After such an explosion, both the alien beasts and the human formations were stunned for a short time.

Even the ninth-level beast king is no exception.

Wait until the smoke clears.

Except for the dozen or so seventh-level alien beasts standing alone with confused expressions on their faces, there were no ordinary alien beasts standing around them, and all of them had broken limbs and arms.


The ninth-level beast became angry and roared.

The beasts behind immediately howled and attacked again.

The dozen or so seventh-level beast kings also came to their senses, and all of them opened their mouths wide. Start by condensing energy bombs.

"This is the time to take action!"

Zero gave the order and immediately jumped up, dragging a long spear, very fast.

And her teammates followed suit.

But their target was not the dozen or so seventh-level beasts in front of them.

It was the eighth-level beasts that were driving the herd forward.

The remaining team of the dragon group, their target is the seventh-level alien beast, and they have to kill these dozen or so seventh-level alien beast kings as soon as possible during this gap.

After all members of the dragon team went into battle, Lin Jun was not idle.

His mission was to prevent the group of alien beasts behind him from hindering Bai Ni and the others from killing the seventh-level beast king.


Mr. Lin once again separated out some stalkers and bombed the herd at intervals.

Each stalker can always kill several alien beasts.

However, due to the large number of alien beasts, it was difficult for Mr. Lin to take care of them all. Soon, all legions began to fight against the alien beasts.

In addition to a large number of helicopters hovering in the sky and strafing, there were also fighter jets dropping bombs back and forth.

For a time, shouts of killing, bombings, and wails resounded throughout the world.

The biggest battle between humans and alien beasts since the world changed.

The four major human fortresses have a total strength of more than five million, and the number of alien beasts exceeds eight million.

This is unprecedented, and it is still a battle that cannot be told to the country or the world.

In order to prevent ordinary people from panic, the world here has been deliberately concealed, and only those who have served in the military know about it.

dark place.

"Lilith, now we can only pray that the Dragon Kingdom people win."

A blond man with a nervous look on his face.

The woman he called Lilith did not respond.

But those eyes were staring at the battlefield, and her fingers kept tapping on the snow, which showed that she was not very peaceful inside.

the other side.

The ninth-level alien beast king stared intently at him, and the planes in the sky caused a large number of casualties to the alien beasts on the ground.

He immediately roared angrily at several level eight strange beasts around him.

I saw those eight-level beasts nodding slightly, and then they all blew towards the sky.


Several frost storms blew directly out of their mouths and headed straight towards the planes in the sky.

The frost storm blew past, and in the next second, hundreds of helicopters and the people on board turned into ice sculptures, and then crashed one after another after losing power.

It can be seen how vulnerable these things are in front of high-level beast kings.

Seeing this, Commander Ye and Officer Zhong on the top of the mountain suddenly became extremely ugly.

But before they could give the order, they saw dense energy bombs shooting into the sky from the icy lake.

Countless energy bombs were fired at the remaining helicopters and the fighter jets that were about to drop bombs at low altitude.



Under the attack of high-density energy bombs, all aircraft hovering at low altitude were shot down instantly, and then crashed, with their wreckage embedded in the herd.

Even Lin Jun's stalkers were shot down a lot.

Fortunately, Mr. Lin didn't hover the stalker at low altitude from the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't know how many he would have killed.

Lin Jun observed the group of alien beasts on the icy lake that specialized in attacking the air.

Immediately mobilize 10,000 stalkers and rush towards them.

But this time Mr. Lin miscalculated.

As more than 10,000 stalkers were approaching, the ninth-level alien beast king opened its bloody mouth and blew towards the sky.



In an instant, countless ice spikes shot out from its mouth, instantly piercing the more than 10,000 stalkers.

"Damn it, has this beast king become a spirit?" Lin Jun shouted immediately.

At this time, Mr. Lin did not dare to send the stalker, otherwise he would suffer a big loss.

You can only use Stalkers to help the frontiers control the field.

But just because the stalker couldn't get close to attack, it didn't mean that Mr. Lin had nothing to do.

Lin Jun jumped on the roof of a truck, took a look, and then locked the target area.

In front of the suspicious looks of several Taoist priests, he snapped his fingers.

The nuclear leveling elite and air support are not needed at this time. When will they be used?

After all, it all requires cooling time. The more you use it, the more you can use it.

Besides, these two skills cannot be used at the border between the two sides, but they can still be used in the back row on the opposite side.

The next second, the familiar voices of the soldiers of the 538th Regiment came from the sky.

A huge black shadow blocks the sun.

Everyone looked up and saw the triangular, tailless, huge bomber passing by again, which made people tremble inwardly.

The ninth-level beast king also saw it, smelled a hint of danger, and immediately roared.

The energy in his body surged, and six ice-blue energy balls appeared around him.

At this time, the plane also flew over the ice lake.

The magazine opened, and the next moment, ammunition poured out directly.

The energy bomb of the ninth-level beast king also shot towards the giant bomber in the air.

When the ammunition hit the ground, the alien beast king's energy bomb also hit the bomber's fuselage.


"Boom boom boom!"

The plane in the sky was directly blown up, and it was directly blown to pieces.

The ice lake was also flooded by the sea of ​​fire.

【Fuck! My plane, you loser, give me back my plane! You dead dog...]


Hearing the system suddenly yelling, Lin Jun was stunned for a moment.

"Brother Tongzi... It's not that big of a deal. Isn't it just a plane? Thirty minutes later, another good plane will cost me more than a thousand spiritual energy."

[Fuck you, your more than one thousand spiritual energy is only enough for the plane to drop ammunition on you once, and now you have even killed the hen for me, you...]

The system is still chattering with abuse.

But Lin Jun heard another meaning.

hiss! This aircraft...couldn't it be manufactured by the system?

If you think about it seriously, it seems possible.

After looking at the skills, there is still a 30-minute cooldown, which proves that this dog system should still be there.

Then it doesn't matter.

Then Lin Jun ignored the system's scolding.

Continue to watch as the 'Nuclear Level Elite' smashes into the sea of ​​fire. The next second, there is a 'boom' and a huge fireball explodes.

The two sides who were fighting were shocked.

The next moment, the morale of the soldiers in each army rose sharply, and they felt that the strange beasts were no longer scary.

On top of the mountain.

The commanders immediately clapped their hands and applauded.

Commander Ye laughed and punched his cane.

"Haha! That guy is really good. Zero made a wise choice by arranging him as support."

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