after an hour.

Lin Jun looked unsatisfied, put his phone back in his pocket, and commented.

"Tsk, tsk, a certain country's actress is so weak in front of this princess. Fortunately, I brought a mobile phone."

Then he glanced to the side and didn't see Ryan's figure. Only then did he realize that at some point, Ryan had sat aside and looked up at the moon with a look of neither sadness nor joy on his face.

Maybe Ryan really likes this woman from the Dragonborn tribe!

Lin Jun understood his mood at the moment and walked to him softly.

Patted him on the shoulder.

"Brother Ryan, you are so powerful. If you don't want any woman, why should you be sad for a woman who doesn't love you."

"Alas! You don't understand! When the three tribes were strong, the human race was not qualified to marry a woman from the three tribes." Ryan withdrew his gaze, lowered his head and sighed.

"Oh? Is there anything else?"

"Yes, if it weren't for the rise of goblins, people from the three tribes would look down on humans. Even now, people from the three tribes are repelling the human race.

If the Dragonborn tribe hadn't been ostracized by various races, they wouldn't have been able to marry Nasha to me as their princess. I've always known this. "

There is countless loneliness in Ryan's words.

After hearing this, Mr. Lin also understood what the Dragonborn tribe was thinking.

The Goblin scourge was originally caused by the Dragonborn tribe, so it is normal for them to be ostracized by various tribes.

But in order to survive, they can only make an exception and marry the human race.

Maybe they didn't expect that Nasha had already taken the shape of a goblin.

If word of this spreads, the Dragonborn tribe will probably find it even more difficult to move forward in the Glorious Empire.

"Since you like the women of the Dragonborn tribe so much, when the Goblin Kingdom is destroyed, I will capture a few for you and send them to you."

Hearing Jun Lin's sudden words, Ryan couldn't laugh or cry.

"You kid."

"Okay, just keep an eye on them. Our first priority now is to think about how to get rid of them from their nest in Glory City."

"Well, we should find a way."

At this time, the originally quiet room suddenly started talking.

Ryan couldn't understand Goblin, so he couldn't understand what the three were talking about.

But Lin Jun understood.

He quickly crawled back to the cave entrance.

"Yue Dai'er came back from the summons and asked me to be careful. She suspected that she had been exposed."

Lin Jun was shocked when he heard this.

It seems that he guessed well.

The reason Yue Dai'er didn't want to come back was because she suspected that she had been exposed.

It seemed that she didn't believe the excuse she asked Mace to make.

Yes, Lin Jun asked Mesi to say that he had never seen those two people.

After all, they were all outside the fortress at that time, and with the city wall blocking her, she couldn't see the situation on top of the city at all.

"Exposed? Then the children in our temple are also in danger of being exposed."

"Hiss! Your scratching hurts me."

Nasha slapped the ugly claws on her chest angrily.

"Hey! Sorry, I was worried about the excitement of the children in the nest..."

"Yes! Yuedai'er has already made arrangements. They will be moved away tonight. You two will go and take care of them after you finish."

"The woman in the temple..."

I saw Nasha put her hand on her neck and made a gesture.

Then the inappropriate sounds continued to be heard in the room, and the lights were turned off.

But Mr. Lin also listened to everything he needed to hear.

I just can't continue to watch it, and I feel a little sad.

Seeing Jun Lin's strange behavior, Ryan asked curiously: "Brother, can you still understand Goblin language?"

"It's okay, I can understand a little bit."

After prevaricating casually, Mr. Lin stood up and motioned to leave before talking.

After all, listening to those sounds that are inappropriate for children makes people feel restless.

After a few jumps, the two left the princess's bedroom and returned to the king's palace.

As soon as the two entered the room, Ryan couldn't wait to ask: "Brother, what did they say?"

Now Ryan also wants to pull out the nails of the Glorious Empire as soon as possible.

Between his wife and the empire, he would definitely choose the empire, let alone a wife who betrayed him.

"Well, I know where their hometown is, but..."

"It's just what, you're telling me?"

Seeing that Ryan was so anxious, Mr. Lin didn't want to tempt him anymore.

"It's just that if Glory City takes action, Yue Dai'er may find out and run away."

Hearing what Jun Lin said, Ryan didn't think anything of it.

"Haha, brother, don't worry. Although Yue Dai'er is at the eleventh level like me, if she really falls, then the commander of the army, Root, is probably more than enough to deal with her."

"Uh... why is that?"

Lin Jun's expression was stagnant. He didn't understand what Ryan meant, and whether she could fall or not had anything to do with her strength.

"Hey! It seems like brother you still don't know much about Goblin's talents."

"Well, I only know that when the mother gives birth to a little green-skinned child, a little magic power will be absorbed by the child, but won't this recover after a few days of rest? What impact will it have on her strength?"

As for the goblin's talent, which can involve the strength of the mother body, Lin Jun only knows this.

And Ryan showed an incomprehensible smile, no, it should be a lewd smile.

"Hehe! Of course this has an impact, and it has a big impact. When the goblin cub was still in its mother's womb, it not only absorbed the magic power of the mother's body, but also the foundation and life force of the mother's body.

The foundation and life force are related to the upper limit of the cultivator's magic power. If too much is absorbed, not only the upper limit of the magic power in the body will become less and less, but also the vitality will become lower and lower. "

"Damn it, this little green-skinned talent also has this function."

Ryan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Of course, that means that the more mothers give birth, the weaker their strength will be, and their lives will be in danger.

Generally speaking, if a fifth-level cultivator has at most five children, they will die due to the lack of a large amount of life force. Yuedai'er is very powerful, but as long as she gives birth to one baby...hey, what is a baby? "

Lin Jun added: "Little green skin!"

"Yes, little green skin, the name you gave this goblin is really apt." Ryan praised, and then continued: "As long as Yue Daier gives birth to a little green skin, then the magic power in her body will The upper limit must be less than one-third.”

"I'll go, one third! Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Hearing this statement, Lin Jun's jaw suddenly dropped.

This is breeding with life.

"It's true. The first child born from each mother is called the XX Goblin generation, and one generation is also the generation that can fully inherit the mother's talent. The subsequent ones will change as the mother's magic power and life force weaken. weak."

"I see!"

Lin Jun looked astonished.

It seems that when you have a baby with a goblin, you give birth to it with your life.

Such a race must be eliminated. He does not want to harm the Blue Star people in the future.

"Well! In this case, you should send a message to Lute now and ask her to capture Yuedai'er. Then we will go to the temple tonight and wait and see..."

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