Chapter 227 Blocking the Backfire Formation

  The moment Feijian broke through the protective shield, five people took out a wooden sign and crushed it at the same time, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

  Fang Yi remembered that it was the wooden sign needed to enter the secret realm.

  At the gate of the city lord's mansion, the city guard said that as long as the wooden sign is crushed, it can be teleported back immediately. Unexpectedly, the teleportation speed is quite fast.


  Looking at the five people who disappeared in an instant, everyone around immediately realized what was going on.

   Everyone looked at Fang Yi, with shock in their eyes, and a trace of panic.

  When a person is strong enough, others will be shocked, jealous, envious, and worshiped...

   will produce all kinds and emotions.

  When this person is too strong for people to understand, all emotions will gradually evolve into fear, which is a person's instinctive reaction to unknown things.

  Fang Yi is in this situation now, fighting against the first realm of the Martial Emperor with the three realms of the master.

   It's still a five-for-one!

  The most important thing is that Fang Yi does not lose the wind throughout the whole process. The whole battle is completely unilaterally crushed, which is beyond their comprehension.

  Compared to other people, people from the remaining five great families were even more flustered.

  The five people are the highest strength of the five families who came to the secret realm this time, and the rest of them are naturally not Fang Yi's opponents.

  And because of what happened just now, they were very worried that Fang Yi would do something to them now.

  It's too embarrassing to steal the chicken and lose the rice. It's normal for the other party to do it now.

   Seeing Fang Yi turn around to look at Lin Xianrou and the others, people from the five great families mingled into the surrounding crowd, quietly retreating while paying attention to Fang Yi's movements.

  They have decided that as long as they leave here, they must keep a distance from Fang Yi.


   Right at this moment, there was a sudden cry of pain.

  In the silent environment, this cry of pain attracted everyone's attention.

   Everyone saw that at the outermost part of the crowd, a man was kneeling on the ground with his left hand raised.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  The man's head was on the ground, and his right hand kept hitting the ground. Coupled with the ear-piercing wailing sound, the whole person seemed to be enduring great pain.

   Soon everyone noticed the problem.

  The man's raised left hand was red, and the skin was covered with blisters, as if burned by something.

  Beside him, there is a light red light curtain.

  The light curtain appears and disappears from time to time, looking a little illusory, red lines flowing irregularly on the light curtain.

  As they looked up, everyone realized that a light red light curtain rose from the ground, covering everyone inside like a box.

"What's this?"

   "I don't know, the man I saw just now became like this because he touched this thing."

   "It looks similar to the blue light curtain outside before, is it an enchantment?"

   "It's kind of like, who made it!"


  Seeing the light curtain, everyone immediately looked left and right.

  Suddenly such a thing appeared, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in everyone's heart.

   After all, the timing of this thing's appearance was too coincidental, just after Fang Yi solved the five great families.

  Thinking of this, everyone subconsciously looked at Fang Yi.

   Could it be that Fang Yi felt that there were not enough people to solve the five great families, and wanted to catch everyone here and monopolize everything in the secret realm?

the other side.

   Fang Yi and the others also noticed the light curtain.

  Su Wan, Lin Xianrou and Sui Miao frowned and looked around, wanting to see if anyone's reaction was abnormal.

   Zhu Tianyou's expression was the most relaxed among the four, looking at Fang Yi calmly.

  He is completely lying down now, and his worries are useless anyway, he can neither discover anything nor help him.

  Even if something big happens, there is someone tall enough to bear it.

  Boss and others can naturally solve the matter, all I have to do is to stand still and not cause trouble to others.

   If Fang Yi and others can't solve it, then it's useless to struggle by himself, just wait for death in peace, and after he decides to fail, he will definitely feel that the whole person is more relaxed than ever...

  Fang Yi finally fixed his eyes on a person after noticing the surrounding situation.

   "Backfire Formation, the handwriting is quite big."

  Fang Yi immediately saw what the light red light curtain that enveloped everyone in front of him was.

   Backfire array.

   You cannot enter or exit within the range of the formation.

   Once the formation is forcibly broken, it will cause the formation to backfire and catch fire.

   Moreover, the formation forms a small world of its own, which completely isolates all means of transmission. That is to say, as long as it is within the formation, even if the wooden token is crushed, it will not be teleported away. This is a very high-quality formation.

   This kind of formation is often composed of many people. The more people who activate the formation, the stronger their strength, and the greater the power and coverage of the formation.

  If you want to get out of the formation, other than using absolute violence to crack it, the only way is to kill all the people who launched the formation.

   "Excellent, I didn't expect you to know this kind of formation."

   Seeing Fang Yi looking at him, Xu Feiyu in the crowd stopped hiding and stood up directly.

  At the same time, ten other fighters who were just as frightened as the others stood up together.

  Seeing this scene, the people beside the ten people immediately distanced themselves in shock.

   "Xu Feiyu!"

  Hearing Xu Feiyu's words, people from the five great families present all looked at him.

   "Use this formation to trap everyone here, what do you want!"

   "What are you doing?"

  Xu Feiyu's mouth slightly raised.

   "Of course it is to take the platform stone back from Fang Yi. Since the five of them failed, then I will do it!"

   "But if I succeed, there will be no other family affairs. How about it, do you want to consider joining?"


  Hearing this, everyone including the members of the Xu family looked at Xu Feiyu in disbelief.

   Ling Xing'an, Xu Yanghua, Meng Yuanzhou, Zhu Feipeng, and Bu Qiuling are already the five strongest people present, but they have all failed.

   Is Xu Feiyu crazy?

   Think you are stronger than the five of them?

  They didn't know much about Xu Feiyu.

   All he knew was that the other party was from a branch of the Xu family, and he was usually unknown, but he suddenly became a blockbuster in this Martial King Competition.

  Everyone only regarded him as a dark horse that suddenly appeared, and he was just forbearing before.

   But even so, the strength of the opponent is still not comparable to Xu Yanghua and the other five.

   "Haha! Hahaha!"

   Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Xu Feiyu suddenly laughed.

   "Ahem, don't worry about it, I was just joking just now, none of you should try to get out of here alive today..."

   At the end, Xu Feiyu's tone gradually became gloomy, and then he turned his head to look at Fang Yi expressionlessly.

   "Let me confirm again, did you kill my brother Lang Ting?"

  Wolf Ting...

  Hearing this name, Fang Yi frowned.

   He remembered the name Wolf Ting, it was the Sirius tribe who died in his hands during the Martial King Competition, it seemed like some kind of young master.

  (end of this chapter)

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