Resurrection, It's Really Toxic To My System

Chapter 426 Dragon God, Karen Luna

I saw the body of the silver-haired woman floating two or three meters above the ground, with no hair on her body. The skin that was originally gray due to lack of vitality was rejuvenated.

Just like a girl's skin, it can be broken by blows.

That silver hair is no longer withered, but smooth and elegant.

The whole person also exudes a faint halo, as if he is truly a god.


outside the city.

Lin Jun and several RRR-level people all felt the powerful aura.


"It seems something is not right. There is the power of divine energy in this breath." Qingyin, like Lin Jun, has completed the transformation of divine energy.

Therefore, one can feel the power of Shen Yuan.

Lin Jun frowned.

I also guessed that something unexpected happened.

He tightened the Shadowless Sword in his hand.

The Shadowless Sword has a side skill that he has never used, and this is his last trump card.

As long as the opponent is not three levels higher than you, you can seriously injure or kill the opponent.

He has never used it because of the huge side effects.

"We can't wait any longer. Attack with the entire army and crush Green City!"

Lin Jun no longer thought about it and directly ordered the attack.


When the attack bugle sounded, the whole army rushed towards Green City with shouts.

"Uncle Bao, several masters, just in case, let's take cover in the sky!"


Several people responded at the same time.

Then six figures flew into the sky and passed over the battlefield of the mechas and sky goblins.

It wasn't until it reached the sky above the Goblin King's palace that it stopped.

That powerful aura came from below the palace.

"Yeah! Be careful, it's coming up!"

Lin Jun sensed something rushing out of the ground in his mind's eye and quickly warned him.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Jun finished speaking, the palace in the center exploded.

Then two figures flew out and jumped onto the roof of the palace.

Only then did Lin Jun and the others see the true faces of two, no, it should be three people.

"Huh? Yuedai'er!!"

Lin Jun recognized one of them, wasn't it the escaped Yue Dai'er?

At this moment, she was carrying a dry old Goblin man on her back.

Originally, when Jun Lin saw the green information box on the other side, he didn't really care.

But since Yue Dai'er can be carried on her back, her identity shouldn't be simple.

But it was okay if he didn't look, but he was shocked when he looked.

【Green Goblin King-Sanyu】

Grade: Ordinary

Level: Level 3

Properties: None

Combat strength: 50 (weak)

Seeing the information in the information box, Lin Jun was stunned.

Uh... what's going on? In the video a few days ago, he looked lively and energetic, but today he has become half-dead.

Lin Jun felt that he didn't have enough brain power.

As for the other woman with silver hair and black robe, Lin Jun has never seen her before.

But that silver hair has confirmed that the other party is a member of the Dragonborn tribe.

Lin Jun and others were observing the three people below, and the three people below were also looking at the six of them.

The silver-haired woman saw six figures in the sky, and they turned out to be black-haired humans she had never seen before.

"Huh? Who are they?"

"Master, those are the people from the Dragon Kingdom who attacked the Goblin Kingdom this time, but the young man among them is named Lin Jun. Since his appearance, the Goblin Kingdom has begun to turn from prosperity to decline."

Yue Daier told everything she knew.

After hearing Yue Dai'er's words, Sanyou behind him raised his head slightly and looked at the guy who was video chatting with it.

I also saw that the six of them, Lin Jun, were able to hover in the air without relying on any magic props, so I knew that the other party was at least level 12 or above.

Seeing this, Sanyou couldn't help but feel a flash of sadness in his eyes.

Was the other party so powerful? No wonder the goblin army collapsed when they encountered them.

"When did level 12 humans appear on the continent of Ed?"

The silver-haired woman also had a puzzled look on her face, feeling that she had missed something. There used to be no level 12 students, but today there were six. It was impossible not to be surprised.

At this time, Lin Jun from the sky shouted to them: "Hey, Yue Dai'er, what are you doing? How come the Goblin King who was fine a few days ago not only failed to advance to the divine level, but also seemed to be squeezed dry by you?" Similar."

Jun Lin has not yet suspected the silver-haired woman, nor has he used his exploratory eyes on her, so he doesn't know who is the one exuding the god-level aura.

The main reason is that the silver-haired woman has restrained her divine power.

Yue Dai'er looked at the silver-haired woman with an embarrassed smile on her face.

"Who are you and where do you come from?!" the silver-haired woman asked with a serious face.

In order to search for ancient monuments, she had basically visited the entire Aide continent except overseas, and she had never seen a black-haired human being.

So she didn't like this uncertainty from the bottom of her heart.


Lin Jun paused for a moment and then turned his attention to this Dragonborn woman.

Then he threw out a probing eye.

The next moment, I was shocked.

[Dragon God-Karen Luna]

Grade: Divine grade

Level: God level one

Attributes: space, strength, fire, dragon transformation (god)

Combat strength: 15 million


Rider, something is wrong. Is there any adultery in this?

Lin Jun cursed in his heart.

You still have to be more careful in the future, and check everything that appears in front of you, otherwise you will easily be tricked.

"Be careful about that Dragonborn woman, she is the one who has been promoted to the divine level." Lin Jun warned in a deep voice.


"Who is she? How come she is the one who has been promoted to the divine level?"

Several people looked puzzled.

Jun Lin frowned and thought for a moment, then guessed: "If I guessed correctly, she may be the dragon-born person who created the rise of the goblins, and she is also the mother of the Goblin King."

"Ah! It's her!"

"No way!"

"It should be right, otherwise besides her, who else would be so powerful."

"Well, it just doesn't make sense why she was promoted to the divine level."

Lin Jun was also confused and couldn't find any idea.

Could it be that the Goblin King had a conscience and gave it to this woman?

So Lin Jun looked down and asked curiously: "Hey! Karen Luna, is it you? How come you have been promoted to the divine level? Did your son give you the opportunity?"

"Do you know me?" Karen Luna looked calm on the surface, but she was shocked in her heart.

Logically speaking, there are basically no people who know her name. How did this black-haired human know it?

"Ahem, that's not important. What's important is, which side are you on now?"

"Which side?" Karen Luna raised her lips and smiled: "I don't belong to any party, I only belong to myself. From now on, I will be the only god on the Ed continent, and you all have to listen to me."

After saying that, he casually waved dozens of fire energy bombs and shot them towards the palace area.

next moment.

"Boom boom boom!"

The entire city was engulfed in flames from the explosion.

"This god now declares that the Goblin clan will disappear from the continent of Ed from now on."

"Fuck, this woman..."

If you had never killed a god-level person, you might have been frightened by your move.

Lin Jun remained silent, just watching the other party pretend.

Karen Luna looked at Lin Jun and others.

"Now, your dragon country, are you willing to surrender to this god and become my servant?"

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