Resurrection Of Reiki: Get Billions Of Clones At The Beginning

Chapter 79 The Five Defeated Saints! (Please Subscribe! Please Subscribe!) (910)

If Jiang Ning is using the talent plus body of 100,000 clones.

His strength will explode to an unprecedented level.

Reach an astonishing 100 Mega Head Dragon Power!

This kind of power is already beyond calculation, or it is difficult to calculate!

At this moment, Jiang Ning's avatar is also the overlord because his cultivation has reached the ninth-order peak.

Strength has once again increased dramatically.

Facing the escaping beasts, it is more than capable!

But at this time, Jiang Ning had lost his patience.

These blood energy can no longer provide Jiang Ning with a breakthrough in strength.

Then, he stretched out his fist slowly.

Facing all the escaping beasts, punch them out!

The moment the punch came out.

The heavens and the earth screamed, the space shattered, and the void exploded.

Time seems to have fallen into a strange standstill!

I saw an invisible fist wind.

Through air, through space, through time!

Blast away with one punch, this huge arctic mountains and rivers!

Arctic Mountains?

It is simply unbearable to bear this destructive power.

Divided into two abruptly!

A beast fleeing in the distance.

At this time, they were all still in place strangely.

No, they no longer run away.

But Jiang Ning's speed has entered a certain field.

Fast as the speed of light, let things around you.

Caught in, as if in motion at rest!

As for these beasts.

But under this terrifying power, it turned into dust, leaving behind a blood mist!


A huge explosion that resounded through the sky resounded.

The forbidden world is restored.

Jiang Ning stood calmly here, on the glacier that had been divided into two by it.

At this moment, everything has returned to calm.

The beast is dead.

The Arctic glacier was split in two by him.


Suddenly, there was a sound of swallowing saliva.

All the watchmen present swallowed involuntarily.

His eyes were wide open, and he looked at Jiang Ning with his jaw dropped in shock.

Their bodies trembled involuntarily.

His eyes were full of shock.

They are all doubting life, is this really true?

"Crack w.!"

A crisp applause sounded.

All the watchmen present felt the pain.

I can't believe it, it's real!

This is the advisor of Emperor Huangtian who looks like a boy.

With just one punch, the entire Arctic mountains and rivers were divided into two.

Just one person wiped out tens of thousands of beasts.

What is he?

Some people involuntarily have such doubts in their hearts.

What is the scene in front of me if it is not a miracle?

This Huangtian Emperor consultant.

It has refreshed their cognition and created a miracle.

The feat of creating a god by one person!

This is simply a monstrosity, this is simply a terrifying genius!

Can be called invincible!


Thinking about it carefully, everyone gasped in fear.

Now the only words that can describe Jiang Ning are only 4 words that are terrifying!

Jiang Ning can ignore these.

Looking at these watchmen who were shocked and unable to extricate themselves.

Jiang Ning said casually: "You can clean up the battlefield.

After speaking, Jiang Ning shattered the space with a kick.

The whole person entered the space channel.

The space channel is pitch black, and you can't see your fingers.

Here is floating everywhere, the power of extremely terrifying space.

A random ray of space power can kill a strong man in the realm of the emperor.

Therefore, if you want to shuttle in space, you must have the strength to reach the realm of overlord.

ability to move in space.

Jiang Ning shuttled through countless layers of space, and came to a huge layer of space.

This space is extremely chaotic, space debris is everywhere, and the void is first-rate.

The power of space here is extremely sharp and vicious.

Even if it is the existence of the overlord realm, one must avoid its edge.

If you are not careful, you will fall here.

Apparently an unimaginable battle took place here.

But it was true that the scene of the battle was reflected in front of Jiang Ning's eyes.

I saw three fierce beasts in the front, with horns and wings, resembling human figures.

The strength of these three ferocious beasts is not simple, they have all reached the realm of saints!

The realm of a saint is the realm above the overlord.

There are only 5 saints in the entire human civilization.

And human civilization has an astonishing 50 billion human beings!

There are only 5 people in 50 billion, from here we can know how rare a saint is.

But in this space at this moment.

Originally, there were eight ominous beasts in the realm of saints on the side of the ominous beast.

But at this moment, there are only three people left.

On the other side, are the five saints of human civilization.

But among the five great saints, four have died.

The bodies of these four people lay in this cold void.

Only the most powerful Jin Shengren among the five great saints is still alive.

But Jin Shengren's condition is also extremely poor.

him at the moment.

There are densely packed, thousands of scars, riddled with holes.

His breath was extremely weak, and his arm was even broken.

The whole person was in a terrible state, not far from death.

Jin Shengren's eyes were blood red and glaring.

With eyes like a thousand knives, he looked at these three saints and fierce beasts in human form!

At this time, Jin Shengren was full of despair.

He is not desperate, he is about to die, he is angry that he cannot kill these beasts.

Can't stop this war!

Looking behind him, his comrades who have been in arms for decades.

Jin Sheng's heart felt like a knife was being twisted, like being struck by lightning.

Their five saints lost.

This would mean the war was lost.

This will mean that their human civilization will be defeated.

In the 30 years since their aura had been revived, they had struggled to resist these beasts.

But today the tide is over.

They really can't resist these fierce beasts.

"." Jin Shengren, the battle between you and me has been going on for 30 years.

"This time, it seems that we have won the war."

"This planet should be under our control."

Among the three ferocious beasts that turned into humans, the leader is a woman.

The woman spoke in a cold tone. Said calmly.

"Oh!" (by Li Li)

Jin Shengren often took a deep breath, and his whole face was haggard, as if he had lost his soul.

"Golden Sage, your human civilization is really strange."

"So weak in the beginning."

"However, under the influence of blood energy, the speed of cultivation is faster than we expected.

"In just a few decades, a great emperor can be born."

The woman praised again.

"Ha ha.

"You bastards who drink blood, what do you know?"

"Just give us humans another 100, no, 50 more years!"

"We'll make it out. You beasts."

On the verge of death, people in this world let out a dismissive laugh.

"He's still stubborn when he's about to die."

"The emperor is indeed powerful."

"But do you really think that none of us can deal with you?"

"In our world, the Great Emperor is not the strongest!"

The woman smiled dismissively.

Those who look at Jin Shengren have contempt in their eyes, just like looking at Tiancuo!.

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