After dinner, Lu Bailing and his family went back to the rental house, and Lin Jun did not plan to open business at night.

So I closed the store and planned to buy a batch of competitive weapons to upgrade them to level 10.

"Please don't be obsessed with me anymore..."

After taking a shower, as soon as I lay on the bed, my phone rang.

Lin Jun picked it up and took a look.

Ho! It turned out to be the uncle whom he hadn't contacted for a long time.

Thinking of his uncle, Lin Jun thought of that beautiful elder sister.

After pressing answer, the uncle's hearty voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Haha! Little brother, long time no see!"

"Hey! It's you, uncle, you haven't contacted me for a long time!"

The two chatted for a while and learned that Mr. Lin was actually in the Magic City. There was silence for a while, and then the uncle excitedly invited him.

He said that they were also in the Magic City and just invited Mr. Lin to come out for a chat. Mr. Lin immediately agreed and made an appointment to meet at nine o'clock before hanging up the phone.

Lin Jun didn't need to guess, it must be what the beautiful elder sister meant.

"Business is coming again."

Lin Jun hummed a little tune to see how early it was.

So I entered the PK point store, intending to strengthen a batch of weapons and sell them.

【Junior Competition Automatic Pistol】

Quality: purple

Level: Level 1

Attack power: 85

Skill attack power: 85

Strength +8

Spirit +8

Introduction: Arena specific weapons.

(Each bullet fired consumes 5 spiritual energy)

"Phew! It's okay. The consumption of spiritual energy is not too great."

Perhaps it's because it's exclusive to competitions, so all weapons have the same attack power, and they're all attribute weapons.

Lin Jun immediately equipped a pistol on the weapon column.

Now I am also a gunman with a gun, hehe!

After that, I bought 20 swords and giant swords each, and 10 daggers and staffs each.

Finally, after thinking about it, I bought five more, planning to take them to see if my eldest sister wants them later.

After all, this kind of spiritual martial arts does not exist in this world yet. This can be regarded as a strange spiritual martial arts.

Then I started to strengthen each one to 10, so that at least each one could sell for more than one million.

Lin Jun was very excited when he thought that if he sold them all, he would instantly become a multi-millionaire.

After strengthening all competitive weapons to level 10, Lin Jun remembered that there was also Lu Xiaoluo's staff.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s an epic weapon, but the success rate is very high.

It never failed, it was directly strong to 10.

Mr. Lin has a saying about MMP. I don’t know whether to say it or not.

Just as he was about to exit the interface, Lin Jun suddenly had an idea.

"Huh? I wonder what will happen if the epic weapon is strengthened to level 11?"

Why don't you give it a try? It doesn't matter if it breaks. It's not for me anyway. I can just buy a similar chopstick and give it back to Xiao Luo.

She's so stupid, she shouldn't be able to tell.

Just do it as soon as you think of it, and throw the biubiu staff in immediately.

【Ding! Do you want to strengthen the biubiu staff by +10 to 11? 】

Lin Jun said without even thinking, "Confirm!"

He wouldn't feel bad if it was broken anyway.

【Ding! Strengthening...]

【Ding! Strengthen successfully and get biubiu staff +11. 】

Lin Jun: "..."

"Oh no! System, did you do this on purpose?"

Seeing that he succeeded once, Lin Jun couldn't help but feel angry.

Since the last time I strengthened the Wind Blade Taito to 11, I have tried to strengthen the Taito Giant Sword.

The result was no success even once.

No wonder Lin Jun was angry.

I looked at the information about the staff.

Lin Jun was even more confused.

【biubiu walking stick】+11

Epic equipment pink

Level: Level 1

Attack power: 110

Strengthen 11+220

Skill attack power: 110

Strengthen 11+220

Spirit +5

Intelligence +10

Skills: (biubiu little snowman)

(Biubiu Little Snowman): When the person holding the staff shouts the Biubiu spell, he can release a bouncing snowman, causing basic skill damage +130% damage to the target, without consumption.

Strengthen 11 additional skills: (Come out! Pippi)

ps: (Shout the spell: Come out! Pippi! A snow elf can be summoned to assist in the battle. The snow elf can release snow bullets to attack, which can cause skill attack + 100% skill attack damage to the target.)

Introduction: An epic cane refined for the first time by an ice magic genius from a certain continent.

"System, isn't this staff a spirit?"

Lin Jun couldn't imagine it.

What the hell, if you strengthen it to 11, you can get one more skill?

Moreover, it is a rare summoning skill.

【Ding! Silly dog, this is an epic staff. If it's not special, why would it be called epic? 】

"You are a stupid dog, and your whole family is a stupid dog."

The system did not respond again.

Lin Jun held the small staff and was eager to try it.

After looking at the doors and windows, Lin Jun dared to shout: "Come out! Pippi!"

Then he pointed towards the ground and saw a small magic circle light up.


A snow-white, furry thing with a light blue horn on its head, about the size of a basketball.

Show up in the room.

This ball has a mouth and a pair of big, round eyes, looking at me cutely.


I have to say, this ball is really cute.

This cute look with her head tilted is somewhat similar to Lu Xiaoluo.

"Ahem! Pippi, right? Do you understand what I'm saying?"

However, Pippi didn't react at all, and still kept her head tilted. No, it should be her body tilted, with a curious look on her face.

After that, Jun Lin tried several times, but Pippi had no reaction.

When Mr. Lin wanted to go up and hug it, it immediately bounced to the side, not daring to let him touch it.

One person and one ball, the stalemate lasted for half an hour.

Until Pippi's summoning time ends, it turns into a puff of smoke and disappears.

"Bah! Can this ball help in combat? It's probably just a piece of shit that can be taken away with just one move. It's just useless."

Lin Jun suddenly felt bored and felt a little more balanced.

I checked the time, put on my clothes, took out a black backpack, and put five pistols, a tachi, a short sword, and a staff into it. I only took a photo of the giant sword.

I have to say that these competitive weapons are indeed beautiful, just like a dagger. Although it is a dagger, it is also one meter long. It has a gray blade, an unknown material for the hilt, and a sapphire inlaid at the end.

Coupled with the white light flashing, it is even more exquisite.

I guess he is a sword lover and will like it after seeing it.

He picked up his bag and walked out of the store.

When I got to the street corner, I took a taxi and headed to the place I had made an appointment with my uncle.

Magic City is worthy of being one of the cities with the most complete buildings preserved before the disaster. At night, neon lights illuminate the sky above the entire Magic Capital.

It gave Lin Jun the feeling that he was still in another world.

Half an hour later.

Get off at the entrance of a club called Bauhinia Club.

Lin Jun looked at the door and felt that the name of the store seemed a bit unserious.

After stopping for a while, Mr. Lin walked towards the door.

Just when I was about to ask the greeter at the door.

An inappropriate sound came into my ears.

"why is it you again!"

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