"Hey! You'll know soon."

As he spoke, he chewed the strawberry a few times and then swallowed it.

The blood on the arm stopped immediately, and the wounds covered by the blood healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I hate those who play dirty the most. I'm going to kick your balls to pieces today!" Lin Jun moved his arms and looked indifferent.

"How is it possible? This is a wound with a tearing effect."

Gale was in disbelief.

You know what your innate skills are, and why this kid's wounds heal so quickly.

"It's my turn next!"


call out!

Jun Lin arrived at super fast speed in front of Gale, who was still in shock, with a cruel smile on his face.

"Instant kick x2!"

Bang bang!

Suddenly a man's heart-rending screams could be heard in the woods.

ten minutes later.

Lin Jun and Lu Bailing have arrived at the gate of the hunting ground.

"Lin, Mr. Lin, are you really okay?"

Lu Bailing looked worried.

"Didn't I show it to you? The wounds have healed, what else can happen?"

Lin Jun moved his arms and proved to Lu Bailing again.

Lu Bailing sniffed and slightly pursed his sexy red lips.

"Next time we fight together, don't be brave again."

"Okay! I just want to see how strong I am this time, hehe!"


Lin Jun was very happy. Unexpectedly, he was pitted against someone for the first time, and the system rewarded him with a small gift pack for his first KO.

I don't know what's inside, but it would be nice if there was a gun.

It's no big deal that he's a gunman who always fights in close combat.

On the way back, Lin Jun and Lu Bailing went to the supermarket and bought a bunch of delicious snacks. Of course, Lin Jun paid the bill.

Although Lu Bailing usually beats her sister, it does not mean that she does not hurt this sister!



As soon as the two of them opened the door to the yard, a little guy with short legs came running over.

"Brother! Sister! Are you fat?"

After asking, he consciously went to pick up the bag in Jun Lin's hand.

"Wow! So many delicious things! They're all mine, they're all mine!" He buried his head in the bag.

Lu Bailing suddenly darkened his face. "Xiaoluo, if I don't beat you for a day, you feel like you're going to fly, right?"

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoluo's little body trembled, and she immediately stuck her head out of the bag, hurriedly covering her butt, and pouted her mouth in grievance.

"No, no! I was beaten just now."

"Oh? Why were you beaten again?" Lin Jun was very interested.

"No, no why!" Lu Xiaoluo waved her hands hurriedly and looked at her sister with fearful eyes.

Does Lu Bailing still not understand her sister?

Suddenly it occurred to me that it was me and that piece of clothing that was in trouble again, right?

Da da!

He hurriedly ran into the house, and after a while, a scream came from inside.

The sound made Lu Xiaoluo tremble.

Then the little man hugged Jun Lin's thigh.

"Wow! Brother, save me, brother, save me!"

Lin Jungang wanted to ask what happened.

Lu Bailing walked out angrily with a feather duster in one hand and a small blue item of clothing in the other.

After Lin Jun saw it clearly, he realized that it was so.

This frightened Lu Xiaoluo so much that she hugged Lin Jun's thigh tightly.

"Wow! Brother, save me!"

"Ahem! Xiaoluo! It's okay. You're used to it anyway. Go ahead and give your sister a few beatings. I'll wait for you there. When you're done beating me, I'll come and have snacks."

As he said that, he forcefully opened the little hands holding his thighs, and also picked up Lu Xiaoluo's collar and lifted it up in front of Lu Bailing.

After a while, the cry of a little baby came again in the yard!

The neighbors are used to this sound.

Some people are even discussing: "Hey! It's this sound. If you don't listen to it for a day, you will feel uncomfortable."

"Yes! This sound is so refreshing..."


After dinner, on the rooftop.

"Ouch! Ouch~"

"Eat slowly! I won't steal it from you. I gave it to you here."

Lin Jun was crying while watching Lu Xiaoluo eat snacks, filling the small pocket in front of her belly with snacks.

"Woo! My brother is good to me. I don't like my sister anymore."

"Okay, don't cry anymore! Eat slowly by yourself and don't disturb brother."

After appeasing Lu Xiaoluo, Lin Jun entered the system interface.

"System, open that little gift bag for me."

【Ding! Opening the first KO gift package. 】

【Ding! Obtained an epic weapon, a biubiu staff, and a random job transfer certificate. 】

Originally, Mr. Lin was excited when he heard about the epic weapon, but when he saw it was a staff, he immediately cursed.

"What the hell! I'm a shooter! Why do you keep giving me a weapon? I wonder if you did it on purpose."

【Ding! Everything is random, please don’t slander Ben Tongzi, thank you! 】

"Thank you sir! Get out of here, I don't want to hear your voice anymore."

【Ding! Okay, remember to call me when you have time! 】

"Fuck! Bitch!"

Mr. Lin clicked on the staff.

【biubiu staff】

Grade: Epic (Pink)

Level: Level 1

Attack power: 110

Skill attack power: 110

Spirit +5

Intelligence +10

Additional skills: (biubiu little snowman)

(Biubiu Little Snowman): The person holding the staff shouts the Biubiu spell to release a bouncing snowman that will cause basic skill damage +130% damage to the target.

Introduction: An epic cane refined for the first time by an ice magic genius from a certain continent.

After reading the introduction, Lin Jun's heart surged with anger.

Damn your biubiu, damn your genius, I am a gunner, why should I be given these irrelevant weapons?

Even if it can be equipped, except for the two skills of instant kick and round kick, which do not require weapons, all subsequent skills must have a gun.

Now, if I take out this staff and shout out the biubiu spell in public, will I still lose my face?

However, the damage of this skill is quite high nowadays.

Take out from the space a cane as big as a chopstick.

Well, it's quite exquisite.

For some reason, Lin Jun suddenly got excited and couldn't help but give it a try when facing the large water tank not far away.


Jun Lin shouted out the curse in embarrassment.

Then the staff pointed towards the large water tank.

The top of the staff instantly lit up with white light.


A small snowman as big as the mouth of a bowl jumped towards the big water tank.


The sound was not loud, but the power was not small, and it directly blew up the large water tank.

Lin Jun was stunned.

Lu Xiaoluo saw all this with her eyes, her mouth slightly opened, her eyes bright, and she was shocked.

It was like discovering something new and strange.

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