Resurrection Of Reiki: Get Billions Of Clones At The Beginning

Chapter 15 3 Tricks Have Passed, It's My Turn! (Please Support!)

At this moment, the bloody butcher suddenly appeared.

Her fingers began to turn blood red, clanging forcefully.

The claws scratched through the air and grabbed Jiang Ning's head.

This terrifying claw can easily crush diamonds.

However, Jiang Ning at this time has already changed drastically.

Facing this claw that was as fast as lightning, in his eyes, it was undoubtedly slow.

Jiang Ning is just a slow head shake,

It was easy to escape, this rapid attack.

The bloody butcher saw that his attack failed again.

The whole person began to worry.

At this moment, she no longer dared to underestimate Jiang Ning.

Even, in her eyes, Jiang Ning's strength has once again increased by 10 times.

"Who the hell are you?"

The bloody butcher's tone was extremely serious.

Asked suspiciously towards Jiang Ning.

She looked at Jiang Ning vigilantly and locked him tightly.

"An ordinary student."

Jiang Ning casually refused to answer.

Then, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a wicked smile.

He said lightly: "You still have two tricks, you need to be careful."


The bloody butcher involuntarily uttered a curse.

The eyes are cold, and all the breath on the body.

Start to gather towards your most powerful fist.

The bloody butcher at this moment.

No longer take Jiang Ning's previous threats as a joke.

She suddenly felt that the other party might really have the ability to solve herself.

Facing this circumstances.

Faced with this desperate situation.

She, the bloody butcher, must be ready to kill with one blow!

"Blood man incarnate!"

The Bloody Butcher began to unleash his forbidden tricks.

I saw that her body began to boil and her blood surged.

Her own blood flowed out from the pores of her body.

The red blood unexpectedly gathered a little giant.

The giant has three heads and six arms, with angry pupils, like a Shura in the world!

This is a forbidden move of the Bloody Butcher.

The bloody butcher who uses this trick will consume 20 years of life.

In exchange for an extremely powerful force.

This power is enough for her to achieve the power that only a second-tier grand master can possess.

2 million catties of strength!

That is 1000 tons!

Afterwards, the Bloody Butcher immediately turned to Jiang Ning.

Throw a punch with 1000 tons.

Fist of terror, carrying power,

A violent gust of wind was directly formed, smashing towards Jiang Ning.

The terrifying wind pressure directly blocked Jiang Ning's movements.

Make Jiang Ning immobile.

At this moment, the bloody butcher's terrifying punch was getting closer and closer.

Seeing that his own space was blocked, Jiang Ning didn't care.

Faced with a punch that is close at hand,

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a slight smile.


Just like the Bloody Butcher, which packs a 1,000-ton fist.

It hit Jiang Ning firmly in the chest, and let out a muffled groan.

However, Jiang Ning stood there calmly.

There was no expression of panic and pain on his face.

Such a move was caught in the eyes of the bloody butcher.

She looked at Jiang Ning, who was hit by her full strength.

His eyes were staring wide open with a shocked expression on his face.

With a jaw-dropping attitude, unbelievable, unbelievable eyes.

Look at Jiang Ning.

At this moment, the bloody butcher is wondering if he is dreaming?

She knows best how powerful this punch of hers is.

The power of 1,000 tons is not something ordinary people can bear.

However, it was his terrifying punch.

Hit the opponent's body, but there was no reaction at all.

It's like hitting a piece of cotton.

The Bloody Butcher didn't know.

At this time, Jiang Ning already has 50 clones, all abilities added to the body.

Not only speed, strength, talent is 50 times.

His fighting ability is also 50 times.

This terrifying 1000 tons of force may hit someone else.

Can beat people into meatloaf,

But hit him.

It was like a mosquito biting him.

Insignificant, do not care.

"Three tricks have passed, it's time for me to make a move."

Jiang Ning raised his fist and said casually.

But now, every word he said.

Passed in the ears of the bloody butcher.

It was like death was judging her.

Let the bloody butcher, who has always been cold-blooded, have a look of horror on his face.

She begged for mercy, "Please, let me go..."

"I don't want to die...I can be your woman..."

"Whatever you ask, I promise you."

In the face of life and death, even this cold-blooded butcher.

Still greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in your appearance."

"When you killed other people, did you ever think about their despair?"

Jiang Ning refused without hesitation,

Immediately, he used all his strength and punched out.

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