Resurrection Empire

Chapter 404 Flesh Millstone

After returning to Spark Town, Ren Zhong first summoned all the senior leaders of the group and issued an order to mobilize the entire army.

After three years of fighting, today's backbone of the Spark Army are already professional soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles.

For three years, they have been either fighting or preparing for war, and have become completely accustomed to this way of survival.

A month has passed since the last big battle was fought. It was obviously time for a good rest, but the soldiers were all feeling uncomfortable.

As soon as the order was issued, the soldiers immediately ended their vacations, returned to their posts, and began intensive intensive training again.

After three years of evolution, the organizational structure of the Spark Army is no longer the flat First and Second Army...Nth Army system it used to be, but has become a system with a clearer division of labor.

The Spark Army has five major branches: the Missile Force, the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, and the Space Force, which is being gradually formed.

Among them, the Army has the largest number of people, and its standard equipment mainly consists of various types of armored fighting vehicles, humanoid armor, and various medium and short-range firearms.

Distinguished by function, armored combat vehicles include logistics type, medium-range heavy artillery type, light weapons comprehensive close combat type and other models. According to the power source, it is divided into three types: internal combustion engine off-road type, internal combustion engine and battery function package hybrid power, and pure battery power package. According to the mode of travel, there are anti-gravity near-ground medium-speed flight type, purely ground wheeled and crawler propulsion type, and ground and low-altitude flying dual-energy type.

As for the humanoid armor, it follows the standard professional system of Origin Star in the past. Mainly because the technological content of the armor is too high and a large number of interstellar trade spare parts are used. The Ren Group does not have the ability to develop armor from scratch. Have to rely on Yuanxing Military Industry.

As for the various firearms, they have come up with all kinds of tricks, including short-range rapid-fire machine guns with ultra-high firing rates, and long-range guidance modules that can fire terminally guided bullets with a range of tens of kilometers. A single-shot slow-loading heavy sniper, as well as a medium-range sniper energy cannon based on the principle of the hunter-killer main gun.

In addition, the Spark Army's air force is not what it used to be. When the Air Force was first established, there were only dozens of "Tribute" Veyron fighters designed by Ren Zhong himself and powered by media engines and anti-gravity engines. Up to now, with the support of Amethyst Mining and Yuanxing Military Industry, the Veyron fighter has been revised many times and has been divided into multiple models. For example, the Veyron C type focuses on long endurance, the J type focuses on air-to-air combat capabilities, the H type focuses on ground attack, and the B type can adapt to various combat situations. Different models are divided into one generation, two generations and three generations, and even the fighting J type has evolved to the fifth generation. Each generation of upgrades includes equipment mounting capabilities, engine power and stability, fuselage materials, aerodynamic structure, fuselage internal pipeline performance, etc.

As for the navy, it was a new type of force that was started to form after Tang Xiangyun took over the coastal town. It basically has no surface ships and is mainly multi-functional submarines. When Ren Zhong first started to form a navy, he was opposed by Ying Hao, but he convinced Ying Hao on the grounds that he was going to enter the maritime field and needed maritime defense forces, and received appropriate support.

After three years of operation, today's naval force has a total of more than 300 submarines, with displacements ranging from 80,000 tons to 5,000 tons. These submarines are not simply latent assassins, but multi-functional war machines that can adapt to the complex underwater environment full of beasts.

The navy not only has the ultra-long-range killing function like the missile force, but also can complete the deployment of personnel quietly.

The missile army is even simpler. As the name suggests, it is a big killer used to complete medium-range, long-range and ultra-long-range killings. It has a variety of different base modes, including mobile missile vehicles, underground missile bases, open-air missile bases, and undersea missiles. base and so on.

The Space Force is currently only in its infancy, and is completely kept secret from the outside world. It is composed of MSIs that apparently serve the recovery plan, but are actually equipped with kill modules.

Ren Zhong was at the forefront of everyone's plans for the army every step of the way, making other followers a little unable to keep up with his pace.

But no one knows that there is actually another underground force that has a heavy responsibility.

It's truly underground.

All the desolate people he rescued from all over the world in his capacity as a census officer lived underground.

Of course, these people did not live a life of darkness. Ren Zhong spent a lot of money and invested a lot of resources to build a huge three-dimensional dungeon.

Nearly 200 million people live under the simulated sun.

Ren Zhong also specially modified the spectrum of this simulated sun. The plants in the dungeon even "mutated" and turned green again in a very short period of time.

Subsequently, botanists who became monks began to popularize these green plants on a large scale, and even made the living environment in the underground city more livable.

Many trusted upper-level managers are willing to go to the underground city for vacation when they have nothing to do, and they also provide various vocational training to the residents of the underground city.

Of the 200 million underground residents, a full 10 million have passed professional certification. Although they are unable to practice on the ground or participate in actual combat, these people who were abandoned by the association for no reason are full of hatred and have a strong will to fight.

As long as the time is right and these ten million people are released, a powerful new force will be obtained immediately.

Time flies, and two months later, Ying Hao officially declares war on the Mengdu Group.

As soon as Ying Hao's declaration of war came out, it immediately shocked Yuan Xing.

Senior figures from both the Presbyterian Church and the other nine major groups spoke out to dissuade him, saying they could not understand Ying Hao's purpose of starting such a war at the critical moment of the upcoming Great Migration.

Ying Hao paid no attention to anyone. He only pulled out all the private armies he had gradually expanded over two hundred years, and launched an attack on the relevant institutions of the Mengdu Group on all planets and all large settlements with the force of a mountain and a tsunami.

Ren Zhong had never found Ying Hao's real trump card, so he was shocked this time.

It turned out that Ying Hao had been sending professionals to his secret base to freeze, and he had also been secretly accumulating equipment.

After Tu Qiongdian saw it, he instantly pulled out a huge army of professionals with a total number of 300 million people.

In a long period of more than two hundred years, it absorbed an average of 1.5 million people every year and accumulated equipment for 1.5 million people. Ying Hao has nearly 150 million soldiers on the Source Star. There are also fifty million in various other planetary settlements.

As for the heavy responsibility, he brought his army of 20 million people and all his subordinates into Ying Hao's huge army.

Not only that, Ren Zhong was also appointed as the top military staff officer, who can play a decisive role in Ying Hao's decision-making.

Ren Zhong knew that this was still not Ying Hao's trump card.

He currently hides a super killer weapon called the galaxy-level main gun.

Faced with such a fierce offensive, the Mengdu Group did not lose its position.

Hewitt immediately activated the puppet plan and began to use highly addictive special anti-aging drugs to form alliances among the nine major companies and association elders to isolate Ying Hao's Yuanxing Military Industrial Group.

At the same time, the Mengdu Group also deployed a huge army of colonial warriors, and instantly activated legion beasts distributed all over the source star. The Source Star Ruins beasts that used to fight on their own became the minions of the Mengdu Group, which at least smoothed the gap between the two sides in terms of numbers.

Originally, the Ruin Beasts were on par with the humans of Source Star, but now they have a commander, so of course they should not be underestimated.

Before the war had fully begun, Ren Zhong had already seen a huge flesh and blood millstone that was bleeding.

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