Long Wenqian arranged for a civilian girl from the headquarters to serve as a guide.

Lin Jun and Lu Xiaoluo were kicked out of the office.

After Lin Jun and the two left, the office fell into silence.

After a while, Dilis said: "Sister, why don't you convince him that if you train that child, you will have a strong fighting force when the crisis comes."

Long Wenqian smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"Maybe he is right. The little girl is only four years old. It will not be good for her to have strong strength too early."

"Then we can leave her at the headquarters and get in touch with her in advance!" Dilis said anxiously.

Long Wenqian and Bai Ni both gave her a blank look.

It seems like no one knows what you are thinking.

Seeing that her little thoughts had been seen through, Dilis quickly changed the subject.

"Ahem, by the way, little sister Bai Ni, I asked you to help me get a batch of Junlin Pavilion's spirit weapons. Have you got them for me?"

"Yeah! It's in my villa, I'll have it delivered later."

"Well, hurry up, I can't wait to study it."

I don’t know where Lin Jun got this spiritual weapon, but it’s actually better than the spiritual weapon in my world.

Dilis became more and more curious about Jun Lin.

On the other side, Lin and Jun came out of the office, like walking through a maze, and were finally taken to a place similar to a pedestrian street.

If it weren't for the fact that he could see the ceiling, Lin Jun would have thought he was in a pedestrian street.

The clerical girl led the way and introduced him to the facilities in the living area.

Canteens, restaurants, beverage shops, supermarkets, entertainment venues, training grounds, arenas, gravity chambers and other facilities can be said to have everything that is available outside, and everything that is not available outside is available inside.

Although he was prepared, Lin Jun was still shocked.

Lin Jun always thought that the dragon group only had three groups: heaven, earth, and human. However, through the introduction of the clerical girl and what he saw, he realized that there was an ordinary group under the three groups.

The strength of the members of this ordinary group is generally between B to A level, with a small number of S level.

To put it bluntly, this ordinary group is the framework of the dragon group, and the three groups of heaven, earth and people are just the core of the dragon group.

It's normal for Mr. Lin to be surprised.

After all, he has been a member of the Earth Team since he joined the Dragon Team, and Bai Ni never introduced him to the internal situation of the Dragon Team.

Along the way, many people were very curious about Jun Lin holding the baby.

"Hey, is this brother new here?"

"It's amazing! There is actually a person with superpowers who brings a baby to join the dragon group?"

"Um, is there a possibility that the child he is holding is his battle pet?"


Along the way, passers-by pointed curiously.

Lin Jun ignored it and just kept following the civilian lady. Finally, he passed through the lively general area and came to a relatively quiet area.

"This is the living area of ​​the three groups of Tiandiren. Because the tasks of the three groups are different in nature, no one usually lives here."

The civil servant said the same thing, like Bai Ni and the others, they all have a clear identity outside.

Only when there is a mission will they gather and go out.

For example, the talkative No. 2 once revealed during a conversation that he was the bodyguard of a female CEO. In the novel, this was a profession that only the protagonist had.

Like Uncle No. 10, who is the editor-in-chief of a newspaper.

Also, I am a freshman.

The clerical lady brought Jun Lin to the door of a room and handed Jun Lin a black card.

"This is your house, along with your ID card and your salary card, which can be used for your consumption there and for entering and exiting the headquarters."

Lin Jun took the black card and looked at the house number again.

The number 38 is clearly hanging on it.


The clerical lady pinched Lu Xiaoluo's little cheek and said with a smile: "Then you guys can stay here first. If you don't understand anything, please call me at any time. By the way, my name is Jing Tian."

After exchanging code numbers, civilian clerk Jing Tian left directly.

Lin Jun was in a daze for a while.

I swiped the electronic lock with my card and the door opened automatically.

I thought it was just a room inside, but after entering, I discovered that it was a suite with two bedrooms and one living room, and the space was quite small.

Not only that, there are all kinds of furniture and appliances inside.

Just after putting Lu Xiaoluo down, this girl ran to the refrigerator.

Like a cat that smells something fishy.

Lin Junbu thought there was nothing in the refrigerator, but after a while, Lu Xiaoluo fiddled with it and found a box of ice cream.

Lin Jun was really speechless.

Lu Xiaoluo seemed to have her own radar. She just glanced at the refrigerator to know if there was anything in it.

Aunt Mei never puts anything in the refrigerator at home, but I don't see her running to the refrigerator all the time.

Lin Jun had no choice but to let her go.

He wandered around the room by himself.

The time soon came to noon.

Lin Jun took Lu Xiaoluo to a Chinese restaurant in the general area and randomly found a seat by the window.

Looking at the people coming and going outside, they were either in white coats or combat uniforms. It was almost like a school. Lin Jun guessed that there should be thousands of people living here.

"Hello, what do you need?"

When Lin Jun heard this, he turned around and saw a beautiful waitress coming to the side.

But when she saw Jun Lin's appearance, the waitress immediately recognized Jun Lin.

"Yeah? You, aren't you that instant boyfriend Lin Jun?"


Lin Jun sweated violently.

Maybe it was because the waiter's voice was too loud, which attracted the dining group members next to him.

They all looked over.

"Hey! Don't tell me, this guy really looks exactly like that second boy."

"Yeah, they look really alike."

"What does it mean to look like? This is actually a second-hand man, okay?"

Lin Jun couldn't help but complain in his heart, I can't get rid of the title of "Second Boy Brother", can I?

"Wow! It's really you! I didn't expect you to be from our organization." The waitress said excitedly.

"Ahem! If you are talking about this year's college champion Lin Jun, it should be me."

"Yeah! I'm your fan! Can you give me an autograph?"

Lin Jun thought to himself, are you a black fan...

But Lin Jun still signed her name.

"Can I order now?"

The waitress put the small note into her pocket and said with a smile: "Hehe! That's it."

Lin Jun ignored the pointing fingers around him and ordered a few dishes at random.

The waiter jumped up and placed the order.

"Hey! Brother Miaonan, which team are you from? Are you interested in going to the training ground to try some moves later!"

A muscular man next door said hello.

"Come on, Old Liu. With your A-level elementary strength, you probably can't stop the two moves of the Second Man Brother."

"That's right! They can fight one against three, so you'd better not join in the fun."

People around him laughed at this big man who called him Lao Liu.

The muscular man just scratched his head and smiled naively: "Hey! I just want to experience the difference between being a genius."


There is a second-hand man on the left and a second-hand man on the right. Lin Jun's heart is full of helplessness.

But seeing the fighting spirit in Muscle's eyes, Lin Jun did not refuse, as he also wanted to kill time.

I think it would be nice to go and have some fun.

"Okay! Let's go do some tricks after dinner."

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