Chapter 250 The strongest blow

  Using thunder to lead thunder, this is the method Fang Yi thought of.

  It can be used as the final defense of the city. The energy contained in the defensive formation is not inferior to that of the Martial Saint Realm, and even stronger. There is no special method, and it is difficult to simply use force to break through.

  After the thunder gun was formed, the protective formation slowly disappeared, and Fang Yi concentrated all the power of the protective formation on this spear.

   Glancing at the thunder gun in the air, the giant wolf looked down at Fang Yi.

  Although he could clearly feel the power hidden in the thunder gun, he still had no plans to retreat.

  Even if he dies today, he must take Fang Yi with him.

   Seeing what the giant wolf was thinking, Fang Yi raised his mouth.

   I don't intend to run, just to save the trouble of chasing people!


  With a low growl like thunder, the giant wolf rushed towards Fang Yi.

  Powerful strength Every step that falls on the ground is like an earthquake.

  At the same time, Fang Yi also moved.

  The raised right hand waved downwards, controlled the huge thunder gun and immediately turned the gun to point directly at the giant wolf.


   Thunder strikes!

  The air vibrated violently, and the thunder gun disappeared in place in an instant, and the next moment, it appeared on top of the giant wolf like a teleport.

  The waning moon on the giant wolf's forehead flashed, and a moon-like moon-white barrier blocked the thunder gun.


  The moment the two collided, the huge force shattered the ground under the giant wolf's feet, knocking it in place.

  A large number of thunder and lightning rolled around like waves.


  Where the moon white barrier was hit by the tip of the gun, a black spot suddenly appeared, and then fine cracks quickly spread outward from the center of the black spot, and the two made a decisive decision.

  However, the giant wolf was completely unmoved, and didn't even look up.

  A moon-white energy ball condensed in the giant wolf's mouth, but the power contained in it was much stronger than when it was shot at the green dragon before.

   "Month Zero!"

  As the sound sounded, the light on the moon-white light ball suddenly rose sharply.

   Seeing that he couldn't get close, the giant wolf immediately launched the strongest attack he could make in this state.

   This blow condenses all his strength, even if he is in the Martial Saint Realm, if he is rubbed a little, he will definitely be killed or injured.

  He has already decided that he will take Fang Yi away even if they die together.

  Looking at the ball of light in Julang's mouth, Li Riyue next to Fang Yi had an ugly expression.

  He suddenly understood why Fang Yi stopped himself from doing it just now.

  With this level of strength, even if you happen to restrain the opponent, your own means will not be effective.

  Pure difference in strength, as long as I make a move, I will be backlashed to death in an instant!

  His first thought was to take Fang Yi and leave! only…

  Looking at the unmoved expression on Fang Yi's face, Li Riyue could only stand beside Fang Yi with the excitement in her heart.

  He chose to believe in Fang Yi!


   Just as the light ball was about to launch, Fang Yi's voice sounded again.

  The thunder spear in the air suddenly spun like a drill!


  The moon-white barrier suddenly shattered. Under the shocked eyes of the giant wolf, the thunder spear directly penetrated the wolf's head from top to bottom, and the light ball that was about to be fired from the giant wolf's mouth was also penetrated.


   At the moment of the explosion, Fang Yi ran to the side without looking back. The next moment, a powerful shock wave spread out from the center of the giant wolf.

   "Boom boom boom boom..."

  The ground was shattered and swelled upwards continuously. The things touched by the shock wave were destroyed in an instant, and were instantly disintegrated into powder by the thunder and lightning scattered outward.

  The shock wave did not stop until outside the central square.

  Wait until the shock wave was over, Li Riyue summoned his Dharma figure and waved it away.


  Looking at the scene in front of her, Li Riyue's eyes were full of surprise, she opened her mouth, but finally said nothing.

  The entire central square was completely razed to the ground, the ground seemed to have been plowed, and everything above the ground disappeared.

   I didn’t imagine the broken walls and ruins, and the moment everything was destroyed, it was shattered into powder by lightning.

  There are continuous thunder flashes in the sky, like a thunder pool.

  In the center of the square, the giant wolf disappeared, replaced by a two-meter-long gray wolf.

  The gray wolf was lying on the ground, **** and bloody, unable to see what it looked like.

"it's over…"

  Li Riyue looked at Fang Yi who was at the side.

  Although the Saint Son of Luo Yunjiao who was killed with Fang Yi before was also in the Martial Saint Realm, Fang Yi spent a lot of effort and thought on dealing with him that time.

   In comparison, the Sirius tribe in front of him is obviously much stronger than Shengzi, but Fang Yi seems to be more relaxed than before.

   One time.

  Li Riyue respects Fang Yi even more in her heart...



  Hearing the sound, Li Riyue suddenly turned to look at the gray wolf in the middle of the square.

  I saw the gray wolf on the ground suddenly move.

"not dead?"

  Li Riyue frowned, she didn't expect that the opponent could survive the attack just now.

  Fang Yi's expression remained unchanged. Although he was a little surprised, he was not very surprised.

  In the state of "Sirius Devouring the Moon", the opponent is already a half-step Martial Emperor, and his physical strength is already abnormally strong, so it is understandable that he is not completely dead.

  If he didn't have the formation of Tianzhu City, he would not be able to escape this disaster.

  The only thing that made him feel a little pity was that, including Lang Xiao, all the corpses of the Sirius clan on the ground were also turned into fly ash.

He originally wanted Qinglong to absorb it, to see if he could use it to grow again, and then let Lin Xianrou absorb the corpse, to see if he could bear the fruit of the bloodline of the Sirian clan again, so that he could suppress the sky army. The overall strength has once again raised a level.

   "Wait for me here."

  Letting Li Riyue stay where he was, Fang Yi walked towards Gray Wolf, ready to make the final cut.

  Because the body already has a strong lightning resistance, coupled with the defense of the Azure Dragon Armor, the Thunder Snake in the air did not cause any damage to Fang Yi.

   Walking to Gray Wolf, Fang Yi summoned the World-Exterminating Fire.

  Just when Fang Yi was about to start.

   "Boom boom boom boom..."

  A sound of footsteps came from behind.

  Fang Yi turned around and saw that the siege corpse not far away was rushing towards this side. Seeing the siege corpse, Li Riyue immediately stood in front of the opponent and prepared to take it down.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

  The faces on the surface of the siege corpse suddenly opened their mouths and screamed, the sound was as sharp as hitting glass with a stone.

   Li Riyue paused for a moment, his eyes were momentarily dull, but it only took a second to recover.

  But at this second, the siege zombie jumped into the air and fell towards Fang Yi.


  Like the Sirius clan launching a blood moon self-destruct, the body of the siege corpse suddenly began to swell.

  The already obese body swelled rapidly, turning into a mountain of meat. Coupled with its weird shape, it looked even more weird and disgusting.

   Seeing that the other party was about to blow himself up, Fang Yi turned around and was about to leave. Although the explosive photos of this thing are very powerful, the speed is flawed.

  It is good for attacking the city, but it is a bit cumbersome if it is used to deal with the enemy, and it can be avoided by speed.

   But right now.

  The gray wolf on the ground suddenly "deceived the corpse" and hugged Fang Yi's leg with its two front paws.

  Before preparing for the final blow, he had already let the siege zombies run this way, just in case.

  (end of this chapter)

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