Resurrection, It's Really Toxic To My System

Chapter 261 The Sinister Lin Jun

When the three of them walked into Metz's military tent, they saw the blue-haired commander of the 33rd Army, as well as Ai Xi and Mido.

Mace and Sia were chatting with him at this time.

Xia could have gone back to the Imperial Capital, but thinking about the traitors hiding in the Imperial Capital, she did not go back with Luo Qi, Beast Girl Jeta and the others.

Instead, he plans to support Metz in the 68th Army.

I saw Lin Jun and three others coming in.

Metz said quickly: "Commander Rosa, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Lin, No. 0 and Mr. Juan Zi."

"Jun Lin, this is the commander of the 33rd Army, Rosa."

Lin Jun smiled and said hello.

"hehe Hello."

Rosa was indeed very enthusiastic, "I heard from Ai Xi and the others, thanks to Mr. Lin Jun for the rescue."

As he said this, he waved to the two girls, Ai Xi, who quickly carried a box.

Rosa chuckled and said, "This is ten thousand soul crystals. Be careful, I hope Your Excellency Mr. Lin will not dislike it."

"Ha! Then I'm not welcome."

With that said, Jun Lin waved his hand and the box disappeared in front of everyone.

"Sure enough, it's space magic!!" Rosa looked convinced.

It was probably from Ai Xi and the others that they learned that Lin Jun knew space magic.

"Haha! Your Excellency Mr. Lin, in addition to thanking you for saving my two battalion officers, the old man also has another thing to ask for. I don't know..."

"Commander Rosa said it's okay."

Lin Jun guessed what he wanted to say, but still pretended not to know on his face.

After everyone took their seats.

Rosa thought about it for a while and then said: "I wonder if Mr. Lin can sell me those gadgets."

"Well..." Lin Jun pretended to frown, and then said: "That's okay, but I don't know how many Commander Rosa Army will need?"

"I want half a million!!"


Rosa was satisfied with taking away 300,000 stalkers, and Jun Lin learned about it later when Metz explained.

It turns out that these 500,000 stalkers are divided equally among the ten legions of the human race, and the ten legions are all directly affiliated armies of the Glorious Empire. They are not divided into one legion per family like other races.

Presumably in this regard, the human race is much better than other races.

Moreover, Rosa also revealed that the king valued Mr. Lin.

After all, in the eyes of the human race in this world, Mr. Lin is also a human race, but his hair color is different.

From this point of view, Ai Xi and Mido have told Lot about everything that happened along the way, and Lot sent a message to the king of the Glorious Empire.

However, Lin Jun did not blame Ai Xi and the two girls for being loud-mouthed. After all, they were members of the Glorious Empire first and foremost, and they were also part of the king's troops.

Besides, Mr. Lin is also willing to have a good relationship with the king whom he has never met.

Now he is not strong enough to deal with masters above level 11. Maybe he will have to rely on him to deal with the high priest Yue Dai'er then.

Early the next morning, the originally peaceful station suddenly became busy because of an order.

This was all because the army commander's sky reconnaissance team heard that the Goblin army was beginning to gather and there was an early warning of a large-scale attack, so the army was ordered to break camp and retreat to the pass fortress.

After gathering in a very short time, the 68th Army Corps evacuated to the pass fortress in an orderly manner.

The Pass Fortress is a giant fortress built on a break in the Blackstone Mountains. From the beginning of its construction, it was a military fortress that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Due to the natural barrier of the Blackstone Mountains, the Goblins must capture the Pass Fortress if they want to invade the hinterland of the Glorious Empire.

But this fortress has been attacked dozens of times by goblin armies in more than ten years, leaving behind more than a million soldiers. It is still in the hands of the Glorious Empire.

While listening to Bell explaining the history of the fortress to him, he looked at the magnificent city wall in front of him.

I thought to myself: It seems that the Glorious Empire is not completely a pigsty, otherwise the goblin army would not be eager to capture the pass fortress.

After the 68th Legion entered the fortress, because each soldier was surrounded by five iron knots, countless onlookers and soldiers immediately pointed and pointed.

"Wow! What are these things flying around the soldiers?"

"I don't know! I've never seen this gadget before."

"It can't be a new gadget launched by the alchemist, right? I don't know what it does."


Soon, the public discovered that in addition to the 68th Legion, there were several human legions that also had that gadget.

For a time, various questions spread throughout the legions.

Not long after the 68th Legion was stationed, legions from various ethnic groups came to explore, and there were quite a few of them.

Even Lu Te and Yue Dai'er specially sent people to inquire.

Metz couldn't make the decision, so he and Xia could only come to Lin Jun to discuss countermeasures.

And this was the effect Lin Jun wanted, and it was also an opportunity for him to make a lot of money.

"Mace, just say it's a new thing made by your alchemist. If necessary, you can also demonstrate the functions of the stalker to them."

Hearing Jun Lin's words, Meston said anxiously: "Your Excellency, Mr. Lin, no!"

"Oh? Why not?"

Seeing Jun Lin's indifferent look, Mace said with a feeling of resentment: "Your Excellency Mr. Lin, have you forgotten about our internal affairs? What if the goblins get it and use it against us?"

After hearing that this was what Metz was worried about, Lin Jun just smiled.

"Hey, have you forgotten who made this thing?"

Hearing the sound, Mace's expression froze, and he immediately reacted.

Shocked: "Hey, does this stalker have a backdoor?"

Lin Jun gave them a 'you know' look.

The two women understood immediately and felt relieved.

But I still feel a little uncomfortable. After all, they are now equipped with so many stalkers. What if they suddenly attack them in the future...

Lin Jun could see what they were thinking.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't use it against me, this thing is still very useful. At least an ordinary person can use it (single) to kill a sixth-level elite goblin."

Speaking of this, Lin Jun paused, and a look of a profiteer suddenly appeared on his face: "Besides, Metz, don't you think this is a good opportunity for you to get your money back?"

Metz and Sia looked stunned, unable to understand what Lin Jun meant.

Seeing the stupidity of the two women, he knew that the two women had no business talent. Lin Jun had no choice but to explain.

"Hey! Let me explain it this way! I ask you to help me sell it. For every ten stalkers sold, I will reward you with one in return. How about it? Do you want to do it?"

Jun Lin originally wanted to use the soul crystal as a commission, but after thinking about it, he decided to use the stalker as a reward.

"What! You asked me to help you sell, and you will pay me one for every ten sold?" Metz felt that his brain was not enough.

"That's right! But the price to sell it to others is three soul crystals each."

"Three, three for one??"

Not to mention Metz and Xia, even Zero and Juan Zi, who were eating melon on the side, were dumbfounded.

This is too dark...can it really sell?

But Lin Jun looked confident.

"Hehe! As long as you do what I teach you, I guarantee you can sell it."

As he spoke, a bad smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said cowardly: "You said that if the traitor hidden among us bought a large number of stalkers at a large price, and then secretly sent them to the Goblin army, Until then...Jie Jie!"

After hearing what Lin Jun said, the expressions of the girls were extremely exciting.

This Mr. Lin... is so bad.

But why did I feel so excited after hearing this bad move?


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