Resurrection, It's Really Toxic To My System

Chapter 396 Visiting The Goblin City Lord’S Mansion At Night

After sitting for a while, the goblin soldiers didn't talk about any important information.

Everyone was chatting about the eighteenth princess with glowing faces, and the more they talked, the more they got more and more excited.

After listening for a while, Mr. Lin lost interest.

After that, I left the tavern and walked around the fortress again, but I didn't find any useful information.

I had to wait patiently until late at night.

The night is as dark as ink.

Two figures, one large and one small, flew across the night sky.

Until it stopped on the roof of the city lord's palace.

"Xiaoluo, control yourself with your heart, then control your breath, and try to control your slight energy to wrap yourself, so that you won't make any noise when walking on the roof."

"Yeah! I understand, brother."

Lu Xiaoluo learned from Lin Jun in a decent manner.

I brought her out this time with the intention of training Lu Xiaoluo well.

After all, her strength is beginning to show, and she will easily get into trouble if she is not taught well.

And Lu Xiaoluo's current cultivation method is also very strange.

She does not need to absorb the crystals herself, she usually only needs to swallow them.

The energy of all the crystals will be transferred to the staff, and she herself seems to have no strength at all, but she can still use spiritual skills.

This point made Lin Jun very confused.

It felt like Lu Xiaoluo was just a medium for that staff.

It's impossible to say I'm not worried.

That's why Lin Jun planned to pay close attention to Lu Xiaoluo next.

It's just that it's been a day or two, and I still don't see the reason.

He had no choice but to teach her how to use spiritual energy first.

After a while, the two secretly arrived at a palace.

He noticed the movement below and turned around to warn Lu Xiaoluo.

"Xiao Luo, sit here obediently, and my brother will go down and help you find something to eat."

When she heard that there was food, Lu Xiaoluo's eyes lit up and she nodded obediently.

"Yes! Brother, I will be good."

Then the little one squatted on the edge of the eaves.

If you didn't look carefully, you might have thought it was a cat standing on the roof.

Seeing this, Lin Jun shook his head in amusement.

This girl is actually very obedient.

Lin Jun jumped off the roof with a slight leap.

After a few more gentle jumps, they arrived outside the palace where the noise was coming from.

Use energy to poke a hole in the glass window.

Then looked inside.

I saw two people who had just finished their work on a big bed several meters inside.

No, it was a fox-eared girl with long legs and a thin old white goblin man.

"Old man Tutu, I didn't expect you to still have such good physical strength at your age."

"Hey! Which of your princesses didn't say that about me?"

The fox-eared girl rolled her eyes with a charming look on her face. "Tch, compared with His Majesty the King, he is nothing."

"But having said that, Your Majesty is really kind to you. You can enjoy all the princesses in the palace."

The old white goblin smiled, his wrinkled and ugly face full of pride.

"You don't even know who I am. I fought tooth and nail to rescue his mother and son. Without me, there would be no Goblin Kingdom today. Do you think he would treat me badly?"

The fox-eared girl smiled charmingly, then lay down on the old Goblin's chest and drew circles.

"However, what has happened to His Highness the King recently? He has changed so much that he almost killed me a few days ago."

"You little bitch, it's best not to ask. Knowing more will do you no good. Anyway, you will be proud of your choice in the future."

"No, just tell the slave family, just a little bit will be fine."

Hearing the charming voice of this fox-eared girl, let alone the old goblin, Lin Jun outside had goosebumps.

Damn, these beast-eared people are really naughty.

Lin Jun secretly complained in his heart.

However, he also hoped that the fox-eared girl could ask something from the old goblin.

After all, he also felt that the Goblin King was brewing some conspiracy.

As expected, the old Goblin couldn't stand the fox-eared girl's charming attack.

"Oh, okay, okay, for the sake of you giving birth to a big fat boy for me, I'll just tell you a little bit."

"Hmm, old man, you are so kind!" The fox-eared lady looked charming.

"Every tribe among you should have gods you believe in!"

"God?" The fox-eared lady was stunned.


"Yes, we, the Beast Ears, believe in the half-human, half-animal beast god, but don't you goblins not believe in a god?"

In fact, if other goblins heard this, they would definitely think that she was mocking the goblins.

Goblins are just a lowly goblin tribe. Before the appearance of the Goblin King, the highest level was only level three. How could they have any belief in God?

"Humph, it didn't happen before, but that doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. All your Majesty has to do is to create a Goblin God."


Fox-Eared Lady and Mr. Lin outside both took a deep breath.

"Create a god!"

The fox-eared girl's face was full of shock.

No wonder it felt like he almost died when serving the king recently.

It turns out that the king is already a man who wants to become a god.

But then I thought that I actually had the opportunity to serve a god, and I immediately felt extremely proud.

She is also a woman of God, even though the children she gave birth to are not His Majesty's...

"So, do you still regret serving our uncle and nephew?" Seeing the shocked look on the fox-eared girl's face, the old goblin sneered.

"How could it be possible? The slave family belongs to you whether life or death."

"Hmph, that's not bad. Now my nephew is only one step away from becoming the first Goblin God in history. By then, the entire Ed Continent will be crawling at the feet of our goblins."


Mr. Lin outside was also very uneasy inside.

Can’t wait to ask the system.

"System, please check if there are any people who have become gods in this world?"

[Don’t worry, this god is not that god, and he is not at the same level as the gods from higher planes. 】

The system's answer reassured him a lot.

No wonder the Goblins didn't attack immediately. It turned out that they wanted to wait for the Goblin King to become a god.

Lin Jun frowned.

It seems that his Dragon Kingdom can't wait any longer, and he doesn't want to give up on Ed Continent.

He made a decision secretly and left quietly.

Not long after, two black shadows flashed across the sky above the city lord again, and then disappeared into the night.

The next morning.

The second-generation ancestors of the Glorious Empire delegation got up early and gathered on the first floor of the hotel.

Today I want to continue visiting Longxin City.

I didn't even visit a shopping mall yesterday, let alone other places.

"Huh, this Dragon Kingdom is so fun."

"Yes, there are so many novelty gadgets."

"Did you go see that thing called um... movie yesterday? It was really interesting."

"Oh, you are telling me this. I went to see it, but I left after seeing actors from the Dragonborn tribe inside."

"Hmph, it's so abominable that there are no people from our demon clan. I must tell Mr. Lin later why a humble dragon descendant can do it, but there are no noble demon clan members like us."

Mishal looked very dissatisfied at An Mier who was in a good mood.

The latter just rolled his eyes at the other party.

An Mi'er also went to see a movie yesterday.

There is a Dragonborn actress in it.

The plot is so sad and tearful, after all, it is based on the story behind the Dragonborn clan.

So An Mier feels very involved.

Moreover, through the explanation of the person accompanying her, An Mier found out that the Dragonborn actress was a Dragonborn actress who had joined the Dragon Kingdom a while ago.

Unexpectedly, as Lin Jun said, the Dragon Kingdom is very friendly to the dragon descendants.

This makes her look forward to joining the Dragon Kingdom in the future.

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