Resurrection, It's Really Toxic To My System

Chapter 399 Shocking News Frightens The Second Generation

A few hours later.

Lin Jun and his party stood on the top of the Black Mountain Fortress.

Seeing that the fortress that was so prosperous yesterday has been reduced to ruins filled with smoke, I felt sad in my heart.

"How do you feel? Is our Dragon Kingdom's army okay?"

The sudden question interrupted the second generations who were in deep thought.

"Strong, very powerful."

The second generation replied tremblingly.

Especially the demons and saints, they no longer have the arrogance of being from the upper three clans.

I didn't expect that the Goblin army, which had always been able to grind the Glorious Empire to the ground, would be so vulnerable in front of the Dragon Kingdom. Suddenly, I felt a little unable to hold my head up.

This is what Lin Jun wants. If you convince him with force first, it will be easier to absorb him later.

At this time a soldier came to report.

"Chief, we have captured the goblin leader and princess."


Lin Jun's expression froze.

This couple of bitches didn’t die?

"Bring them up quickly, don't let them die."

Jun Lin thought that the old Goblin man knew a lot of things, and it was possible to pry out the Goblin King's plan from his mouth.


After the soldiers went down, an old goblin man and the fox-eared girl came up after a while.

At this moment, the adulterer and the adulterer were dressed in tatters and looked extremely embarrassed.

But being able to survive such a bombing without dying is considered a lucky fate for them.

Seeing that there was actually a woman from the Beast Ear Clan, the second generation couldn't help but look at the representative of the Beast Ear Clan, with expressions of ridicule in their eyes.

The representative of the Beast-Ear Clan is also a fox-eared girl. Her face is red at this moment and her eyes are full of sullenness.

If this was normal, everyone wouldn't think anything of it. After all, who's family doesn't have a few degenerate clan members?

But now in front of so many people, it's really embarrassing.

However, Lin Jun ignored everyone's expressions and just asked in Goblin with a playful look: "Old man, what do you call me, what is your position in the goblins, and what is your identity."

Hearing this, Tutu's rickety body trembled. As a prisoner, he could still hear the Goblin language. He couldn't help but feel happy and looked up at the other party.

However, when he saw that the other party was actually a black-haired human, his heart immediately sank, and a look of deathly gray appeared on his face.

But it was timid and replied honestly and tremblingly: "Tu, Tutu, my name is Tutu, I am the commander-in-chief of the Black Mountain Fortress and the king's uncle."

"Yeah." Lin Jun nodded.

He felt that this old Goblin was a little different from other Goblins in terms of appearance and body shape. But after learning that the old Goblin was actually the uncle of the Goblin King, he didn't find it strange. This Goblin was a An old variety.

Lin Jun secretly guessed, then looked at the fox-eared girl: "What about you?"

The eighteenth princess was just a little bolder than Tutu, so she secretly glanced around.

Seeing the second generations of all races, I felt horrified in my heart.

This... various races have already joined forces with the black-haired humans?

When asked by Lin Jun, Fox-Eared Lady suddenly came back to her senses.

"My name is Nali, and I am the eighteenth princess of the Goblin King."

"Haha, she turns out to be a princess?"

Others were equally shocked.

I never expected that a woman from the Beast Ears tribe could be a princess.

The child born between the Beast Ears and the goblin can only be a yellow-skinned goblin at most. Even the chance of giving birth to a big goblin is very small. I didn't expect that the goblin king is quite taboo.

"Dear Mr. Lin, please hand over this traitor to me."

The representative of the Beast Ear Clan stood up and respectfully greeted Mr. Lin.

"Yes!" Mr. Lin saw that the representative of the Beast Ears tribe had spoken out. He thought for a moment and then agreed.

He's just a coquettish fox. He doesn't know as much as old man Tutu, so he's of no use to him at all.

"Okay, I'll leave her to you."

When Nali saw the hateful eyes of her own race, she knew she was dead.

There was not much resistance, but the body was still shaking.

This is normal. If she were not afraid of death, she would not degenerate into the goblin princess.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin Jun, for making it happen."

After saying that, he stepped forward and dragged Nali, the fox-eared girl, away.

As for how to execute the traitors, this is the matter of the Beast Ears themselves, and no one else cares at all.

And seeing Nali being dragged away like this, Tutu's little body was shaking violently.

I could have lived a carefree life in the imperial capital, but because of a momentary greed in my heart, I ended up like this, and I felt regretful in my heart.

"Tutu, right? If you want a happy death, you'd better do a set of the ten tortures of the Dragon Kingdom before you die."

In the end, Tutu didn't have the courage to be a goblin who would rather die than surrender.

He chose to answer all questions and revealed all the details about the Goblin King.

Everyone present was horrified when they learned about the Goblin King's plan.

Even Lin Jun frowned slightly and fell silent.

I see...

The goblin's plan to become a god is actually to use the blood of the dragon clan.

After all, there are examples of dragon descendants who have become gods.

However, due to the impure blood of the Goblin King, it is impossible to even advance to the twelfth level, let alone become a god.

However, when the Goblin King once conquered the Dragonborn tribe, he obtained an ancient book that recorded a method to increase the purity of blood.

That is to absorb close relatives who also have the talent of dragon transformation. The closer the person is, the higher the purity will be increased.

And for so many years, the dragon-born sinner has been giving birth to children for the Goblin King, and he has also obtained many children with the talent of dragon transformation. Therefore, the Goblin King not only successfully promoted to the twelfth level, but is also about to break through. The shackles of level 12 have been promoted to god level.

Even if he hasn't been promoted to the god level yet, it will be within the next month or two.

After learning the news, Lin Jun was fine. He just frowned and fell into deep thought.

The second generation had a look of horror in their eyes.

God, how long has it been since this term appeared in the Ed continent?

Only An Mier's face was pale and her eyes were dull, as if she had lost her mind.

It seems that this time even if the Dragonborn clan jumps into the sea, they won't be able to clean themselves.

After a while, Lin Jun waved to a few soldiers.

"Pull it down and give it a good time."

"Yes, Chief."

The soldiers were not affected by hearing about God. For them, Chief Lin Jun was their god.

Tutu didn't struggle, but he didn't have the strength to struggle anymore, so he let the soldiers drag him away.

Jun Lin turned around and looked at the second generations.

"You also heard it, go back and report it to your clan, and discuss it yourself!"

The middle and second generation people smiled bitterly, how could they discuss it, there was not even a twelfth level person in their clan, let alone a Goblin God.

"It's all the fault of the bitches of the Dragonborn tribe. Now, let's make our entire continent of Ed fall into disaster."

All the second-generation people looked at An Mier with angry expressions.

He looked like he was about to tear the opponent into pieces.

An Mi'er didn't talk back this time, she just lowered her head silently, not daring to speak.

But Mr. Lin couldn't stand it anymore and shouted angrily: "Shut up, everyone!"

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