Resurrection Empire

Chapter 335: Disconnection, great era

After waiting for about half an hour, Sun Miao and Tang Shuying returned to the biochemical laboratory at the same time.

The two chatted briefly when they met upstairs, and immediately realized something was fishy.

The two rushed into the basement and saw Ren Zhong sitting on the center console staring intently at the stereoscopic projection.

Sun Miao looked around and saw no one.

Tang Shuying asked directly: "Mr. Ren, where is Sun Ai?"

Ren Zhong shook the swivel chair and turned around, "She's gone."

Tang Shuying was still a little confused, "Ah? Where have you gone?"

Sun Miao, who knew more about the inside story, trembled all over, stepped forward quickly, and coughed lightly, "Tang Shuying, you'd better not ask about this matter."

Upon hearing Sun Miao's tone, Tang Shuying immediately knew that Sun Ai's matter was of great importance. Although she had an ominous premonition in her heart, she still controlled her emotions forcefully.

She didn't want to make it more difficult.

She looked at the two of them again and asked, "Then should I go out now and let you two talk?"

Ren Zhong shook his head, "No. But I can only tell you that what Sun Ai did is very important. It is related to the goal that each of us most wants to achieve. What you want to revenge, what Sun Miao wants to save, and what I want to change It’s all related.”

Sun Miao sighed, "I understand the truth. But after all, she is... Hey, she should at least let me watch from the side."

Ren Zhong: "She said she didn't want to make you sad."

"Is that why this is the case?" Tang Shuying walked to the side of the culture tank and gently stroked the tank. Her tone was bleak and her expression was lonely. "Actually, it's not necessary. I'm not that fragile."

Ren Zhong: "Maybe she is afraid of affecting her own mentality. Her opponent... cannot tolerate any sloppiness."

Seeing that Sun Miao had not spoken for a long time, Tang Shuying nodded and left first with good sense.

She didn't feel excluded, because she knew that under the threat of telekinesis masters, the fewer people who knew any secret, the better.

After Tang Shuying left, Sun Miao said, "So what do we need to do now? Is there anything else we can do to help her?"

Ren Zhong shook his head, "No more. We can only wait and believe in her. Of course, we should do our own thing well and live up to the new situation she gained through self-sacrifice."


Ren Zhong: "How is the pharmaceutical factory running now?"

Sun Miao: "The quality of the plant extracts in Nangao Town is very high. Our products have reached the first place in the same class in terms of cost and efficacy. The Mengdu Group has started to ask me to share technology, hoping that I will go back." "

Ren Zhong smiled and shook his head, "It's quite a beautiful thought."

"That's how I responded."

Ren Zhong: "But it's not enough now. We have to make Mengdu Group hostile to other companies because of our affairs."

Sun Miao: "So..."

"Brother Sun, I have absolute confidence in your ability. Next, we will further increase production capacity, improve product quality, and seize the Mengdu Group's market within the first continent."

Sun Miao shook his head and said, "There are no technical barriers on my side. But the problem is that Mengdu Group can no longer sell equipment to us."

Ren Zhong shook his head: "I have considered it. Yuanxing Military Industry has ready-made equipment design drawings. We split the order and purchased raw materials from Amethyst Mining and Bass Group, and purchased wafers and program outsourcing from Shenxun Group. Then complete the assembly in your own arsenal.”

Sun Miao: "What a good idea. This will bring these four companies to oppose the Mengdu Group."

Ren Zhong: "But this conflict will only be limited to the First Continent or even Yangsheng City for the time being. We are just a small trigger. In addition, the Mengdu Group may try to kill you to solve the trouble once and for all. "

"It's okay, who doesn't live in danger every day? Although I may not necessarily die, I will try to leave more things behind. Sun Ai has summarized what I taught her into a systematic teaching material. Now you The total population within the control range has reached nearly one million. Among millions of people, there will always be some smart people with enough brains who can learn. As for other mature production processes and research and development ideas, I will sort it out as soon as possible. "

Sun Miao's tone seemed to convey her last words, but she was just prepared.

Ren Zhong responded: "Don't worry, I will strengthen the defense as much as possible."

Sun Miao asked back, "There is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and us. If the Mengdu Group really wants to kill me, you can't prevent it. It would be good if we can minimize the losses."

"Who knows."

Ren Zhong shrugged.

That afternoon, Ren Zhong boarded a private airship and made a comprehensive inspection of the situation in each town under his control.

He hasn't noticed any obvious changes yet, and he doesn't know how long it will take Sun Ai to disconnect from the Internet.

