Resurrection Empire

Chapter 177 Good words can’t persuade the damn ghost, from heaven to hell

In theory, inside information in the stock market does have the final word.

But theory is theory and practice is practice.

Especially when two people who are addicted to insider information themselves become key elements in the gambling game, what really plays a decisive role is no longer the inside information, but the so-called "way of heaven."

This way of heaven is not the mysterious and mysterious concept of gods depicted in fantasy TV series, but an inscrutable social law that runs through the history of human civilization.

Everything in the world must have laws, just like productivity determines production relations, and just like the game of human nature in the stock market.

In the stock market, most of the time, market makers can control the stock price trend very well.

But there are occasional exceptions.

When the nerves of retail investors are too tense and a certain emotion accumulates to the extreme, forming a fragile dam, someone cuts a seemingly inconspicuous crack in the dam.

The high-pressure water flow impacted and the cracks gradually enlarged, eventually causing the entire embankment to collapse.

Then, the flash floods released, and the mud and sand fell down, which was an irreversible trend.

Star Shipbuilding, a large-cap stock, has been rising steadily for many days, with its market value taking off from 7 trillion to 30 to 40 trillion.

It is equivalent to inflating a huge balloon in just half a month.

The mentality of stock investors is in an extremely delicate state, with both fanaticism and panic.

The frenzy stems from the rapid expansion of capital bubbles. No one likes to lie down and do nothing while watching the wealth increase.

The underlying panic is the fear that this bubble will burst. When worry reaches the extreme, it naturally turns into fear.

These two opposing extreme emotions widely exist in the same group, turning the will of this group into a tower with an unstable foundation.

At the top of the tower, there is a huge and heavy pendulum swinging gently.

The tower has been teetering in a delicate balance, but it has never fallen.

What secretly controls this balance is the numerous capitals surrounding the protagonists of the starry sky shipbuilding and deep space ocean drama.

These capitals may come from the nine major groups, or from some large families that have been passed down for many years, as well as from newcomers in the Yuanxing capital market.

A large amount of capital is secretly colluding, and the tiger is sitting on the dragon's plate, overlooking the world.

The opponent of capital is the vast number of retail investors.

This round of steady and slow rise at first, and then a sudden fall, was originally a major event of mergers and acquisitions between leading capital utilization companies, and a brutal harvest for Yuanxing retail investors.

These capitals are fierce, professional, and powerful.

Only by working together vertically and horizontally can the pendulum of the Starry Sky Shipbuilding Tower always remain in a delicate balance, always vibrating, torturing and tempting the minds of retail investors.

When the time is almost up, that is, starting yesterday, Capital Group began to sell down step by step, trying to wash out as many retail investors as possible in order to complete the last step before the two leading shipbuilding manufacturers announced the merger plan at the same time.

This step is to achieve perfect mergers and acquisitions at a relatively reasonable stock price that has dropped about 30% from the peak, and then create a super aerospace industry giant that can complete the "dumpling plan" within twenty years.

Deep Space and Ocean achieved its goal and became the only leader.

Many of the original major shareholders of Xingkong Shipbuilding who made sacrifices will also receive considerable monetary compensation.

Everyone has a happy ending.

The only losers in the entire game are the retail investors who were massacred during the sell-off or were forced to liquidate their positions or sell in panic.

This is the truth, but this time, the situation has changed.

Yang Bingzhong was reading Huang Guxian's article, and so was Ren Zhong.

He knew the outcome in advance. In this round of capital operations, Star Shipbuilding's decline was brutal and inhumane.

This obviously violates the basic laws of the Yuanxing economic system and is definitely not the result that the major shareholders behind Starship Shipbuilding want to see. It goes far beyond the plans of top capital.

During this process, some factors beyond common sense must have appeared, breaking the balance and pushing things out of control.

As for what this factor is, I have always been confused before Ren Zhong.

Now Ren Zhong knows the reason.

At this moment, Huang is this extra factor.

As Mr. Huang once again issued the "bull turnaround" theory, the fans of Erwuzai, who were already anxious when they saw him enter the venue, were pushed through their psychological bottom line.

These people do not hesitate to choose to clear their positions with one click, and they respect themselves by running first.

Not only that, these people are also running around, reminding their relatives and friends, don’t hesitate, run away!

"I used to believe in science until I met Mr. Huang!"

"The Six Gentlemen of Yibin Paper Industry are the masters who never forget the past and the future before their bones are cold. You must learn from them!"

"Son, don't blame me for not reminding you, run away! If you don't run away, we will sever the relationship between father and son!"

"What? You said you'd wait and see? Do you still want to wait for a rebound? Goodbye, we will get a notarized divorce right now. You love me to death, don't drag me into this."

