Chapter 570 Chase Battle

  Looking at the young man covered in armor, Fang Yi's thoughts changed sharply.

  Even Bai Huang's air-breaking slash can only leave a scratch on the opponent's armor. The opponent's defense is indeed abnormal.

at this time.

   "Boom boom boom..."

  Hearing the sound, Fang Yi turned around and looked behind him.

  I saw that the place where the stairs connected to the ground suddenly began to collapse, turning into dots of black light and dissipating in the air.

  At the same time, Fang Yi also saw figures in various directions in the distance, constantly appearing towards this side, so he immediately made a decision in his heart.

  With a thought, lotus leaves fell from the sky again, but this time, it was limited to the area where the stairs were.

  Fang Yi turned and ran towards the crumbling stairs.

   It's not that he can't solve the other party, but those methods are more troublesome.

  The most important thing right now is not how to deal with the opponent, but to go to the stairs first.

  There is a ban on space here. Once the stairs below collapse, it is tantamount to thinking about going up.

  If the stairs really connect to the ninth floor, which no one has ever been to, this unique opportunity will slip away, and he will never allow such a thing to happen!

  At this moment, he will not let go of any opportunity to make himself stronger!

  As for the Kai clan behind him, if the other party doesn't leave.

  Wait until people from other places arrive, and when the gap in realms is not exaggerated, crowd tactics will always be the most effective weapon. By then, one person can drown the other party by spitting!

  However, to Fang Yi's surprise, as soon as he left, the Kai clan behind him immediately followed, as if he didn't care about the lotus leaves in the sky and the people rushing around.

  Running to the stairs, at this time the bottom five meters of the stairs have all collapsed and dissipated, but the unsupported part above it strangely did not fall.

  Fang Yi's legs were slightly bent, and he jumped up with all his strength.

   In the air, Fang Yi glanced back.

   At this time, the golden lotus leaves in the sky had already fallen, but when the lotus leaves fell on the armor of the Kai clan, they melted quickly like snow meeting fire, and did not achieve the desired effect.

  The opponent followed closely behind and jumped up directly.


  Fang Yi slapped the raising sword box, and twenty flying swords rushed out, shooting at the Kai clan below.

  Under the air ban, the flying sword is also affected. It cannot fly flexibly like before, but it can be used as a one-time throwing object.


  Twenty flying swords formed a line and shot towards the Kai clan below, making the sound of breaking through the air.

   Facing the flying sword, the Kai clan adopted the simplest way of coping because they could not change direction in the air.

  Hold your head with your hands to protect your eyes, and resist directly!

   "Bang bang bang..."

   A series of collision sounds sounded, and the flying sword hit the armor clan and was directly bounced away.

  This time, the Kai Clan didn't even leave a single scratch on their body.

  But Feijian's attack is not completely ineffective.

  Under a series of impacts, the Kai Clan's rising momentum was abruptly stopped, and he was shot down!

   And Fang Yi, at this time has successfully climbed the stairs.

   Glancing at the Kai clan who had been knocked down to the ground by the flying sword, Fang Yi turned around and went up the stairs.

  At this time, people from other places also arrived.

  Seeing Fang Yi climbed the stairs, everyone looked at the Kai clan on the ground instantly.

"kill him!"

   Everyone had just dealt with a group of ten thousand races before they came, and their mood has not completely relaxed at this time.

  Seeing Wanzu, everyone shouted and rushed over, launching long-range attacks before they arrived.


   There was an explosion, and everyone's attack successfully hit the target, setting off a burst of smoke.

  But the next moment, the intact Kai family suddenly rushed out of the smoke and continued to jump towards the stairs.

   "Stop him!"

   Everyone immediately turned around and attacked the Kai clan in the air again.

   Glancing at the attack coming from below, the Kai clan suddenly adjusted their direction, instead of jumping to the stairs immediately, they waited for the attack below to catch up with them.

   "Boom!" The explosion sounded again.

  Relying on the impact of the explosion, the Kai clan in the air suddenly exerted force again in the air, and the speed increased again and jumped to the top, shortening the distance between Fang Yi and Fang Yi.

   "Stop! Stop!"

   Realizing that they were teammate pigs, everyone stopped quickly, gritted their teeth and looked at the Kai clan in the air.

   "Tsk...Fang Yi frowned when he saw the Kai clan catching up with their strength, and immediately pushed the speed to the extreme.

  But with the blessing of armor, the speed of the armor clan is not slow.

  Plus the fact that the opponent is in the Three Realms of the God of War after all, the distance between the two sides is gradually shortening.

   "Little Green!" Fang Yi shouted.

  Little Green on the shoulder immediately waved the rattan stick towards the Kai clan below.

   However, when the stick went down, there was no response on the stairs, and no vines appeared.

  Xiaolu immediately looked at Fang Yi: "What...what's going on, there's no reaction at all..."

   Fang Yi glanced at the stairs under his feet. It should be a problem with the stairs, which caused Xiaolu's ability not to take effect.

   After all, he didn't see what material the steps under his feet were made of.

   "Chick! Chick!"

  The ferret on the other side suddenly turned into a thunderbolt and charged towards the armor clan below.

  But the Kai clan didn't even look at it, and let the lightning fall on them without causing any impact at all.

  The black mist on his body surged and turned into a spear.

  The Kai clan grabbed the spear and shot at Fang Yi!

  Hearing the sound of breaking through the air behind him, Fang Yi didn't even think about it, and immediately turned his head.

  The black spear flew past Fang Yi's shoulder.

  Missing a hit, the spear immediately dissipated into black mist and flew towards the Kaizu, and the Kaizu was already holding the second spear.

   But before he could shoot the spear, with an explosion, his body suddenly tilted, and one fell to the side without standing still.

  However, he adjusted his center of gravity immediately, avoiding the result of almost falling.

   Looking down, a piece of talisman paper fragments was blowing to the side in the wind.

   Above, Fang Yi kept taking out talismans from the storage space while running, and threw them on the stairs.

  These talismans are very common, such as blasting talismans and heavy talismans, and other simple talismans.

  Because I played a good role before.

   Therefore, Fang Yi made another batch when he was free, just in case.

  At this time, Fang Yi didn't pay attention to see what he was holding in his hand, and just threw it on the stairs.

  Who knew, it worked out pretty well.

  When the Kai Clan stepped down, they didn't know what they would step on, so they couldn't prepare in advance, and were slowed down by Fang Yi's success.

  For a while, the two sides come and go, influencing each other.

   Between the two parties, always maintain a relatively safe distance.

   Two minutes later.

  As the two of them got closer and closer to the stairs, the Kai people below knew that they couldn't go on like this.


   With a loud shout, the black mist on the Kai clan flew towards Fang Yi directly!

  Black mist flew over Fang Yi's head.

  The next moment, the black mist turned into various weapons of swords, guns, swords and halberds, and shot at Fang Yi at 360 degrees, completely surrounding him!

  (end of this chapter)

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