But before the real big changes begin, he thinks he should be more prepared.

Yangsheng Ten Town and Chrome Carbon Town have enjoyed the benefits brought by the Ren Group, and the mental outlook and housing architecture of the deserted people have shown tremendous changes.

The desert people began to realize what life was, and it was no longer simply "living".

Better benefits have not made the deserters less efficient at work.

Fear of the past still drives them to crazy self-improvement.

The desert people have received better infrastructure configuration, whether it is living or studying, and even the speed of professional level improvement is much stronger than in the past.

Someone becomes a new professional every day.

Cheaper and guaranteed equipment rental has improved the working ability of professionals, creating more wealth for the Ren Group every day.

The suppressed productivity of the wilderness has been released. If there is no external interference, this growth in productivity will continue for a long time.

In addition, the contracted household registration system that has been implemented has also given the barren people in various towns a greater sense of security. The barren people began to purchase real estate and armed sleeping cabins, and settled down. They no longer gathered together every night to get into the centralized place as before. Sleeping pod.

The barren people also began to dare to update their equipment in real time, purchasing some cheap vehicles, new projection TVs, new speakers, new communicators and other equipment that used to be luxury goods, without having to worry about being immediately attacked by those in high positions after revealing their wealth. of coveting and plundering.

Ren Zhong is satisfied with these phenomena.

He has made the desert people under his banner become obsessed with this kind of life and given them new hope.

Then when big changes come, these people will become his loyal subordinates without mobilization.

Because they know that only by preserving the Ren Group and Ren Zhong's life, power and status can they preserve the life they enjoy now.

Ren Zhong does not rule out the possibility of insiders under his banner.

After all, there is a gap between people's hearts. Potential enemies spend huge amounts of resources to break through one person, and the difficulty of opening a gap is infinitely low.

But the one thing you are least afraid of is the mole.

He is invincible when it comes to fault tolerance, so he dares to treat every subordinate with absolute trust.

So far, his sincerity has been more than rewarded and he has never been betrayed by anyone.

Even people like Ou Youning, who are more random and unstable in character, have never let him down.

That night, Ren Zhong returned to Spark Town.

Ju Qingmeng asked him how he felt today.

Ren Zhong lay on the sofa and said with a smile: "Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind. We are ready to welcome the new era."

Ju Qingmeng sat behind him, held his head in his hands, and rested it on his lap, "But the road ahead is not easy."

"Let's take it one step at a time."

Ju Qingmeng hummed, "But we still lack one thing."

Ren Zhong raised his head and looked at Ju Qingmeng from below, but his sight was blocked by two mountain peaks, and he could only see her slightly melancholy eyes, "What?"

Ju Qingmeng sighed, "According to the usual secular concepts, after anyone becomes a citizen, or when his personal assets reach tens of millions, his first thought should be to leave children and obtain heirs. After all, we only have more than forty years to live. Years. Whether you stay awake or travel through time through freezing, you must have a legal heir to maintain your career, and struggle is meaningful. Otherwise, it will all be in vain in the end, right?"

Ren Zhong: "Yes."

He did not deny Ju Qingmeng's point of view.

The average life expectancy of people on Source Star is only about forty years.

It takes ten months for a woman to conceive and give birth, and nearly sixteen years to raise her offspring to adulthood.

Driven by the shackles of short lifespan and the instinct of racial reproduction, as well as the miraculous skill of cryogenic sleep that can achieve time span, the sexual concepts of the humans on the Origin Star are very unrestrained, and their desire for children is very strong.

Seeing what Ju Qingmeng wanted to say, Ren Zhong suddenly jumped up from the sofa.

He picked up Ju Qingmeng and walked quickly to the bedroom, "I understand what you mean, so let's try harder tonight!"

Ju Qingmeng waved his hands repeatedly, "No, that's not what I want to say!"

Ren Zhong threw her onto the soft bed and jumped on her, "Stop talking and kiss me."

In fact, he had completely guessed everything Ju Qingmeng wanted to say.

But if you know your own affairs, that means nothing.

He asked Sun Ge, a famous doctor of the generation, to diagnose his seed.

Brother Sun came to the conclusion that his situation was very special. Although his physiological structure was exactly the same as that of ordinary Yuanxing people, the test showed that he had reproductive isolation.

Ren Zhong also knows a lot about biology.

He even came up with the reason himself.

He knew that although the atoms in his body had been replaced, the quantum laws carried in the genetic information still showed the completely random and chaotic characteristics of people on earth, and had not degraded over time.