Different people look at the same comments and smell completely different things.

Yang Bingzhong thinks that these people who treat stock trading as a joke and think that Huang Xian will be able to buy a villa near the sea are so ridiculous.

If you can get rich by finding an Internet celebrity and doing the opposite, wouldn't everyone on Source Star be a billionaire?

Is there anything so easy?

Besides, from a probability perspective, Huang has been wrong so many times that he should be right once.

The responsibilities are heavy but the hair on the hair stands on end.

From the results back to the process, we immediately know where the problem lies.

Since Starship Shipbuilding's plate is very large, the capital originally used for trading is very hard to support, and the balance is always unstable.

If the situation continues like this, then the stock price will fall by another 10%.

But now, the sudden move of the super stock market celebrity surnamed Huang has become the last straw that broke the camel's back, the first domino to fall, the unsteady nail on the horse's shoe of the messenger cavalry, in the 21st century The first step in the nuclear fusion bomb chain reaction!

After many miracles with boundless power, the total number of followers on Mr. Huang’s social account has reached tens of millions, and there is not a single dead fan! All alive!

He has gained a huge influence that far exceeds his own wealth, which is like a five-year-old kid holding a nuclear bomb button.

In fact, he only bought two hands, and he also liked the poisonous milk stalk.

His intention in posting this post was probably only a small part to rectify his identity as a professional stock commentator, and a large part of it was to make fun of him.

But this joke went too far.

He became the main culprit who upset the balance.

One person's excitement caused hundreds of thousands of people to panic.

At least more than 100,000 of his fans hold at least one hand of Star Shipbuilding stock!

Huang's fans have been under high pressure for a long time, and now they have immediately changed to the mentality that they would rather trust him than trust him, safety first when traveling in the world, and there is no harm in leaving first, and they have carried out a centralized clearance.

As a result, panic selling by 100,000 people triggered a market shock composed of hundreds of millions of investors.

Another group of ordinary investors who didn't know about Huangguxian saw the sudden appearance of a large number of small and ultra-small order sellers in the market, and they understood.

This is panic selling!

The torrent is coming!

What's there to say?

run! Run quickly!

Driven by the herd mentality, more and more small and medium-sized businesses are following suit.

Just like when facing a geological disaster, everyone knows rationally that rushing forward will cause a stampede, but when something happens, human instinct will still make everyone rush to escape.

The more crowded the exit, the more ferociously the people trapped inside rush.

Quite suddenly, the irreversible collapse began.

For a moment, the buyers in the Star Shipbuilding stock interface were cleared, leaving only sellers.

Sporadic buyers will be evaporated the moment they appear.

This kind of scene is like hitting the wall and shutting everyone down.

Judging from this trend, it will fall by at least another 5% in half an hour at the latest.

Seeing this, Ren Zhong immediately contacted Yang Bingzhong, "Mr. Yang, all my sales orders have been completed. You can come out first. It's still too late to clear the warehouse. Let's wait a little longer."

Yang Bingzhong was silent for a moment.

Finally, he made a decision, "Okay. I listen to you. Clear the stock!"

Ren Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, "That's right. Let's just wait and see."

Yang Bingzhong hummed and started clearing his personal account with one click.

It's strange that the market was originally full of sellers. When Yang Bingzhong's tens of billions of sales orders were issued in batches, a large number of buy orders suddenly appeared. In less than ten minutes, he successfully executed all of them.

The transaction price was actually a bit higher than when it dropped to 15% previously. The position built with 10.555 billion was recovered after liquidation with 9.289 billion, resulting in a loss of only 1.266 billion.

Ren Zhong is congratulating Yang Bingzhong.

Yang Bingzhong himself looked cheerful.


I knew it!

Many large capitals, which were caught off guard by the retail riots, hurriedly adjusted their strategies, from stabilizing the downward trend to pulling back.

In particular, the large capital groups holding positions in Xingkong Shipbuilding are even more intolerable.

With one order, a large amount of capital was injected, and the situation began to change.

A large number of buyers appeared in the market, and the falling stock price immediately pushed up a little.

Yang Bingzhong had a weird smile on his face.

He thought to himself, it's a big responsibility, I originally wanted to make you rich, but if you don't live up to your expectations, then you can't blame me.

With the continuous injection of large capital, the market that was stagnant a moment ago immediately became active again.

The tug-of-war between bulls and bears has begun again.

This is a war between big capital and retail hot money.

Yang Bingzhong thought for five minutes, and when the market value dropped another 5%, he decisively decided to enter the market for the third round.

This time, the real bottom is coming.

He transferred all the 9.289 billion that had just been released from his personal account to the private equity manager.

