Chapter 267 Divine Consciousness Attack


  The six tails snapped off at the sound, shattering into golden light spots and dissipating in the air. The woman's face was gloomy, as if water was about to drip.

  The tail is the root of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox's ability, and cutting off the tail is equivalent to abolishing one's cultivation.

  Even if she succeeds in taking the house, she will lose a lot of strength.

  Looking at Fang Yi not far away, the woman's beautiful face gradually became ferocious.

  She wants to seize the house!

  She is coming back to life!

   Even if you practice again, it doesn't matter.

   Just live.

   This time, she must cultivate to the ninth level of martial arts and become a real empress.

   She wants revenge!

  She wants to kill all the ten thousand races that hunted her down.


  The woman raised her head to the sky and screamed loudly, making a loud fox cry.

next moment.

  The woman bent down and landed on all fours, and the golden light spots wrapped her around her, forming a huge golden cocoon.

the other side.

  Fang Yi frowned, and reached out to remove the tail wrapped around Xiao Jiu's body.

  The tail was wrapped tightly, leaving shocking red strangle marks on Xiao Jiu's body. Many places have been soaked in blood, which shows how strong the force is.

  Dare to hurt Xiao Jiu.


  Fang Yi's face darkened instantly.

  After getting along for this period of time, not only Xiao Jiu's attitude towards himself has changed a lot, but his attitude towards Xiao Jiu has also changed.

  In the beginning, he just wanted to change the other party's cognition and affection for the human race, and then he took her as his subordinate and let her work for him. If she couldn't change her view of the human race, he would kill her directly to avoid future troubles.

  As the time spent together got longer, he watched the other person change little by little.

  From reticent to talking.

   I will be happy when I eat delicious food, worry about myself when encountering things, and occasionally fight with Xiao Liu...

  The opponent gradually became more like a human race than a monster.

   At the most dangerous moment just now, the other party still called me by my name.

   It's about trusting yourself very much.

  He already regarded Xiao Jiu as a younger sister.

  If someone wants to hurt someone he cares about, there can only be one fate for this person:


next moment.


   Without waiting for Fang Yi to say anything, Xiao Jiu plunged into Fang Yi's arms without saying a word, holding Fang Yi's waist tightly with both hands.

  Feeling Xiao Jiu in his arms, his body kept trembling. He reached out his hand gently and rubbed her head.

as usual.

  Soft and docile.

   "It's okay, it's okay..."

  At this time, Fang Yi comforted Xiao Jiu softly like a brother comforting his sister.

  He knew very well that although Xiao Jiu didn't like to talk usually and acted very mature, in fact, the other party was just a little girl who was not yet an adult.

   This has nothing to do with whether she has the blood of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, or whether she is the daughter of the Demon Emperor.

   Any girl of the same age would be afraid when encountering such a thing, not to mention that Xiao Jiu has not practiced yet, so it is not easy to do what she is doing now.


  Hearing Fang Yi's words, Xiao Jiu nodded gently in Fang Yi's arms.

   I don't know why, but just smelling the man's scent gave her a sense of peace of mind.

   Taking a deep breath, Xiao Jiu left Fang Yi's arms and wiped her eyes with her hand.

   "I didn't cry..."

   Seeing Fang Yi looking at him, Xiao Jiu blushed, and explained with a guilty conscience.

  At this time, she felt extremely at ease, and she didn't understand it herself. This was a feeling she had never felt when she was with Yan Lao.

"I know."

  Seeing Xiao Jiu's appearance, Fang Yi gently rubbed her hair again, and then looked at the woman.

  The moment he turned his head, the tenderness on Fang Yi's face disappeared, replaced by endless coldness.

   This means that Fang Yi is very angry.

   Murderous awe-inspiring.

  The other party must pay the price.

   Today's golden cocoon has changed from the size of a person to a giant cocoon of 100 meters.


  As the golden cocoon expanded and shrank, the sound similar to a heartbeat sounded again.

  The sound became louder and faster, and a crack appeared on the golden cocoon.

   "Ka Ka Ka..."

   There were more and more cracks on the golden cocoon, and finally it shattered with a "pop", turning into golden light spots and dissipating, revealing the woman whose appearance had changed drastically.

  The woman changed from her original human form to a two-meter-high and four-meter-long fox.

  The fox is covered in snow, with an eye shadow at the corner of his eye, which is a red mark.

  Although it is not small in size, it still gives people a coquettish beauty, which is very weird.

  The only fly in the ointment is that there are only two tails behind the fox.

  Looking at the fox in front of him, Fang Yi pointed.


  The blue dragon in the air immediately leaned over and rushed towards the fox.

  Looking at the swooping blue dragon, the fox flicked one of its tails, and the gray smoke quickly spread out from the tail.

   "Sink the curtain!"

   This is the talent it got after killing the Shadow Clan in Ten Thousand Clans.

  The area covered by the gray smoke screen can not only isolate vision, but also block spiritual perception.

   Within the scope of the smoke screen, her speed and strength will be increased, which is a talent very suitable for sneak attacks and assassinations.

   It's just a breath of time, and the gray smoke will completely cover the surrounding area, blocking the vision.


   Qinglong rushed to the fox's position, but missed.

at the same time.

  The sound of running at high speed sounded around.


  The next moment, the sound suddenly disappeared.

  Fang Yi turned around suddenly, pulled Xiao Jiu behind him, and punched out at the same time.


  The huge fox claw and Fang Yi's fist collided together.

  Fang Yi just wanted to sacrifice the fire of destroying the world, but the fox claw retreated with one blow.

  Want to run?

  Fang Yi let go of Xiao Jiu, accelerated to catch up with the fox, grabbed its paw, and forced it to stop.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qinglong quickly flew towards this side.

  The moment the gray smoke screen appeared, Fang Yi opened the "Eye of the Sky", and his sight was not blocked.

  He pretended not to see it, just to let the opponent relax his vigilance and take the initiative to attack.

  As he expected, the other party really took the bait.


  Looking at Fang Yi in front of him, the fox immediately realized that he had been cheated.

  The tail that released the smoke screen immediately drew towards Fang Yi, and the other tail flicked, the tip of the tail pointed at Fang Yi, and the red light ball quickly condensed on the tip of the tail!

  The red light ball changed from the size of a fist to the size of a person in the blink of an eye, exuding an aura of destruction.

   This is the talent of one of the split among all races.

  The red light ball has its own destructive properties. Once it is hit, the skin, muscles, blood, bones, and even aura will quickly die.

  The most important thing is that this kind of damage is irreversible, even if Emperor Wu encounters it, he will definitely die.

   Nothing more.

   An attack was faster than it.

   Before the red light ball was launched, a white beam of light struck from a distance, broke through the smoke screen, and engulfed the fox directly.


  Screams sounded, and the fox looked ferocious.

  Although there were no wounds on her body, she seemed to be in great pain. She struggled frantically, trying to escape from the beam of light, and the red light ball also dissipated.

  Fang Yi's left hand firmly grasped its paw, not allowing it to leave.

  Although Fang Yi was also hit by the beam of light, Fang Yi's expression was calm, nothing happened.

  Because this attack came from Qinglong.

  As the host of Qinglong, Fang Yi is completely immune to it.

  After absorbing several elders of the Sirius clan, Qinglong grew again, and this beam of light was its new attack method.

   Does not cause any harm to the body, because the target of the attack is the consciousness.

  (end of this chapter)

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