This means that under the existing physical rules of the icosahedron, it is impossible for him to leave descendants before restoring the source star humans to their original appearance as humans on earth.

He felt helpless and somewhat sad about it.

But he wasn't completely hopeless.

As long as people are alive, there is hope.

Early the next morning, Ren Zhong announced a new decision.

He announced that he would learn from the management models of other companies and transform Xinghuo Town into the capital of the Ren Group, which is currently valued at 4 trillion, just like Shenxun Group built Shendu City.

With the economic scale of Ren Group, the planning level of Xinghuo Town can reach the level of Yangsheng City.

Many upper-level forces, including Ying Hao, Tanggu Group and Amethyst Mining, tried to dissuade him.

These people think it is not necessary.

There are only less than twenty years before the Great Migration, and everything on the Source Star that cannot be moved will be abandoned.

Ren Zhong chose to build the city at this time, just because he had too much money to burn. He might as well keep the money in his account, and wait until he gets to the empire, and the currencies of both sides are interconnected, and the rich will naturally remain rich.

Ren Zhong declined suggestions from all parties, saying only that a rising star like himself could not plan the Great Migration decades in advance like other established forces, and had to take advantage of the current momentum to take further steps.

Although he only has twenty years left, he believes that he can still maintain rapid growth in the future, and his current investment will definitely achieve excess returns within ten years.

In view of his blind self-confidence, Ying Hao and other forces no longer tried to dissuade him, but instead took advantage of the situation to clear their inventory.

As a result, in the next few days, under the pretext of expanding production capacity, Ren Zhong exchanged all the working capital of up to 2 trillion yuan and the 10 trillion funds from mortgage loans into raw materials, industrial machinery, arms equipment, Building materials, reserves of synthetic food and other supplies were piled in the newly circled outer city area outside Xinghuo Town.

Now Spark Town has been divided into inner and outer cities.

The inner city is the former main city, and the outer city is a new ring-shaped wall with a radius of ten kilometers built by Ren Zhong at a cost of hundreds of billions.

Within the new wall, a large number of buildings are being completed rapidly.

These buildings include new factories, as well as residential areas, commercial areas, etc. planned to accommodate the increasing number of people seeking refuge in the desert.

According to the social rules of Yuanxing, Ren Zhong, as an investor in building the wall, naturally obtained the ownership of the land within the outer city wall, and only needed to pay taxes and fees to the association during the actual development.

Time came to the 245th day unknowingly.

That night, something happened suddenly.

Ren Zhong, who was checking the situation of cities around Yangsheng City in his sleeping space, suddenly encountered a "crash" and a "black screen".

Immediately afterwards, Ren Zhong was kicked out of the sleeping space.

He woke up immediately without turning on the hypnotic mode.

He looked at Ju Qingmeng, who was still sleeping beside him. His eyes were closed and he was sleeping peacefully.

Ren Zhong jumped out of bed, took the indoor elevator to the first floor, put on the Chifeng armor with an independent computing module installed in advance, and walked out of the villa door quickly.

He looked into the distance.

Xinghuo Town, which was originally brightly lit at night, suddenly fell into darkness.

Shi Lin, the person in charge of the night watchman on duty tonight, staggered over quickly with a look of panic on his face.

"Mr. Ren, it's bad. All our smart devices suddenly failed, and our watches can't be used! All the Night Watch's mechas are paralyzed!"

Slim said loudly in a trembling voice.

As he spoke, he looked at Ren Zhong with a little doubt.

At this time, Chi Fengjia, who had a heavy responsibility, was business as usual.

Shi Lin was slightly confused.

Ren Zhong accelerated slightly, flew in front of Shi Lin, smiled slightly, and said slowly: "This is good news."

Listening to Ren Zhong's suppressed joyful tone, Shilin was stunned for a moment, "Ah? Why?"

Ren Zhong lifted his mask, with an unprecedented bright smile on his face, "Because, 'Net' is dead! From now on, we will start a revolution on Source Star! I will fundamentally change the system of Source Star The injustice caused countless people to leave their homes and travel thousands of miles, and nine out of ten died before the Qishan Underground City was built, and the tragedy of still living precariously will never happen again!"

Shi Lin was shocked, "What? Revolution? What is that?"

Ren Zhong patted the little guy on the shoulder, "To sum up, revolution is actually very simple. It is to replace a bad system with a better system. But how to do it specifically is complicated. In short, we are about to Take the first step. Shilin, you are the person I trust, and you happen to be the first person to see me in the new era, so I told you my secret first."

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