxing rarely increased by 0.1%.

The moment Ren Zhong rushed into the Valley of Bones, the four Hunters received the threat removal order automatically issued by the "Net" and quietly retreated.

Just as the hunters retreated, Ren Zhong turned on the anti-gravity engine in the armor and jumped into the sky.

After a few meters away from the motorboat, the dielectric engine behind him began to spray flames and shoot forward.

Ren Zhong did not curb the armor's power, but turned on the amplifier, instantly increasing the armor's output power to 10,000 kilowatts!

Peak level four!

Completely and well-deserved the pinnacle of pinnacles!

It is also the ultimate power that he can now control stably and independently!

After nearly ten days of improvement, his three parameters are now bioelectric carrying power of 2980.15 kilowatts, brain response index of 5965.25, and comprehensive physical fitness index of 2980.15.

He no longer cares whether there is Yang Bingzhong's spy in Xinghuo Town, or whether his hidden clumsiness is exposed.

The equipment has been improved again, and the total armor value exceeds 10 million contribution points.

He also went through eight days of hard training with heavy investment in Zhansha County.

He had become much stronger than when he killed Lin Wang.

Now, he wants to unleash the full potential of his abilities without restraint.

In the crowd, Ou Youning pretended to be unintentional and exclaimed loudly, "Brother Ren! How come your power has reached 10,000 kilowatts! Are you Level 5?"

Ren Zhong didn't answer him, but rushed forward. The Flame Slashing Giant Blade in his hand rolled up 7,000 kilowatts of flames, and chopped the fourth-level ruin beast Black Iron Giant Ape in the middle like cutting tofu.

Seeing that Ren Zhong, the leader, was actually Level 4, and even the Peak Level 4, the scavengers' eyes suddenly became bloodshot, and their eyes were red with excitement.

The little doubts that had lingered in everyone's minds disappeared.

It turns out he is so strong!

We can do it!

Get rich!

I'm going to make a fortune today!

Few people even thought about the strangeness of the matter.

After careful planning, only two and a half months after Ren Zhong came to Spark Town, he went from a new mecha warrior to a peak level four warrior.

That doesn't matter anymore, what matters is that you want to make a fortune today!

Ever since, a loud shouting of death rang out in the Valley of Bones.

For a time, dust was everywhere, cracks were flying, and gunpowder smoke was filling the air.

The fourth-level professional who entered the Valley of Bones this morning was only one person, Ren Zhong. However, under his wild performance and the charge of a group of more than 3,700 fanatical low-level scavengers, and with the guidance of the strategy, the hunting legion slaughtered the people. The beast comes and destroys everything, and it is unstoppable.

The speed of the team's advancement was actually much faster than the last time Lin Wang and three other professional teams led the team.

Only three hours later, Ren Zhong finally took the lead and advanced to the deepest part of the Valley of Bones!

The moment Ren Zhong stepped onto the crater formed by the V-shaped intersection of two mountains, the situation suddenly changed, a cold wind started, and the sky shook.

Thick black fog and smoke rose.

The loud cry of a baby is so sharp and harsh that it almost tears the eardrum.

The round sphere twelve meters high and five meters wide once again broke through the soil and suspended in the air.

Ren Zhong held the knife and stared up.

Compared to the last time I saw this thing, it was slightly larger.

The metal-carved eyebrows and facial features are more lifelike.

The baby's face was extremely angry, and he opened his mouth and roared.

Along with its roar, one after another human-head-like demon infant bodies emerged from the ground in the valley.

Ren Zhong grinned.

Everything was exactly as he suspected.

This born demon baby possesses wisdom that is not inferior to that of the legion beast.

If any of the professionals who come to hunt are level four or above, it will never appear.

But if there are only level four professionals that it is determined to eat, then it will not mind eating a big meal after being awakened from its deep sleep.

Its appearance is actually very regular!

He had just replaced the reactor battery five minutes ago, timing it just right.

Ren Zhong drew his sword and pointed straight ahead, shouting like thunder in the team command channel, "Everyone! Retreat!"

As expected, a total of sixteen launch ports loaded with level four or level five disposable expendable weapons on his armor opened one after another.

One after another, level five grenades, rockets, and bullets poured out towards the Demon Infant's body.

Ren Zhong took a deep breath, the engine behind him roared, and he moved forward with his sword in hand.

Lin Wang, Tang Shuying, Jiang Kai and others, who were also level 4 professionals, were as scared as rats when they saw him. They immediately turned thousands of miles away, fearing to avoid him.

But the task is heavy but one person must move forward bravely with one sword!

No one knew that at the moment he moved forward, two needles protruded from the back of his neck.

Two lethal agents were injected into his body along most of his spine at the same time.

It was the green potion from Sun Miao, who had not contacted him for 23 days - the super reproductive violent potion, and the ten times the dose of concentrated level 4 psychostimulant he bought from Zhansha County Hospital.

Just as Brother Sun ordered before leaving, when Ren Zhong decides to die, it is time to use this medicine.

Right now!

Live towards death.

Right now!

[Everyone’s favorite recommendation vote slot]

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