“Keep adding positions!”

Private equity managers took notice.

Half an hour later, Yang Bingzhong was dumbfounded.

The stock price fell another 7.7%!

Already extremely close to his strong leveling line!

Bullish capital has been immersed in the vast sea of ​​​​people and seems to be unable to continue.

The bulls are about to lose!

Not only that, but capital that originally had nothing to do with it has also begun to choose to enter the game and enter the short side!

Yersun Group and Shenxun Group issued warnings at the same time, notifying short sellers that the securities lending quota for Xingkong Shipbuilding stocks held by securities firms was about to be exhausted.

The purpose of this warning issued by these two major groups was to boost market confidence and tell bulls that the power of short selling is about to be exhausted and they need to stabilize.

Unexpectedly, this once again ignited the selling sentiment.

The securities lending quota is almost exhausted, but investors still have tickets in their hands!

Investors reacted in reverse.

Is the power of short selling so powerful?

Have you exhausted all your securities lending quota?

What am I still clinging to?

Ever since, a new round of selling broke out again, causing such a tragic plummeting effect.

Seeing this scene, Yang Bingzhong gritted his teeth, stared at the market, and murmured to himself, "Wash the market! This must be the last shock market wash! I want retail investors to get off the bus! In half an hour at the latest, we can dial Turn away the dark clouds and see the blue sun! You can rebuild the light! There is no way I will admit defeat!"

Increase your position!


Yang Bingzhong’s last reserve fund, 20 billion in cash, was injected into it.

Different from the previous boiling frog in warm water, this time, his huge buy order of 20 billion was completed in less than five seconds!

There is no other reason than that there are too many sales orders.

More than 20 billion yuan fell into the sea like a mud cow, and there was no sound in an instant.

At this time, Ren Zhong sent "criticisms" from the other side.

Ren Zhong said: "Mr. Yang, did you see it? Fortunately, we ran fast, this is the rule! This time the capital's attack was too ugly, and the emotions of the investors were too depressed, and the investors could not hold on. This is a A powder keg will explode at one point!"

"In addition, those capitals that were not involved in the game are also sharks that pounced upon the smell of blood, and they are eager to gnaw a piece of meat from Xingkong Shipbuilding. The situation is over! The decline will be even more fierce! But this is a good thing, the deeper the decline. Ruthless, we will feel more comfortable when we buy the bottom again later. Mr. Yang, we want to make a fortune!"

"Huh? Where are you, Mr. Yang?"

As Ren Zhong's words fell.

Xingkong Shipbuilding, which currently has a market value of nearly 24 trillion, also performed what is called a guillotine-style plunge!

Refresh every five seconds, with a 1% drop each time!

In just one minute, the price dropped by 12%!

It's so miserable. It's so miserable.

Every second, hundreds of billions of contribution point assets evaporate out of thin air.

The Yuanxing stock market has not seen such a tragic situation for a long time.

Everyone can smell the explosion in the air.

This is a financial tsunami!

It’s the financial industry’s backlash against human civilization!

It was a neutron bomb-level bubble explosion!

The real tragic stock market crash has arrived.

For a time, mourning was everywhere.

One after another in the forum, liquidators were broadcasting live, roaring in despair and jumping from tall buildings.

Ren Zhong’s communication was still playing automatically in Yang Bingzhong’s ears.

"Mr. Yang? Huh? Mr. Yang, what's wrong with you? Mr. Yang, please answer me!"

The ashen-faced Mr. Yang stared at the account of the private equity manager and could not speak for a long time.

Looking at the green forced liquidation notice and the shocking net loss of 18.202 billion, his lips trembled.

It's over.

It's all over!

Yes, Mr. Yang, who has snowballed from 210 million to 14.2 billion for half a month, is also a member of this army of tragic liquidations.

A moment ago, he was a billionaire, dreaming of a fortune of hundreds of billions.

The next second, he lost everything and was humbled to the ground.

Half a lifetime’s hard work has returned to zero in an instant!

"Mr. Yang...Mr. Yang?"

"Mr. Yang, please speak!"

"Mr. Yang, don't scare me! What's wrong with you?"

"Mr. Yang!"

On the other side, Ren Zhong was "concerned" about Mr. Yang while looking at the shocking curves of Xingkong Shipbuilding.

It had indeed plummeted, more violently than he remembered! The magnitude is even greater! The decline is even more brutal!

According to this trend, Star Shipbuilding is afraid that it will fall back to the 78-8 trillion market value before the rise, and the total decline from the peak will reach an astonishing 70% or more!

Cut in half again!

Such an evaporation of wealth caused by the capital scale of Star Shipbuilding will definitely cause a large-scale and large-scale stock market crash of a once-in-a-decade level.

