Chapter 215 Su Wan's Brother

  Thousand-year sandalwood is already a priceless thing, let alone ten thousand-year sandalwood.

  Things made of ten-thousand-year sandalwood can remain indestructible as long as they are not deliberately damaged. Its value is a geometric multiple of thousand-year sandalwood, which is impossible to estimate.

  There is no such thing as artificial planting of Wannian sandalwood, because no one can spend several generations planting a tree. It is not a question of whether it is worth it or not, but that no one knows what will happen for such a long time.

  All Wannian Sandalwood is born and cultivated, and they are all inaccessible places, rarely found by people.

  In the last life, Fang Yi only saw one tree at the end, and he transplanted it to his garden.

  Opening the scroll, Fang Yi found that the cloth used for the scroll is also a good thing.

  The brocade cloth woven with nine-day black silk is immortal, and is as priceless as ten thousand-year sandalwood.

  Fang Yi saw that what was drawn on the scroll was a map, but the things on the map were drawn intermittently, and many places were missing.

   "Fang Yi! Are you okay!"

  Hearing Lin Xianrou's voice, Fang Yi put away his things.

   "It's okay, let's go."

   Jumping on the ground, Fang Yi ran to the canyon, putting other things aside for now, the most important thing now is to find Su Wan.


In the woods.

  Looking at the four black-robed corpses surrounding him, Su Wan took a deep breath to calm himself down.

   Unexpectedly, before Fang Yi arrived, he was exhausted.

   "Give up! In fact, you don't have to run away, I won't do anything to you, after all, the higher-ups asked me to take the living back."

  The black-robed body was separated, and the man in the red robe walked up to Su Wan.

  The man looked at Su Wan with a sinister smile on his face.

  The client said that he wanted to bring alive, but it can also be understood as long as it is alive.

   Tsk tsk!

  Looking Su Wan up and down, he subconsciously licked his lips.

  It was the first time he had seen such a top-notch woman, and if he didn't experience it for himself after catching him, it would be a waste of money.

   "Catch her!"

  The man pointed at Su Wan, and the four black-robed corpses immediately approached Su Wan.


  Feeling the remaining spiritual power in his body, Su Wan gritted his teeth and prepared to mobilize the ice porch of the six-horned black rhinoceros.

  As long as spiritual power is used to stimulate the ice porch of the six-pointed black rhinoceros, the power inside the ice porch will explode completely. At that time, a five-kilometer radius will become an ice field, and no grass will grow!

at this time.


  A black shadow of a person suddenly fell in front of Su Wan, and then a somewhat deep male voice sounded.

   "Su Wan, I finally found you."

"elder brother?"

  Seeing the man who suddenly appeared, Su Wan's eyes suddenly widened.

The man is more than 1.8 meters tall, with a burly figure, his exposed arms are well muscled, his head is short, and a yellow ribbon is tied on his forehead. His sharp-edged face looks a bit like Su Wan's. fierce breath.

   "Why are you here?"

"Why am I here? I'm here to represent my family in the Martial King Competition. My family said they saw you on the field before. When I saw you after entering the secret realm, I immediately followed. However, I was delayed for a while by a monster. Come later, you will be here today."


  Hearing this, Su Wan bowed his head and remained silent.

  Actually, before coming to Zhutian City, she was a little worried about being discovered by her family. After all, the Martial King Competition is such a big event that the family will definitely send people to participate.

   It's just that no one from her family came to the door until she entered the secret realm. She thought she was lucky enough not to be discovered, but now it seems that she was thinking too much.


  Seeing Su Wan's appearance, Su Tingshan snorted coldly and didn't say any more. He turned his head to look at the man in the red robe, his eyes and face turned cold instantly.

  He could see everything the other party did just now.

   "Bullying my Su family, I will let you feel the price..."

  After the words fell, Su Tingshan suddenly erupted with the aura of the three realms of Wuwang, and rushed towards him. The imposing red-robed man subconsciously took a step back.


   Realizing that he was frightened by the opponent's aura, the man in the red robe waved his hand and immediately ordered four corpses in black robes to surround Su Tingshan!

   There is only one person on the other side, and I have four corpse puppets of the Martial King Three Realm, so I still have the upper hand in a fight!

  The next development was completely beyond his imagination.

  Su Tingshan is like a fierce tiger. Although he is unarmed, any corpse puppets caught by him will be torn to pieces in an instant!

   In just two minutes, the four corpse puppets were swept away by Su Tingshan.

  The situation was completely reversed for a while!

   "Run? Where do you want to run?"

  Looking at the four shattered corpse puppets on the ground, the man in the red robe turned around and ran away.

  Su Tingshan stepped on the ground and left a deep hole, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already behind the red-robed man, reaching out to grab the red-robed man's shoulder!

   But at this moment.

  A young man in a blue dress suddenly appeared behind the man in the red robe and grabbed Su Tingshan.

  The young man looked at Su Tingshan, squinted his eyes, and had a faint smile on his face: "It's easy to get angry when you have a bad temper, and it's not good for your health."

  Looking at the young man who suddenly stood in front of him, Su Tingshan retracted his wrist forcefully.

  But the young man's hands were like pliers, tightly grasping his wrist, unable to break free no matter what.

   Su Tingshan frowned gradually, realizing that the other party was a master, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

  The man in the red robe who heard the movement wanted to run away, but turned around and looked behind him.

  Seeing the young man, the man in the red robe breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Employer! Why are you here?"

  Although he breathed a sigh of relief, he was a little entangled immediately afterwards.

  I was about to finish what the other party told me, but the appearance of Su Tingshan turned the situation around in an instant.

  The other party appears now and saves me, which means the mission failed. Not only can I not get the things agreed before, but I also get four blood puppets, which is really a loss to my grandma!

   "I just came here."

   Seeing what the man in the red robe was thinking, the young man smiled and extended his other hand to the man in the red robe.

   "You have done a good job, what should be given to you will not miss you, this is the key, and the things are in the old place."

   "Thank you! Thank you! It's all I should do!"

  Hearing the young man's words, the man in the red robe was overjoyed, and immediately walked over to take the things in the young man's hand.

   But right now.

  The young man suddenly reached out and grabbed the man in the red robe by the neck.

   "I can't finish this little thing, and still want to get something?"

  Under the terrified eyes of the man in the red robe, the young man turned his wrist abruptly.


  The man in the red robe tilted his head, and his body went limp.

   Throwing the red-robed man's body aside casually, the young man turned his head to look at Su Tingshan again, with a faint smile still on his face.

   "Sorry, I made you laugh."

  Seeing the man say this casually, Su Tingshan grabbed the man's neck with his other hand.

next moment.

  Su Tingshan's eyes turned, and then there was a sudden sharp pain in his back, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"elder brother!"

  Looking at Su Tingshan who was thrown to the ground by the young man's wrist, Su Wan immediately rushed over...

  (end of this chapter)

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