Resurrection, It's Really Toxic To My System

Chapter 65: Solo In The Dark Forest

Saturday morning.

Lin Jun got up early and planned to go to the wild.

He has already learned that just a few dozen kilometers away, there is an area with a lot of elite beasts, and most of them are from level three to level five.

Just take advantage of these two days on Sunday to go out and hunt some colorless crystal cores, just in case you need to use them in the future and you won't be able to use your ultimate move.

As soon as he got rid of Lu Xiaoluo's entanglement and was about to go out, he ran into Lu Bailing.

Aunt Mei had already told her about the move.

This time she was not alone, there were two girls wearing Magic University uniforms beside her.

"Lin Jun, where are you going?"


How fat is this housekeeper's tone?

"Brark, you're back! I'm going to take a walk in the wild."

"What? You want to go out again? No, you have to take me with you if you want to go." Lu Bailing exclaimed and immediately stuck to him.

But Lin Jun was going to hunt elites this time, so how could he bring her with him? A woman would only affect the speed at which he drew his gun.

Besides, to hunt elite-level beasts, even ordinary B-level powers have to form a team. Although Lin Jun can handle it, if he brings her with him, wouldn't it be a burden?

Lin Jun gave her a headache.

"Next time! I really have something to do this time."

"Ah! What are you doing? Someone is here!"

Lu Bailing clutched his forehead, his face flushed with embarrassment.

Only then did Lin Jun remember that there were two girls beside him.

"Ahem! Hello everyone."

Lin Jun said hello to the two girls.

"Hehe! Hello, my name is Feng Huanhuan. Are you the childhood sweetheart from Bai Ling? You are indeed a handsome guy!" The more delicate and cute girl among the two girls winked and chuckled.

"Yao Bing."

There was another girl, a taller girl with a cool temperament, who just gave her a name.

"Aha! My name is Lin Jun, nice to meet you."

"How happy are you?"

Lin Jun: "(.-ω-)"

"Haha! You're just kidding, we heard from Bai Ling that there is a unique spirit weapon here, so we came here to see it for you!"

This is the principle. It turns out that Lu Bailing started the pimping business.

Yes, yes, he is a family man.

"Haha! Then go in and take a look. If you like it, let Bailing give you a discount. I'm going to get busy."

"Ok, bye!"

"in vain!"

With that said, Mr. Lin went out and turned right, heading straight for the south gate.

"Bailing, your brother Lin is so handsome!"

"Bah! If I tell you to talk nonsense, I'll get beaten..."

Except for the south gate, Lin Jun walked directly to the south.

There are also many mercenary teams traveling together on the road, basically a team of five to eight people.

Lone Rangers like Lin Jun are relatively rare.

Because of this, he received many curious looks, but Mr. Lin could only choose to ignore them.

It wasn't until an hour later that there were no other hunting teams left.

Come to a tree root to rest and drink some water.

It seems like you have to walk, you can’t walk dozens of kilometers for half a day!

Lin Jun was a little depressed. After the world changed, there were no decent roads in the outside world, and he couldn't drive at all.

Even the current road was trampled by mercenary groups and hunting teams. It would be great if there was a flying wind power like that magic OL teacher.

When Lin Jun said he could fly, he suddenly had an idea.

"Hell! I can fly too, okay? Call me a pig brain..."

Half an hour later.

Outskirts of Mirkwood.

The six stalkers slowly lowered their height. When they were only more than three meters away from the ground, as soon as the small claws protruding from the bottom of the stalkers were loosened, Lin Jun jumped onto the ground steadily.

Yes, this is why Lin Jun can fly.

Taking advantage of the Stalker's ability to fly, I wanted to tie him up with a rope and then take him flying.

Unexpectedly, the stalker could still stretch out a grab, so Lin Jun tied one end of a rope into a loop and tied a dozen rope ends on the other end.

Then try slowly to see how many stalkers it takes to take you flying.

I thought I would need at least a dozen, but in the end I only used six. Not only could I take him flying, but I could also maintain a speed of more than eighty per hour.

For a moment, Lin Jun was extremely excited.

This means that he will have one more way to escape in the future.

He thought that when he went back, he would make a special set of cassettes similar to parachutes, so that he could easily fly high in the sky.

I don't want to be like this now, needing to hold the rope with one hand, which is indeed a bit tiring.

For a moment, Lin Jun had some doubts. His biggest golden finger would not be this stalker, not the system.

"Hehe! Tongzi, is there any way to have an idea with the right master?"

In a good mood, Lin Jun started teasing the system again.

【Ding! roll! 】

Then there was no more sound.

Lin Jun saw that the system had no intention of chatting with him.

I had no choice but to put away the rope angrily, lift my legs and get into the dense forest.

This is his destination, an area with a large number of elite beasts below level five.

Even the officials don't know the reason, and these elite-level beasts are all local mutations of Blue Star.

However, I heard that mercenary groups and hunting teams don't like to hunt here because the mortality rate is too high, and those with strength will look down on them, while those with little strength will find it difficult to deal with a group of elites.

This is why no one comes here.

But for Lin Jun, it is a good place to level up and get colorless.

We walked into the dense forest for about ten minutes.

Four level three elite beasts were discovered.

【Explosive Tusk Wild Boar】

[Attribute: Earth]

[Level: Elite]

[Level: 3]

[Attack power: 550]

[Defense: 200]

【Life: 1200】

[Skill: Explosive Earth Impact. 】

As expected, it is worthy of being a third-level elite. Its attributes are more than twice as high as those of ordinary third-level beasts.

The four wild boars that were looking for food also discovered Jun Lin's presence.

Suddenly, four pairs of scarlet eyes stared at Jun Lin.

But Lin Jun took out the pistol calmly.

Bang bang bang!

The four third-level elite beasts were taken away with one shot before they could react.

【Ding! Kill the third-level elite beast and gain experience x2000, healing strawberry x10, strengthening stone x15, and gold coin x1500. 】

【Ding! ...]

The experience is actually four times that of ordinary exotic beasts, which only have 500 experience per head.

Calculating this is not a lot of experience, but killing four heads this time means 8,000 experience points. Since quality is not enough, quantity can be used to make up for it.

When he came to the corpse of the alien beast, he took out a short sword and began to dig out the crystal core.

I don’t know if Mr. Lin has a bad hand or what, but not one of the four crystal cores has attributes.

Mr. Lin misses Jian Yi a little bit, that silly guy.

However, Lin Jun did not lose heart. After all, his main goal this time was to hunt for colorless crystal nuclei.

Receive the colorless crystal core into the system space and continue walking deep into the dense forest.

After that, every once in a while, you can always encounter large or small groups of elite exotic beasts.

But they were all level three. At least he had hunted more than thirty of them, but he had never found any level four or five.

I don’t know if it’s because this place is just on the outskirts of the dense forest.

By noon, Lin Jun had penetrated more than ten kilometers.

We happened to come to the edge of a mountain stream.

I just wanted to pack some stream water and eat some compressed biscuits to replenish my energy.

They found that the stream was turbid.

Lin Jun was so angry that he immediately cursed.

"What the hell, that wicked thing has made all the good water dirty."

With that said, he got up and walked upstream.

He wanted to see what kind of evil thing it was.


After a while, Lin Jun came to the bottom of a small waterfall.

I found that the turbid water came from a small waterfall.

"Fuck, just wait for me. If I don't kill you, my surname won't be Lin."

As he spoke, Lin Jun climbed up the stone slope beside the waterfall.

No matter what kind of beast it was, he decided to smash it into pieces.

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