Obviously, the butterfly effect caused by these two greedy butterflies, he and Yang Bingzhong, triggered an even more violent space-time storm.

This is exactly what Ren Zhong has been worried about.

It's happening now.

Fortunately he himself was not a victim.

Here, Yang Bingzhong couldn't hear Ren Zhong's voice at this time.

Ren Zhong's words full of concern and worry gradually faded away.

Yang Bingzhong's mind went blank and his ears were buzzing.

Endless regrets flooded him.

Although Ren Zhong made mistakes twice, he was right this time and she should listen to his advice.

I was wrong!


Can time go back?

I beg you!

Give me another chance to do it again!

I will definitely follow Ren Zhong’s advice!

At this moment, the president of the Liaoyuan County branch who received the asset alert immediately called Yang Bingzhong with the highest authority.

"Mr. Yang, what happened to you? Why does it show that the loan amount has been cleared? Where is your money? Huh? Mr. Yang? Yang Bingzhong, speak up!"

On the other side, suppliers who also received asset alerts also sent inquiries.

Yes, in order to cope with the production capacity demand in Chromium Carbon Town, Yang Bingzhong also ordered a production line, which is being installed under the building at this moment.

He has yet to settle the balance with his supplier.

He put a little pressure on suppliers' money. After all, all liquidity is operating in the stock market to increase value.

He also took out a business loan from Zhansha County Bank.

This money was supposed to be paid out tomorrow as a final payment to the supplier.

But in fact, he had already moved it into the stock market.

The money was not much, just over 100 million, but it was one of the sources of funds when he first opened a position in private equity.

Due to the delay in getting a response from him, legal applications for asset freezing came one after another under the ultra-efficient system built by the Yuanxing Business Association.

They only come here to admire you when you are at your peak, but they will abandon you when you are at your lowest.

When the drum is broken, thousands of people beat it, and when the wall falls, everyone pushes it down.

The warmth and coldness of this world comes so suddenly.

Yang Bingzhong's ears faintly heard howling like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

He seemed to hear hundreds of thousands of innocent souls baring their teeth and roaring at him.

He held his head tightly, tears streaming down his face, and he couldn't stop crying.

After a long time, Yang Bingzhong, who knew that crying would not solve the problem, forced himself to calm down and glanced at the amount of assets frozen. The system had already given the minimum amount of accounts due within a week at the speed of light below.

not much.

Taking into account the loan interest from Liaoyuan County Bank, the interest on the balance payment extension of various equipment, the interest on business loans, etc., the minimum total amount is actually only more than 30 million.

According to Yuanxing's laws, as long as Yang Bingzhong can pay interest on time, he can temporarily keep his assets before the loan contract expires.

Hope is still there.

Although I can't come up with this money now, as long as I can keep the company and the production capacity of chromium carbon town can be reached in half a month at the latest, I can maintain it.

As long as he thinks of a way next, sucking the blood of Chromium Carbon Town just like he sucked the blood of Xinghuo Town, repaying the 4 billion loan from the Liaoyuan County branch is not a foolish dream.

I have to borrow money! It is impossible to do so at the bank, and the credit limit for citizens has already been filled up.

I can only borrow money from private individuals.

So, who can save me?

It doesn’t matter who it is!

help me!

Oh yes, and him.

Yang Bingzhong trembled with his hands, trying to dial his backer's communication.

But he hesitated.

The foreign mine was originally a business negotiated by the backer, but now that he has lost the foreign mine and the deal has not been completed on time, the backer must be dissatisfied.

If you tell the other party that you went bankrupt while trading stocks, the probability of being treated as an outcast is as high as 80%!

Can't find him.

Then who else can I turn to?

Wait, eh!

I still have someone I can rely on!

Yang Bingzhong took a deep breath and adjusted his breathing rate.

"It's a heavy responsibility. Something just happened here. Some due small accounts need to be settled, and all my money is in the stock market. I'm too lazy to fiddle with this small amount of money. How about you lend me 30 million? ? I will pay you back in one month and give you 10% interest."

Ren Zhong on the opposite side: "Uh...Mr. Yang? I...I'm still waiting to buy the bottom. 10% interest is too..."

Yang Bingzhong's eyes darkened.

I'm waiting for money to save my life, but you tell me you want to buy the bottom?

Are you toxic?

He suppressed his anger and whispered softly: "It's a big responsibility, I think I've treated you well, and I've made you a lot of money. Can't you agree to this small request? I'll give you the benefits in the future." How much less can it be?”

Ren Zhong, who was opposite him, finally relaxed, "Well, why don't we have an interview later?"


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