Resurrection Of Reiki: Get Billions Of Clones At The Beginning

Chapter 88 Mysterious Golden Iron Ball! (Please Subscribe! Please Subscribe!) 810

"I have fought for the survival of human civilization for 30 years."

"But I'm really old this time, and I can't keep fighting."

"The old man desperately needs someone who can take over the old man's position and become the new Human Sovereign!"

At this time, Renhuang began to tell the truth slowly.

"The stronger the realm, the stronger the strength, and the more lifespan you can have."

"Dividing you according to the life span of the realm, you should still be able to live another 3000 years?"

Jiang Ning shook his head, denying what the Emperor said.

He knew that the stronger a person's strength, the higher his realm.

The more longevity you have, the more you will have.

Like the lifespan of an ordinary person.

In the absence of disease, or natural disasters, unfortunate accidents, you can live for 100 years.

After becoming a martial artist, you can live for another 50 years, that is, 150 years.

Grandmasters can live up to 200 years.

Grand masters can live up to 300 years.

Kings can live up to 500 years.

After reaching the realm of the emperor, the lifespan can be increased to the 800th year.

Overlord is 1000 years.

Sages can live up to 2,000 years.

A Great Emperor Realm like the Human Sovereign can live for at least 3000 years!

It's only been 30 years since Reiki's comeback.

The emperor should be 18 years old and still have more than 2,000 years, "How could you say me?


When Renhuang heard Jiang Ning's words, he suddenly smiled helplessly.

The suffering in this is only known to him.

"Thirty years ago, fierce beasts invaded, and the aura just came back.

"It is almost impossible for human beings to have a strong person in the shortest possible time.

"This old man is willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of the common people and all human civilizations."

After speaking, the Human Sovereign untied his clothes.

A body full of scars was exposed.

His body was densely packed with scars.

Dirty and dilapidated!

Countless scars made it impossible to see his complete body clearly.

It's hard to imagine how much trauma the Emperor has suffered.

"The old man is now extremely traumatized."

"There is an urgent need for someone who can become the successor of this old man."

"Originally, the old man wanted to tell Xiaojin and the others about everything that happened today.

Speaking of this, the Emperor has aged a lot again.

"Then how long can you live now?"

Jiang Ning asked, looking at the wounds on Ren Huang's body.

"Three days!"

Human Sovereign stretched out three fingers to show.

In fact, three years ago, the Human Sovereign had a relationship with a ferocious beast that had reached the Great Emperor Realm.

A fight to the death?

In that battle, although he defeated the beast.

But I was also severely traumatized.

In the headquarters of human civilization, there are three sleeping in a coma.

But in the past three years, his injuries have not healed.

Even worse.

At this time, he regained consciousness after enduring the pain.

But his lifespan will also be exhausted, only three days to live.

After finishing speaking, Renhuang took out a golden ball from his pocket again and put it in Jiangling's RMB.

Explained: "This old man can become the emperor in just 30 years, this thing is indispensable."

Hear here.

Jiang Ning looked curiously at the golden iron ball in his hand.

In his hands, this golden iron ball is extremely ordinary, nothing unusual.

"how do I say this?"

Jiang Ning asked suspiciously.

"This thing is an alien thing."

"He has the ability to teleport to another dimension."

"Practice there, practice can get twice the result with half the effort."

"Unfortunately, the strength is not enough. 11

"Cultivating there, I can't bear the terrifying pressure at all."

"You must burn your lifespan in exchange for a strong blood energy to practice there.

"This item is now in your hands."

"I hope you can go farther and farther on the road of cultivation in the future."

"It's not good, Master Prisoner Huang."

At this moment, the voice of the Golden Sage resounded from Human Sovereign's brain.

Human Sovereign immediately opened his brain.

The projection of the golden sage appeared.

At this time, Jin Shengren's face was full of horror and anxiety.

"What happened to Xiao Jin?"

The Human Sovereign looked at the anxious Jin Shengren and immediately asked.

"News came from the border battlefield again, that there are a large number of beasts coming to our side.

"Among them are the beasts of the Great Emperor Realm!"

Speaking of this, Jin Shengren's tone was extremely dignified.

Because he knows very well that only humans can contend against the ferocious beasts of the Great Emperor's realm.

When the Emperor heard this, he also knew the seriousness of the situation.

He immediately ordered to Jin Shengren: "Get ready for battle immediately.

Soon, the Emperor once again asked Jiang Ning:

"Emperor Huangtian, you are the last light of hope for us mankind."

"Use this stuff like oil to become stronger!"

After speaking, the Human Sovereign disappeared in place.

Looking at the departing Renhuang, Jiang Ning also knew that the matter was too serious.

At this time, Jiang Ning wanted to help.

But knowing one's own strength is not enough.

He looked at the golden iron ball in his hand again.

Although he didn't know what the golden iron ball was.

But Ren Huang, Ren became a great emperor within 30 years.

And guard the border, becoming the strongest fortress of human civilization.

It must have something to do with this golden iron ball.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning tried various methods to open the iron ball.

It was a strange discovery.

No matter how he hit with his fist, or smashed with various weapons.

The golden iron ball remained motionless, without any reaction.

In the end, Jiang Ning began to activate his own blood.

I saw thick to substantial blood energy, blooming out, filling the entire room.

Start to ingest continuously towards the iron ball.

The moment the golden iron ball touched Jiang Ning's blood energy.

As if there was a reaction, a terrifying devouring force began to appear.

It continuously devoured Jiang Ning's blood energy.

At this moment, Jiang Ning wanted to draw back his blood.

However, he found that his blood energy was out of control.

Desperately rushing towards the golden iron ball!

Jiang Ning's blood energy is reduced to 1/3 in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the golden iron ball began to flash a jet-black golden light.

The golden light shone for 4 weeks, and the dazzling light made Jiang Ning unable to open his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again.

However, he found that he had come to a mysterious space.

This is a golden glazed space.

The entire space is full of golden power of space.

But Jiang Ning discovered that this space is filled with a huge energy area.

This energy seems to be endless and inexhaustible.

Jiang Ning just took a casual breath, and the blood in his body began to boil.

The blood is surging, pouring into the heart.

"It's a really nice place."

But as soon as the words fell, Jiang Ning felt the pain.

I saw his body drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There were even signs of cracks on the body. .

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