Resurrection, It's Really Toxic To My System

Chapter 337 The Countess’S Pattern

Lin Jun landed firmly and joked.

He had already told the four secret guards to keep an eye on the good guys and not let any of them go.

Green sweat broke out on his forehead and he said with a trembling voice. "You, you, I am the Duke of the Empire, you can't kill me."

"Oh? Duke, where is the Duke?"

Mr. Lin doesn't care if he is a duke or not, all he wants is the reward for killing him.

But I have to say that the rewards for killing R-level players in this alien world are really generous.

Not only is the experience high, but the spiritual crystal rewards are also good.

The most important thing is, proof of job transfer.

Seeing the killing intent in his eyes, Green knew that he was doomed today.

Looking at Princess Lauren eating melon outside the palace wall, her eyes were fierce.

He kicked off his feet and rushed out of the palace wall.

I want to kill Lauren before she dies.

But Lin Jun would not give him this chance.

Even faster than Grain, he raised his sword and slashed hard from his waist.


Grain's body was immediately cut off at the waist.

Before he died, those eyes were still staring at Lauren.

After receiving the kill prompt, Mr. Lin didn't stop. He rushed towards the two remaining imperial ministers again.

A few more times and it was solved.

The eyes of the four secret guards were filled with admiration.

"Your Excellency Mr. Lin, are you okay?"

When everything was settled, Lauren's eyes were full of gratitude.

"Just a few little thieves." Lin Jun said nonchalantly.

As long as there are no ones above RR level, it won't take much effort for Mr. Lin to deal with them.

Most of them use each other to practice their fighting skills.

Otherwise, it’s not an R-rated casual kill.

"Your Excellency Mr. Lin, I really want to thank you this time, otherwise I would be dead."

Lauren thanked her sincerely.

"Khan, you are my business partner no matter what, I will not just sit idly by." Lin Jun said politely.

"By the way, is there something wrong within your Moon Spirit Empire?"

Lin Jun really didn't know what happened.

"Well, I suspect something happened to my father."

Lauren then told the whole story.

There were also her plans, which she told Jun Lin one by one.

After listening to Lauren's story, Lin Jun couldn't help but frown.

"So, now that the alien demons have not been defeated, there are problems within your empire. This is a bit strange no matter how you say it."

"Alas! What I'm worried about now is that my brothers and sisters' revolt will affect the morale of the army on the front line. After all, now is the most critical time for the alien demons."

"The victory or defeat will be decided this month."

"Your Highness, no matter what happens now, you must be prepared in advance." At this time, Elsa suddenly suggested.

As for why Elsa said that.

The meaning is also obvious, that is, it is time to expand the army.

But Lauren's territory is hundreds of kilometers away from Xinghui City, so it's obviously too late to go back and make preparations.

But now that we are in Aisha's territory, we must rely on Aisha, which can be regarded as a bit of selfishness on her part.

If Lauren can successfully ascend to the throne, Aisha will definitely be the first to achieve success, and her status and territory will definitely be indispensable.

Regarding Aisha's proposal, Lauren also understood. He just glanced at her, then withdrew his gaze and began to lower his head in thought.

In the end, Lauren accepted her suggestion.

"Okay, Aisha will order you to form three more legions for me based on the Xinghui legion."

Hearing this, Aisha's charming face showed a hint of joy, and she quickly saluted Lauren with a knight's salute.

"Elsa, obey!"

Just as he was about to leave, Lauren suddenly added.

"By the way, I heard that you and Earl Erin next door are cousins. You can ask him if he is interested in being loyal to me."


Aisha meant this.

After all, Lingyue Empire is in chaos, and no city lord can stay out of it by then.

Either go further or disappear into the dust of history.

It just depends on whether you bet on the right thing.

Lin Jun looked at the leaving figure and sighed secretly in his heart.

I have to say that this Aisha is really decisive and has a plan in mind. She is indeed a character.

"Your Excellency Mr. Lin, I need your support."

Lauren suddenly said something, which brought Jun Lin out of his thoughts.

"Oh? How do you want me to support you?"

"Stalker!" Lauren's eyes were full of determination.

This will give her the confidence to withstand the alien demons and domestic civil strife in the future.


Seeing Jun Lin deep in thought, Lauren couldn't help but feel anxious.

I am worried that Mr. Lin will not be able to provide a large number of stalkers.

Fortunately, Mr. Lin's next words made her feel relieved.

"That's no problem." Lin Jun paused, then looked at Lauren and smiled: "I also have a new thing, which may be more suitable for you."

As he spoke, Lin Jun turned his hand, and a square and round iron bump appeared on his hand.

"This is?"

Lauren had never seen this thing before and was a little curious.

"Electric grenade!"

"Electric grenade?"

Lin Jun smiled and nodded, then put it to his mouth and bit open the tab with his teeth.

The next moment he was thrown into the ruins.

"Boom!" A blue lightning exploded, scorching the gravel within a ten-meter radius.

"With ten spiritual crystals for one, the power is no worse than that of a stalker."

The most important thing is to save blue.

This thing is the change that Lin Jun saw after awakening as an ammunition master.

Each use only consumes fifty points of spiritual energy, and you can obtain three reserves. As long as you withdraw it, you can continue to use it.

Although it is not as easy to summon as the Stalker, it saves mana and spiritual energy than the Stalker, and the damage is greater than the Stalker. The most important thing is that it is easy to carry.

Lin Jun has already planned to equip the pioneering team when he returns to Ed Continent.

Now, would you like to sell some to Lauren in exchange for spiritual crystals?

Lauren didn't expect that Jun Lin actually had such a weapon.

My heart suddenly felt happy.

This is a powerful killing weapon that is no worse than a stalker.

And it’s much cheaper than the Stalker.

"I want to order one million spiritual crystals."

Lauren simply placed the order.

During this time, she made a lot of money selling groceries.

That's why there is such a loud tone.

"Happy cooperation! You can pick up the goods tomorrow."

"Haha! Happy cooperation."

Then he asked about the situation of the strange demons.

"Over there on the battlefield, what's going on now?"

Lauren thought for a moment and then said: " should I put it? Now there are signs that the aliens are planning to withdraw their troops."

After a pause, he looked at Mr. Lin and said with gratitude: "But this is all because of the great power of your stalkers, otherwise this war will last for who knows how long."

Hmm... a planned withdrawal?

Are the aliens plotting something else?

Logically speaking, the army of alien demons should not be intimidated by the stalkers.

It seems that when I return to Blue Star, I’d better pay more attention.

Otherwise, if the house is robbed, there will be no place to cry.

"That's it. I'll pick up your grenades and stalkers tomorrow. I shouldn't stay in Xinghui City for too long."

Lin Jun was here to collect rent and replenish some goods. As for whether Lauren would raise an army or not, he had no time to intervene for the time being.

After all, he has a lot of trouble of his own.

Lauren was slightly disappointed when she heard that Jun Lin was leaving again. She was originally thinking about how to ask Jun Lin to help her, but it seemed that it was impossible now.

"All right!"

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