Resurrection, It's Really Toxic To My System

Chapter 476 The Prince Who Recognizes His Father When He Comes Up

"What are you going to do?"

As soon as Lin Jun and Long Wenqian returned to the door of the room, they were stopped by several people in black cloaks.

Lin Jun didn’t know if these two people were sent by Lauren.

There was no rush to take action.

"Dear Mr. Lin, our master would like to invite you to come upstairs to meet us!"

"Huh? Who is your master...?"

Lin Jun frowned slightly.

Apart from the people in Lauren today, who else would know me.

"Your Excellency Mr. Lin, you will know when you go up."

Lin Jun thought for a moment and nodded. "OK!"

Then she looked at Long Wenqian.

"Wen Qian, you go back to your room first, I'll go there."

Long Wenqian just glanced at the two of them, nodded and entered the room.

In her opinion, with Lin Jun's strength, no one can pose a threat to him.

On the contrary, if he follows, he will only cause trouble to Mr. Lin.

"Lead the way!"


Lin Jun followed the two of them upstairs.

After a while, I came outside a room.

"Your Excellency Mr. Lin, please come in!"

The two unlocked the door and extended their hands to invite.

The idea is to let Mr. Lin go in by himself.

Lin Jun relaxed his mind and stepped into the room without feeling any malice.

As soon as they entered, the two men locked the door.

As for that? It's so mysterious.

Lin Jun cursed in his heart.

"Your Excellency Mr. Lin, nice to meet you."

A charming female voice came to my ears.

Lin Jun heard the sound and looked towards the window sill. He saw a beautiful woman in noble attire and a charming face sitting on a stool. Next to her stood a young knight who was about sixteen or seventeen years old.

"Uh, who are you?"

The beautiful woman covered her mouth and smiled.

"Haha, Mr. Lin probably doesn't know us yet. Let me introduce myself. I am Makasiela, the sixth princess of the Lingyue Empire."

After saying that, he pointed to the young knight next to him. "This is my son, the fifth prince of Lingyue Empire, Laudeno."

Lauderno? Hiss, it looks quite similar...

Lin Jun thought wickedly.

"It turns out to be the Sixth Princess and the Fifth Prince. I'm glad to see you. I wonder why you are looking for me?"

Makasila moved a stool in front of him and said with a charming smile: "Your Excellency Mr. Lin, please sit down and talk first!"

A faint body fragrance rushed into Lin Jun's nose.

Coupled with Makasila's deliberately exposed figure.

It made Lin Jun slightly distracted.

This very good...

Jun Lin was not polite and sat down directly.

When Makasiela returned to her seat with her butt raised, she said, "Ahem! Your Highness, Seventh Princess, if you have anything to say, just tell me!"

Makasiela smiled at Jun Lin with a springy face.

Then he pushed Laudno, who had been sizing up Lin Jun next to him.

The latter understood immediately.

He walked directly in front of Mr. Lin and knelt down.

Putting his right hand on his left shoulder, he paid tribute to the knightly ceremony of Shenwei Continent.

"Laudeno, meet your adoptive father!"

Lin Jun:......

The room suddenly fell into silence.

Lin Jun was dumbfounded.

What's going on? How can anyone ask to be someone else's son as soon as they come up?

Jun Lin looked at the Sixth Princess over there and blinked, looking confused.

Makasiela also winked at him.

Damn it, I'm not flirting with you, I just want to ask what's going on.

Seeing that Jun Lin was still in a daze, Makasila reminded him softly.

"Your Excellency Mr. Lin, please accept Lao Denuo as your adopted son!"

"Uh... no, you two have something to say. Don't just come up to recognize your adoptive father. This makes me very embarrassed."

After all, I am still just a young guy who is not yet twenty years old.

Or should I say that I really have the appearance of being someone else's adoptive father...

Hmm... maybe... it's really...

I couldn't help but think of that child Chen Jiale. Under his earnest guidance (given a few divine essence crystals), his strength developed rapidly.

"Please, Mr. Lin, please accept me as your adopted son!" Lauderno's voice was sonorous, and he looked like he would not get up if Mr. Lin did not agree.

"Hey, that's all. For the sake of your mother... ah no, for the sake of your sincerity, I'll give you a chance to explain."

Lin Jun did not agree immediately. He felt that the mother and son had a purpose.

Seeing that Mr. Lin showed signs of relenting, Laudno immediately knocked his head to the ground.

"Father, please save me!"

Lin Jun was speechless and held his forehead.

"Tell me what's going on first!"

We are not familiar yet.

Then Laudno began to explain.

The reason still starts a few months ago.

It had been less than a year since Laudno was entrusted to the territory. A few months ago, the imperial capital also sent envoys to take over the power.

Ignorant, he refused without even thinking.

There was no surprise, the mission would kill him on the spot without hesitation.

If Makasiela, who had escaped from the imperial capital, had not rescued him in time, he would have been a headless corpse.

Needless to say what happened after that, he formed an alliance with several brothers and sisters and began to attack the imperial capital.

It started smoothly, but we were only halfway through.

The imperial capital sent the old king's guards, and these coalition forces were defeated.

In the end, the respective lords also fell into fighting on their own. In order to enhance their own strength, each lord began to think of annexing the smaller lords.

Laudno was only the lord of a city, and his army only had two or three legions. He was undoubtedly the fat one in the eyes of those powerful lords.

He also asked Lauren for help, but all he got in exchange was a humiliating treaty.

Therefore, there were always only two ways before him, either to surrender to Laurent or to be captured by other lords.

But when Jun Lin heard the news, his eyes lit up.

It seems that he understands the reasons why other countries do not interfere with the Lingyue Empire.

Compared to a complete Lingyue Empire, everyone would rather see a disintegrated Lingyue Empire.

Haha, Lauren, you want to be a bitch and also want to build a memorial arch, I won't go with your wishes...

Thinking about it, Lin Jun looked at Laudno on the ground.

Although I don’t know how the other party knew that Lauren’s killer weapon was provided by him.

But this is no longer so important.

After all, it is easy to find out if you want to.

With a cowardly character like Laudno, if he hadn't had a shrewd mother, he would have been eaten to pieces.

"Well! So, you are indeed in crisis now."

"So, please save me, foster father!"

Jun Lin looked at Makasiela, "I think Laudno is a good kid, but I don't know if the princess would mind."

Macasila raised her eyebrows at Jun Lin with a cheerful look on her face.

"I'm so happy that Your Excellency Mr. Lin can become the adoptive father of the child Laudno, so why would I mind!"

"Furthermore, I am very honored to be able to teach Laudno with a hero like Mr. Lin Jun."

This woman is really sexy...

"Ahem! Well, if that's the case, then I agree to accept you as my adopted son."

After hearing this, Laudno bowed again with a look of joy.

"Meet the adoptive father!"

"Haha, Laudno, you should go back to your room first, and I will talk to your adoptive father about the rest!"

"Okay, concubine!"

Lauderno left the room with a feeling of relief.

As for what her mother and Lin Jun were talking about, he didn't care.

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