More than an hour passed.

Perhaps the officers of each legion thought that Lin Jun and Liu Mei had gone to bed drunk, so they all drank and ate before returning to the camp to rest.

Only soldiers on duty stood guard and patrolled outside the camp, and the entire camp fell silent.

At this time, the goblins hiding in the grass also began to take action.

The hyena waved his hand.

"Everyone, light up the vanilla!"

The little greenskins immediately did as the hyena said, and within a short time a small fire was lit.

Only then did Lin Jun and Liu Mei realize that those little dots were the scent of rice grass they were talking about.

In order to prevent the boat from capsizing in the gutter, Lin Jun quickly took out two bottles of sacred potion, handed one to Liu Mei, and drank one himself.

Liu Mei had seen this kind of potion in the beautiful country, so she opened the cork and drank it without saying anything.

Sure enough, a strange fragrance wafted over after a while.

However, with the blessing of the sacred potion, Lin Jun and the other two did not feel any discomfort.

I'm a little curious about how these little greenskins are immune.

Lin Jun gently opened the grass again and found that there were more than a hundred goblins at this time, each with their mouths and noses covered with linen cloth.

It seems that the divine goblin knows how to solve it.

It's really interesting.

After a while, the group of goblins held a piece of lit grass in their hands and began to climb towards the camp.

"You little bastard, are you really going to let them charm tens of thousands of us?"

"Tch, how is that possible? I'm not stupid. We'll kill all these little greenskins together later, but the long-haired goblin has to stay. I still have something to interrogate."


Liu Mei, perhaps disgusted, looked at the backs of the goblins with murderous intent in her eyes.

It would be better to kill such a disgusting species.

Since arriving in Ed Continent, Liu Mei has also learned about the terror of goblins.

That disgusting and creepy thing would kill an ordinary woman if she was insulted.

In addition, for so long, I have often seen the miserable conditions of women who were captured or captured by goblins.

There was a trace of hatred towards the goblins in my heart. After all, I was also a woman, so I felt somewhat sympathetic.

But being made a joke by Jun Lin just now made her feel palpitated and angry.

But he was reluctant to beat and scold Mr. Lin, so it seemed that he could only vent his anger on these goblins.

Just when the goblins were more than 20 meters away from the camp sentry, Lin Jun raised the corner of his mouth slightly, casually took out a high-explosive grenade and threw it at the goblins.

It hit a goblin on the head.

"Yeah! Something hit me."

The goblin was still very curious and picked up the high-explosive grenade and put it in front of his eyes to look at it.


The hyena in front suddenly felt a crisis and quickly fell to the ground.


There was a flash of fire, and a thunderous explosion immediately took away the lives of a dozen little greenskins.

"There is an enemy attack!"

Several sentries were also startled by the explosion and quickly turned on their searchlights to shine at the explosion site.

Immediately I saw a group of chaotic goblins.

"The Goblins want to attack the camp!"

He exclaimed and quickly blew the whistle.


"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Blah blah blah! Soon hundreds of soldiers on night patrol arrived.

"You've been discovered, run away!"

Seeing this scene, the hyena roared without hesitation, then burrowed into the ground and escaped.

This scene, not to mention those little greenskins, even Lin Jun was shocked.

Damn, he is indeed a divine goblin. In terms of his escape technique, no one can match him.

"Sister Mei, you and everyone get rid of these goblins, and I'll go after the goblin leader."

"It's just a little green skin. He ran away, so why are you chasing him?" Liu Mei didn't understand why Lin Jun wanted to chase a level 4 or 5 green skin.

"Hey, you don't understand. I'll leave this to you, so be it."

Lin Jun said, he quickly opened his eyes and followed the cave where the hyena came out.

Although this divine goblin can drill holes very quickly, no matter how fast it is, it is not as fast as Mr. Lin can run on the ground.

Soon, Mr. Lin caught up with it.

He originally wanted to pull it out directly, but after thinking about it, Mr. Lin decided to follow it back to its nest.

Let’s see why a divine goblin is born.

So Lin Jun tried his best to restrain his aura and followed him all the way.

Following until he reached a cliff on the side of a mountain, Lin Jun looked around and found no goblin village.

I can't help but have some doubts in my heart.

At this time, the ground in front of Shiya moved. Lin Jun knew that the other party was coming out, so he quickly ducked into the grass nearby.

Sure enough, the next second, a Goblin head burst out of the ground.

A pair of shrewd eyes looked around and found that there was no danger before crawling out of the soil.

Lin Jun couldn't help but admire this guy's caution in his heart.

After crawling out of the soil, the hyena came to the bottom of the rock wall and opened up a dense haystack.

A lava cave mouth is revealed.

Lin Jun was slightly shocked.

I didn't even notice it just now.

When he came to his senses, the hyena had already gotten in and blocked the entrance again.

Lin Jun didn't do what he thought and walked over immediately.

I was about to dig up the haystack.


Lin Jun's eyes were flashed, he quickly stopped his movements, squatted down and observed carefully for a while.

Soon I found several transparent silk threads as big as spider silk.

"Nima, you're such a clever little guy. If you didn't have the magical skill of Mind Eyes, he would probably have discovered it."

Lin Jun exclaimed.

Then he searched carefully and found no other threads. Then, without touching the threads, he gently pushed aside the haystack and got in.

Only one person can enter the entrance of the cave, but after walking about ten meters, the inside gradually becomes spacious, like a tomb passage.

Lin Jun walked cautiously for a few minutes before finally seeing a glimmer of light.

And it seemed like fire.

He slowly approached, but before he reached the innermost part, an angry voice reached his ears.

"Beast, have you touched her again? Even the dead are not spared. I can't beat you to death, you beast."

"Quack! Don't hit, don't hit, I'm your father!"

Hearing this voice, Lin Jun's eyes lit up and he quickly walked a few steps faster and reached the end in a short while.

Only then did I realize that there was actually a cave as big as a football field inside.

Looking into the firelight, I saw the long-haired Goblin waving a wooden stick to greet a skinny Goblin.

"Beast, if I hadn't seen you as my father, I would have beaten you to death."

"Quack! I am your father, stop fighting!"

After hitting it with a few sticks, the hyena might have lost its anger, so he dropped the wooden stick in his hand and glared at the skinny goblin.

Then he walked towards the stone platform not far away.

Lin Jun looked along and found that there seemed to be a man wearing a golden armor on the stone platform.

And she's a woman.

Could it be that the reason why this little green-skinned guy became a god is because of this woman?

Lin Jun was even more confused.

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