Resurrection, It's Really Toxic To My System

Chapter 98 Fire Giant Vs Bull Demon King

This scene on the field was also broadcast live to all parts of the world through the Lingyuan satellite.

It can be said that it immediately shocked people all over the world.

After all, not many people have actually seen the seventh-level beast king.

Representatives from various countries on the field left with their students one after another. They had no intention of helping. What they thought in their hearts was that it would be best if this seventh-level beast could kill a few geniuses from the Dragon Kingdom.

This is all because the freshmen of the Dragon Kingdom are so powerful. They are obviously freshmen, but they are fighting at B level or above. Everyone feels scared when they see it.


The Bull Demon King roared angrily, and then climbed out of the ground.

"Evacuate quickly!"

The Dragon Kingdom representatives shouted anxiously to the ring below.

The seventh-level beast king might be able to defeat it with so many A-level and S-level teachers focusing their fire attacks and sacrificing a few more, but this is completely unnecessary.

However, the Bull Demon Emperor seemed reluctant to let Mo Xiyun and others go. After crawling out of the ground, he kept attacking them.

"Summon. Fire Giant."

I saw Feng Ling, a female professor from Beijing University, waving her staff quickly, a huge magic array lit up, and a giant beast slightly smaller than the Bull Demon Emperor came out.

If the Bull Demon King is one hundred meters tall, then this giant beast is only about seventy meters tall, which is about the same size as the sixth-level Bull Demon King. It has a body shape similar to the Hulk, but its head is very big, and its whole body is covered with risk. With blazing flames.

People in the capital who were watching the live broadcast became excited when they saw this giant flame beast.

"Look, that's one of Professor Fengling's most powerful summoning skills!"

“It’s spectacular!”

"I don't know how to deal with this seventh-level beast king!"


After the flame giant came out, the Bull Demon Emperor's attention was attracted by it. Without saying a word, he looked up to the sky and roared, then rushed over.

The flame giant did not retreat because of the giant's size, and roared before facing the Bull Demon King.

The two beasts soon collided with each other, and they started punching each other.

Seeing that the Flame Giant and the Bull Demon King were fighting back and forth without falling behind at all, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hurry up and evacuate!" Perhaps this summoning skill is relatively expensive. At this time, Professor Fengling's face turned slightly pale, but he still ordered to leave.

She knew whether she could beat the Fire Giant. It would be easy to say if it was a level six, but against a level seven, it would be good to be able to withstand it for a while.

"Fengling, are you okay?" Liu Mei asked with concern.

"I'm fine! But my summoned beast won't be able to hold it for long. Let's leave quickly and gather at the target location."


The two teachers protected Mo Xiyun and the others and slowly evacuated outside the stadium.

And Mo Xiyun accidentally saw a familiar figure still in the audience.

After a closer look, he found that Mr. Lin was holding a horizontal sword that emitted red light, and he was looking directly at the two giant beasts fighting in the center of the ring.

Mo Xiyun stopped and shouted to the audience: "Jun Lin! What do you want to do? Leave quickly!"


Fengling and his group also stopped and followed Mo Xiyun's gaze to the auditorium above.

There is also Lin Jun's figure.

After Mo Xiyun shouted, Lin Jun hid.

By the way, I had a headache and put my clothes on inside out.

Mo Xiyun suddenly became furious when she saw that she lay down as soon as she called Lin Jun.

This kid is obviously a half-baked superpower user. He doesn't want to run away, but hides when he sees him.

"Xiyun, what are you going to do? Leave quickly!"

Seeing that Mo Xiyun wanted to jump up to the audience, Fengling hurriedly grabbed her hand. Others could ignore it, but she must take good care of Mo Xiyun.

"Teacher, Mr. Lin is still up there, I want to go..."


Before Mo Xiyun finished speaking, the Bull Demon Emperor, who was wrestling with the giant flame beast, roared angrily.

I saw that after punching the flame giant in anger and knocking it back, he raised his palm and immediately condensed a golden energy ball, which quickly hit the flame giant.



The golden energy bomb hit the flame giant, flashed golden light, and exploded directly. The extremely powerful power not only blew the flame giant into pieces, but also caused a wave of air that directly overturned the entire arena.

Fortunately, Liu Mei reacted quickly enough and placed a huge wooden shield in front of several people.

Everyone who was thrown out of the arena was startled by the huge explosion and looked back. There was no majestic arena, only ruins filled with smoke and dust.

The seventh-level alien beast king is so terrifying!

"Jun Lin!"

Seeing the auditorium reduced to rubble by the air waves, Mo Xiyun couldn't help but scream.

"Leave quickly!" Seeing the huge figure rushing this way, Professor Fengling directly dragged Mo Xiyun and ran out.

"No! Teacher, where is Mr. Lin still? I want to save him!"

"Nonsense! With your current strength, no one can save you!" He said, waving his staff again, "Summon the Wind Spirit Bird."

ah! ah!

A giant bird flew out of the magic circle. Without saying a word, Fengling grabbed Mo Xiyun and jumped on the back of the giant bird, "Everyone, come up!"

Liu Mei didn't waste any time, just grabbed Liu Ruo and jumped on.

The others followed and jumped on.

"Lift off!"

The giant bird received the instructions from the wind spirit and directly lifted into the sky.

The moment Geng left, a red energy bomb hit them directly at their original location.


There was another huge explosion.

Perhaps seeing the target fleeing, the Bull Demon King roared angrily, opened his huge mouth, and once again condensed a red energy bomb, aiming at the giant bird that was rising into the sky.

"Teacher! It seems like its target is us?" After Mo Xiyun calmed down, she noticed something strange.

Fengling looked at the energy ball in the Bull Demon King's mouth and felt anxious.

In the capital of Dragon Kingdom, in a conference room of a certain base.


"Damn it, this seventh-level beast king is obviously here for the two teams from Beijing University and Magic University."

An old man in marshal uniform slapped the case and cursed angrily.

"Yeah! I can see it, but it's beyond our reach now." Another beautiful middle-aged woman wearing a marshal uniform had a gloomy look on her face and stared at Mo Xiyun and others in the video.

"I hope Wind Spirit's giant bird can increase its attack distance!"

"Hey! That's..."

Just when everyone was worried that the Bull Demon Emperor's energy bomb would hit the giant bird in the sky, a figure jumped up into the sky and stood in front of the Bull Demon Emperor.

Mo Xiyun recognized that it was Jun Lin, and her face turned pale: "No!"

At this time, the Bull Demon Emperor's energy ball was also condensed and shot straight into the sky with a pop.

"Let me see how strong a real seventh-level beast is!"

【Ding! It's so strong that it will beat the shit out of you in minutes! 】

"Shut up, you!"

【okay! I'll go and order a funeral dragon for you first. 】


Look at the roaring red energy ball.

Lin Jun held Meteor Luo tightly with both hands!

"Put it back!"

"Dancing Sword Shadow!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The densely packed huge golden sword blades directly hit the red energy ball.

The speed of the red energy ball struck by the sword energy suddenly stagnated.

"Is this...the person from the Black Mist Crack?"

"It's him!"

Seeing this move, many people recognized it. This was the mysterious strong man who killed the seventh-level beast king in the online video the day before yesterday.

For a time, the Dragon Kingdom was in a state of excitement.

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