Chapter 191 Tianji Teaching


  Seeing that everyone had solved it, Zhu Tianyou immediately ran to Fang Yi. At this moment, he was very moved, feeling like he had finally found an organization.

  At this time, Lin Xianrou also arrived.

  Looking at the things in the hands of the blindfolded man not far away, Lin Xianrou looked curious.

   She also saw the scene where the last person was dealt with just now. The attack seemed to ignore time. The moment the sound sounded, a hole was opened in the opponent's chest. The power and speed were simply shocking! This was the first time she had seen such a weapon!

   Ignoring Lin Xianrou's gaze, he put away his weapon, and the blindfolded man put his blindfold back on, then turned and walked towards the corpse on the ground.

  He had just identified Fang Yi and Lin Xianrou through prosthetic eyes, and found that they were both human races.

  In addition, Fang Yi's behavior just now and Zhu Tianyou's reaction, the two are obviously companions.

   Not a monster race, not an enemy, knowing this is enough for him, there is no reason to do it.

   Picking up the storage ring and the wooden token from the person who killed himself on the ground, the blindfolded man turned and left.

at this time.

"Wait a moment!"

  Fang Yi suddenly spoke.

  But the blindfolded man kept walking as if he didn’t hear him.

   "Why did the monster hunters from the Church of Heavenly Secrets come to participate in the Martial King Competition?"


  Hearing this, the blindfolded man paused and turned to look at Fang Yi.

  Seeing the reaction of the blindfolded man, Fang Yi thought it was really good.

  He knows two organizations that can use thermal weapons, one is the Academy of Relics, and the other is the Church of Heavenly Secrets.

  The former is an official organization, which is the same in nature as the Martial Arts Academy. They are all for cultivating talents, but the direction of training is different.

  Because it is the main place to study the relics, it has a relatively systematic arrangement for some technologies of the previous era, and thermal weapons are one of them.

  The latter is a private organization, said to be a church, but the organization does not have a specific belief.

  The only dogma is "to eradicate the demon clan completely"!

   Therefore, the armed force "Monster Hunter" was specially trained to roam around and deal with all the monsters they met!

  Different from Relic Academy.

   In addition to thermal weapon technology, the Academy of Relics also researches other technologies of the previous era.

  But the Tianji Church specializes in the study of thermal weapon technology, and the most important thing when going out to deal with the monsters is to discover and research thermal weapon technology.

  Because of one point of specialization, the technology of thermal weapons is even more advanced than that of Relic Academy!

  And the blindfolded man doesn't look like someone from the Relic Academy in terms of his appearance, personality, or behavior.

   "How do you know about the Church of Heavenly Secrets?"

  The two small guns appeared again in the hands of the blindfolded man, and the eyes that looked at Fang Yi gradually became vigilant.

  The Church of Heavenly Secrets has never publicly announced its existence. It stands to reason that no outsider should know of its existence.

   "I have a friend from the Church of Heaven's Secret."

  Fang Yi shrugged.

  Seeing the other party's reaction, he finally remembered that at this time, the Church of Heaven's Secret hadn't appeared in front of the public, so his sudden statement would definitely arouse the other party's vigilance.

   "What's your friend's name?"

  The blindfolded man pointed his guns at Fang Yi, and did not relax his vigilance at all.

   "Tian Ruoyun."

  Fang Yi said a name directly.

   It seemed that he did not expect Fang Yi to say this name. The blindfolded man showed a look of astonishment on his face, and then knelt down on one knee with a "snap", put away his weapon and clasped his fists in salute to Fang Yi.

   "It turns out that the bishop's friend, Sui Miao, a third-level monster hunter, has offended me just now!"

  In an instant, Sui Miao's attitude changed drastically, and he didn't doubt Fang Yi's words at all.

  Because it is mainly aimed at the Yaozu, in order to prevent being retaliated by the opponent, the Tianji Church has been hiding in the dark.

  The identities of everyone in the church are strictly kept secret. Every monster hunter outside has undergone rigorous training. No matter what happens, they will never reveal the church's information.

  Moreover, everyone has a restriction. Once they encounter a method that can check memory, the restriction will trigger and instantly destroy the brain and consciousness.

   Really ensure that the information will never be exposed!

  As a means of proving their identity, the names of all high-level personnel will be sealed in everyone's mind.

   only recalls information about a name when it hears the corresponding name

  The top of the pyramid of the church is the Pope, and the real manager is the twenty-four bishops below the Pope.

  Tian Ruoyun is one of the twenty-four bishops.

   Therefore, being able to say the name Tian Ruoyun means that Fang Yi is by no means an outsider, and has a special status, otherwise it would be impossible to know this name.

   Seeing this scene, Lin Xianrou was curious.

  She didn't know the reason, and she didn't know why the other party's attitude changed so quickly.

  Zhu Tianyou was even more shocked.

  He followed the other party all the way, and saw with his own eyes that the other party had a dead face from beginning to end. No matter what happened, he always had a cold expression on his face, like an emotionless killer.

  He didn't expect that the other party would suddenly change his attitude.

  Looking at Fang Yi, whose expression remained unchanged, Zhu Tianyou thought to himself.

   Sure enough, he is still the boss! This boss really recognized his worth!


  Fang Yi nodded to signal Sui Miao to get up.

  The reason why he knew the name Tian Ruoyun was because he had contacts with the Tianji Church in his previous life.

  After the outbreak of the battle between the two groups, the Church of Heaven's Secret no longer hid in the dark, and began to come forward.

   It is a matter of the rise and fall of the human race, and no force can stand alone. Fang Yi is very fond of the speed at which the Tianji Church can train monster hunters.

  Because even ordinary people who don’t know anything can pick up weapons to fight against monsters after basic training.

  Although there are still various restrictions, this is indeed an advantage that cold fighters do not have.

   There is a war between the two clans, no one will attack you just because you are a commoner.

   It was precisely because of this that Fang Yi vigorously supported the Church of Heavenly Secrets at that time, giving money and materials to others, and even assigning it to the other side for research purposes!

   It can be said that he is the biggest owner of Tianji Church, so he knows the names of the top leaders of Tianji Church.

   "Why did you participate in the Martial King Competition? Is it an order from above or is it your own decision?"

  Fang Yi looked at Sui Miao and asked.

  Tianji Sect always regards eradicating the monster race as the highest priority. If they didn't find something, they would never send people here to participate in the Martial King Competition.

   "It is the task above."

   Sui Miao got up and answered respectfully.

   "I was chasing and killing the Yaozu in other places. Half a month ago, I received an order to come to Zhutian City to participate in the Martial King Competition. It is said that there is news about the Sirius clan here."

   "The reason why I was selected is because I am relatively close to here, and my realm just meets the standards for participating in the Martial King Competition."


  Hearing this name, Fang Yi frowned.

  The Sirius clan is the top clan among the monster clan.

   This family is very talented. As long as they are adults, even if they don't concentrate on cultivation, the lowest level is the realm of demon gods.

  The reason is that the other party's innate ability "Xiaoyue" makes this family naturally close to the moon, and it is much easier to communicate with the stars than others.

   It’s almost like a talent tailor-made for the Valkyrie Realm...

  (end of this chapter)

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