Resurrection, It's Really Toxic To My System

Chapter 265 The Goblin Army Is Coming

Another day passed.

This morning, Root's reconnaissance team received urgent military information.

The goblin army, which had been quiet for several days, finally began to move.

An army of more than three million people suddenly marched rapidly and rushed towards the fortress.

The commander of the army quickly ordered all armies to prepare in their respective defensive positions.

The defensive position of the 68th Legion is a section of the city wall at the edge.

After receiving the order, Mace led her legion on the city wall early.

The entire 68th station suddenly became deserted.

Jun Lin was not in a hurry to follow up the city wall, but took Huan Zi to the tent of No. 0.

The two of them did not go in immediately, but shouted softly outside the tent.


After a while, a clear female voice came from inside.

"come in!"

Um! Listening to this voice, there is no real surprise, right?

Lin Jun couldn't help but guess.

Thinking about it, he opened the curtain and got in.

When he saw No. 0 sitting cross-legged on the bed, Lin Jun felt a powerful energy wave from her body.

I didn’t expect that in just two days, Number Zero would become so much stronger.

Lin Jun immediately asked impatiently: "How is No. 0? Has its strength been improved? What are the special effects of using these two stones together?"

Hearing this, Number Zero slowly opened his eyes, arcs of electricity flashing in his eyes.

Looking at Jun Lin, he shook his head: "Although my strength has not been promoted, now I feel that my body has been improved in all aspects, and..."

Zero said and paused again, seeming to consider his words.

"I've also awakened several powerful innate skills!"

After hearing what she said, Lin Jun immediately said excitedly: "Damn it! Is there really a special effect?"

Logically speaking, there are only two situations for Blue Star's superpowers to awaken their innate skills. One is that they have a chance to awaken when their level is promoted.

The second is that when absorbing the Beast King Crystal Core, there will be a very small chance of awakening.

It can be seen that Zero can awaken his talent skills just by absorbing Spirit Crystal and Soul Crystal. This is a magical thing, let alone awakening several!

"Besides these, is there anything else special?" Lin Jun wanted to know more impatiently. This was related to his future plans.

"Well... I feel that since absorbing the two kinds of stones, the various functions of the body, as well as the amount of spiritual energy stored in the body, have more than doubled than before."

"Well! This is also very good. Our Blue Star Yi has poor body functions and very small spiritual energy reserves. It cannot withstand a protracted battle. These two kinds of stones just make up for these shortcomings."

After getting the desired effect, Lin Jun felt that the trip to Aide Continent was worth it.

With these two kinds of stones, it is possible for Blue Star's superpowers to compete with other goblin elites at the same level.

Coupled with the weird talents and skills of superpowers, it may be even better.

"Are there any side effects?"

No. 0 was lost in thought, and it took him a while to say: "Well... I can only absorb one spirit crystal and soul crystal in two days, does this count..."

General Zero could clearly feel that she could absorb the spiritual energy in the stone all at once, but as if there was some obstacle, she could only absorb it bit by bit.

Lin Jun:......

Lin Jun didn't know what to say.

Although for low-level superpower users, this is already fast.

But compared to No. 0, an SSS-level superpower, it was too slow.

You can imagine that you have hundreds of billions of experience bars. If you can only get 1 million to 10 million experience bars in a day, then when and how long will it take for you to be promoted?

Lin Jun couldn't figure out what the reason was.

While Lin Jun and Zero were deep in thought, Huan Zi suddenly exclaimed.


Lin Jun and Zero were both shocked.

Lin Jun glared at her dissatisfied.

"What the hell is your name!"

Huan Zi was embarrassed and said: "No, I just listened to what No. 0 said and suddenly thought of the direction of the new potion!"

"Hiss! You don't really think of a potion that can help ordinary people activate supernatural powers, do you?"

"Haha, that's not the case, but I think we can use spirit crystals, soul crystals, and alien beast crystal cores to try to develop an all-purpose potion!"

Lin Jun and Zero were immediately shocked.

yes! Since for some unknown reason, the speed of absorbing spirit crystals and soul crystals is limited, isn't it because of the scientist Huan Zi?

She is very knowledgeable about Lingyuan potions, so maybe she can solve this problem.

"Do you have an idea?"

Huan Zi nodded and said: "Yes! Yes, as long as I return to Blue Star, I can start researching it."

"Okay! As long as it's research in this area, I'll cover all the spiritual crystals and soul crystals you need in the future."

"There are also crystal nuclei!"

Huan Zi quickly added.

After all, crystal cores are expensive.


Lin Jun quickly agreed.

If Huan Zi succeeds, then he, the big boss, will get the big picture.

The three of them chatted in the tent, and two hours passed.

Until Bell came and said that the goblin army was not far from the fortress.

The three of them then went up to the city wall together.

Climbing up to the city wall, I found that the soldiers were already in the state.

Each soldier is surrounded by ten stalkers.

It can be seen that since Mace became rich, he is really willing to spend money on soldiers.

Seeing Mr. Lin coming up, Metz and Sia quickly came over.

Mace frowned, seeming a little worried. "Lin Jun, judging from the images sent back by the stalkers, the Goblin army this time is estimated to be no less than 3.5 million. There are no traces of the use of stalkers yet."

After a pause, he asked a little uneasily: "There shouldn't be any surprises, right?"

Lin Jun knew that Metz was worried that something might happen to the stalker who broke into the enemy's interior. If the enemy really used it to attack his side, the loss would be immeasurable.

So Lin Jun raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face: "What? You... still can't trust me?"

Hearing this ambiguous tone, Messe's face suddenly turned red and he quickly said: "No, no, I believe you."

Thea on the side glanced at the shy Metz with a strange expression.

What, you agreed to let your aunt sacrifice herself, but don’t rush to get yourself involved...


At this time, trumpets suddenly sounded from all over the city wall.

I saw a black line suddenly appear on the distant mountains, and then it got bigger and bigger.

After a while, there was an army of goblins in front of them.

The newly added soldiers looked flustered, but fortunately they were only flustered for a moment.

Now that there are stalkers, they only need to give instructions to their stalkers, and there is no need to go and kill them themselves.

Half an hour later, the goblin army formed a formation two kilometers away from the fortress.

Looking from top to bottom, the entire land was covered with darkness.

In the middle of the army, on a cart pulled by eight ox-shaped monsters, the goblin commander and several deputy commanders looked at a map of the fortress's troop distribution.

The Goblin Commander pointed to the edge of the city wall with a gloomy face, "According to the news, the source of those stalkers is the 68th Legion!"

"What does the commander-in-chief mean?"

"After the war begins, Deputy Commander Mandi will lead a brigade of sky goblins to capture the 68th Army Commander Mace alive. If he cannot be captured, he must be killed as much as possible."

Speaking of this, the Grand Commander glanced around the Goblins and said in a deep voice: "You must also know the power of those stalkers. If things continue like this, our Goblin Kingdom will sooner or later return to the dark side. Living in a hole in the ground!”

All the goblin commanders had seen the power of stalkers, so they didn't look very good when they heard the commander's words.

The tenth-level sky goblin named Mandi immediately clapped his chest and assured him.

"Don't worry, Commander! I, Mandi, will definitely capture the commander of the 68th Army for you. Then she will know how powerful you are and will volunteer to give birth to little goblins for you every day..."

"Ha ha!"


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