In the end, Lin Jun raised an additional 10% commission on the original basis, which was regarded as the normal part-time sales wages of Yuan Mingyan's mercenary group.

This time, all the monsters dropped in Sakura Country are level five purple weapons.

It’s enough to replenish the store’s inventory. When the Black Mist Rift was painted last time, there were still many third- and fourth-level ones.

The last level one and two can only be bought in the PK store with PK points. Now with platinum three stars, level four weapons and soul crystals are available for redemption.

A soul crystal requires one hundred PK points, which is a bit uneconomical. There are no gathering points to obtain PK points. It is more cost-effective to save them and exchange them for low-level weapons.

After all, with the current strength, it would be a bit overkill to farm low-level alien beasts.

After that, Lin Jun planned to lie down at home for a few days, but ended up staying for only one day.

It was ruined by a phone call from his 'girlfriend'.

Lin Jun was very dissatisfied.

I pushed open the door of the principal's office and was about to ask a question when I saw many people in the office.

I can only swallow back what I want to say.

The moment he entered, he was stared at by several eyes.

Um! They are all masters of S level and above.

Lin Jun ignored these glances and looked at Bai Ni: "Bai...Principal Bai, what do you want from me?"

"Well, everyone, this is my subordinate, No. 38, Mr. Lin." Bai Ni stood up and introduced to the three men and one woman.

Then he looked at Lin Jun, "Lin Jun, these four are..."

"Well!, I'm number four." Before Bai Ni could finish speaking, the woman among the four waved her hands and said calmly.

Then one of the taller and stronger men among the three men said, "Hello, I'm Siyi!"

"May Day!" Another man with glasses said calmly.

But the last middle-aged man was more enthusiastic.

Come up directly and shake hands with Mr. Lin. "Aha! You must be the little hero at Black Mist Stronghold. I heard No. 11 and others mentioned your deeds. I am No. 10."

"Ha! Hello, hello, it turns out that No. 11 and the others are your subordinates!" Lin Jun, the enthusiastic uncle opposite, also looked enthusiastic.

The other four people all had paralyzed faces, and Lin Jun had no intention of sticking his face to his cold buttocks.

"Okay, now that you know each other, let me tell you about this mission!" Bai Ni interrupted the enthusiastic conversation between Lin and Jun.

"This mission is codenamed 'Rat Extermination'. I am the captain, and No. 4 is the deputy captain. The total number of people is ten, and the remaining four are still on their way."

"As for the mission content, there are only two."

"First, go to Nanbang Country and assassinate all senior executives of the Star Stick Group, including all members of the Li family."

"Second, find out whether the officials of the Southern Bang Country are involved."

After Bai Ni finished speaking, Lin Jun knew that it turned out to be about the collusion between Nan Bang and the strange demons.

It can be said that he has been involved in the origin of this mission from Asiba's training class to now. Unexpectedly, he also had a part in the ending.

I have to sigh, this thing of fate is really wonderful.

"Captain Bai, are you sure this student has the strength to participate in this mission?"

The speaker was number four, a good-looking woman with a cold temperament, and a bit taller than Yuan Mingyan.

"Haha! Fourth, you are still so arrogant. If a person who can kill the eighth-level crack beast king is not qualified, then you can go home and take care of your children." Bai Ni was not polite at all and directly attacked her.

It can be seen that Bai Ni and No. 4 are having some trouble.

"Besides, he was named by the group leader himself. If you have any objections, you can mention it to the group leader."

"You!" No. 4 was so angry that he stared at Bai Ni with cold eyes.


"Sister Ni, they are here."

The door knocked again, and Assistant Xu's voice came.

"Invite them in!"

Then the door opened and four strange people came in.

Jun Lin looked back and found that there were actually two adults and two children coming in.

When he saw one of the children, Lin Jun was dumbfounded.

Isn't this a baby dragon?

When Baby Long also saw Jun Lin, he snorted coldly and immediately turned his head to the side arrogantly.

The little loli next to her looked at Baby Dragon and then at Jun Lin. She didn't know what was going on and had a cute look on her face.

"Four of you, please take a seat."

"Well! Are you number three?" asked a man with his arms crossed.

Lin Jun secretly thought that although they were from the same organization, they didn't know each other.

Bai Ni had no choice but to introduce everyone again.

When Mr. Lin was introduced, among the four people, except Long Baobao, the other two adults and one child, all looked at him curiously.

"Are you the one who killed the eight-headed beast king in one go?"

As soon as these words came out, No. 4 and others, who had previously dismissed Mr. Lin, looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

I thought Bai Ni was exaggerating just now, but I didn't expect that this student was the masked man from Sakura Country.


"Well, you are very good. Are you interested in joining our Tian group?" The man praised.

"No. 2, you passed!" Bai Ni shouted.

The man crossed his arms and pouted.

"I am Tianzhu No. 2." Then he pointed to the other one, "This Menyoubo is Zero Eight."

Finally, he pointed at Long Baobao and the two children.

"They are non-staff members, Long Baobao and Huniu."

Many people are familiar with Baby Dragon. After all, she often assists other teams in their missions. In the Dragon Team, this girl has the title of ‘unlimited firepower’.

It just doesn't have a good reputation, and he often gives up his picks or fishes during missions.

On the other hand, it was the cute little loli named Hu Niu. It was the first time for everyone to see her, and they didn’t know if she was powerful or not.

Bai Ni continued his brief description and set the meeting point on a hilltop twenty kilometers away from the west gate. They will gather and set off at six o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

There will be a transport helicopter that will deliver them twenty kilometers away from the coast of Nanbang, and they will swim ashore with the remaining ten kilometers.

There are no strange animals in Nanbang Kingdom, and most of the territory is in the hands of Nanbang people.

If the helicopter gets too close, its whereabouts may be easily exposed, and it would be bad if something unexpected happens.

In this mission, the person with the lowest strength level is Lin Jun, and the others are at least S level.

It's just that Uncle No. 10 is not a combat-type superpower.

After everything was arranged, everyone dispersed one after another.

In the office, only Lin Jun and Bai Ni were left.

"Sister Bai, who is the strongest in this team?" Lin Jun was very curious. He guessed that it should be Bai Ni, otherwise how could she be the captain.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ni unexpectedly said a name.

"Zero Eight."

"Zero Eight?"

Lin Jun was surprised that it was Lingba who had no sense of existence.

"That's right, because he is the only SS-level in our team, and he is also an intermediate SS-level."

"Hey! He's quite strong, and then it's you?"

Lin Jun has experienced Bai Ni's attack power, which is much higher than that of Baby Long.

"No, I don't know anything else. I just know that No. 2 and No. 4 are both taller than me."

No, no wonder No. 4 looks unconvinced.

Seeing Jun Lin's confusion, Bai Ni explained calmly: "To be a captain, you don't have to be the strongest, but you must have the brains."

"My strength is only S-level, theirs is no longer S-level, but I dare say that except for Lingba, no one else is my opponent." Bai Ni's serious face was full of pride.

However, when he saw the teasing look in Lin Jun's eyes, Bai Ni felt angry.

"It's okay now, get out!"

Damn it! This damn bitch, just throw it away after use, what do you think I am?

Forget it, I won’t argue with you.

"Let's go, bye bye!"

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