Resurrection Of Reiki: Undecided When Things Happen

Chapter 1004 Don't Sleep Too Dead At Night

"Aren't they coming?"

Samisha stabbed straight with the halberd, and a white light suddenly appeared along with the piercing sound, piercing out a spiral of randomly churning air right in front of her.

A simple but powerful stab, if it hits a flesh and blood body, a large hole dripping with blood will inevitably be indispensable.

After stabbing, Samisha let out a breath, shook her white hair and steamed her body with spiritual power, turned the white jade halberd and strode towards Lu An's direction.

"I'm asking you, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Lu An had been standing in front of the table for a long time without responding, even without noticing that she was approaching, Samisha couldn't help but smile, and went around silently and stabbed him lightly with the white jade halberd.

She used the tail of the halberd, so she didn't have to worry about stabbing Lu An, at most she was a little frightened.

"Your skin is itchy, isn't it?"

I don't know if Samisha did it on purpose, but the white jade halberd happened to poke Lu An's waist, making him jump away in a hurry.

Feeling a little dissatisfied with rubbing the touched lower back, he almost wanted to teach Sammy a lesson, but in the end he was too lazy to use force.

It's time to eat right away, and strenuous exercise is not suitable.

"I told you several times and didn't agree. Why are you looking so engrossed?"

Seeing that Lu An was awakened by her poking, Samisha took back the white jade halberd contentedly, sat down at the dinner table and asked questions.

"I don't know how to read the chat group, so it's not fun to reach out to the party." Lu An rolled his eyes and stretched out his hand to greet the little mermaid who had been waiting for a long time.

"Chat group, let me take a look."

Samisha suddenly realized, she said why Lu An was so fascinated, it turned out to be a chat group.

She was concentrating on practicing just now, and she hasn't watched the group chat much. Could it be that something new has appeared?

With this in mind, Samisha picked out the group chat in her head, and the first scene she saw was the scene of Lu An banning the two of them.

Pressing her lips lightly to suppress a smile, she continued to read, and immediately understood the reason why Lu An was fascinated.

The co-author is Wei Xiaoran and the others who are looking for the remaining fish that slipped through the net.

After reading the content of the group chat, Samisha understood it.

At the end of the game, Wei Xiaoran and the others did not leave in a hurry, but continued to stay in Sunset Town, secretly observing the international killer who escaped by chance.

In the battle with Scorpio, most of the international killers were dead, but a small number survived.

For example, on the group chat map, there are still a few red dots that are still active.

But looking at the situation, they seem to be in some trouble now.


Time went back a few minutes, and the old man in the apartment in Sunset Town also noticed that something was wrong around him.

The anti-reconnaissance awareness he had cultivated over the years told him that someone was secretly spying on him.

Frowning slightly, he pretended to go to the kitchen to get coffee, and inadvertently glanced at the living room, every open room and balcony, and immediately realized that the sense of prying came from the direction of the balcony.

After going to the kitchen to get the coffee, he calmly swept towards the balcony again, and his supernaturally sharp gaze immediately allowed him to catch the figure on the roof of the apartment building across the street.

Wei Xiaoran? ! What is she?

At a glance, Nasak naturally tilted his head and picked up the cup to make coffee, acting as if it didn't leak, but his heart was already calm.

It was really unexpected that one of Tianxuan's arrogances would come to spy on him at this time.

Nasami didn't understand, but he was already aware that he might have been exposed.

Wei Xiaoran's move was most likely ordered by Lu An!

Only Lu An, who is a hunter, can know every killer's whereabouts like the palm of his hand.

Is this the liquidation for him? Or simply doubt him?

In just two minutes of making coffee, Nazak had countless thoughts in his mind, and he selected the best countermeasure.

Maintaining the status quo.

Now that he is a doctor from White Eagle, and he is in Sunset Town, no one dares to act rashly.

Even if someone dares to make a move, the guards here will immediately detect and stop it.

With his positive identity, even if he is temporarily detained for interrogation, he can contact the White Eagle Embassy to negotiate his escape.

Deciding that Sunset Town is an absolute safe zone, Nasak's sense of crisis in his heart has slightly decreased, but he still remains vigilant and continues to work as a doctor.

He is not a fake doctor pretending to be a doctor, but a real proficient in medicine, and currently has a temporary job at the small town medical center.

To him, being a doctor is like being an international killer.

It's just that one is on the surface and the other is behind the scenes.


At the same time, Wei Xiaoran, who had been secretly watching for a long time on the rooftop of the opposite apartment building, frowned slightly, feeling that Nazak was a bit tricky.

According to the group chat information, this old man is second only to Jade Scorpio in the late stage of supernatural powers, and he is also very stubborn.

On the surface it turned out to be a doctor.

It's not easy to start.

Wei Xiaoran didn't have the confidence to kill such a formidable enemy, let alone kill Nazak without alarming others.

After thinking about it again and again, Wei Xiaoran sent a few messages in his mind, then turned around and left.

This old guy is not easy to deal with, so find another target, don't waste time on him.


"He's still a doctor."

After reading the message sent by Wei Xiaoran, Samisha was a little surprised. She didn't expect the serious old man in the picture to have such an identity.

"This is a smart killer. Idiots like Yu Scorpio are insulting the word to say they are killers."

Lu An praised, and then pushed the bowl to Samisha and the little mermaid.

This old man is indeed smart. Not only does he have a clear identity, but he also sneaked out of the submarine base early and went to settle in Sunset Town.

Consciousness and alertness are really good enough.

This fits the image of a killer in Lu's mind.

"Then what to do?"

"Cold salad, his cultivation level is still individual cultivation, I would have to spend a lot of effort to kill him, since he won't come out, let him stay."

Lu An took it very seriously, anyway, the killers of the combined forces are almost dead now, and he doesn't bother to spend any more effort to fight wits and courage with a supernatural powers and body repairer.

Since he is so sensible, let him go, but he still has to find time to set up a monitoring coordinate to prevent him from doing things secretly.

"Why don't you tell Britannia?" Samisha obviously didn't want to let Nasak go, seeing that there was nothing to do with him, she decided to find another way to solve it with Britannia.

"It's fine, I don't care, let's eat first." Lu An is very free and easy, anyway, he doesn't want to fight wits and bravery, you can do whatever you like.

"Come on, let's eat this kind of dish for the first time. I'll teach you how to eat it." Lu An helped the little mermaid fill a bowl, then took a small fork and handed it to it: "Your hands are too small to hold chopsticks." , a fork is more suitable for you."


The little mermaid's eyes were full of curiosity, imitating Lu An's way of holding the fork, then leaned half of her body out of the water polo, and struck decisively at a piece of clam meat.

The elastic clam meat has just the right chewiness, and the fiery juice soaked in the flesh splashes in the mouth, rolling along with the clam meat in the mouth, stimulating thousands of taste buds to cheer.

The fiery aura engulfed the clam meat, quickly melted in the body, turned into extremely pure energy essence and spread throughout the limbs and bones, sweeping away the tiredness of the body and mind, and the whole person felt full of energy, as if he had endless strength.

"Hey!" The little mermaid flew up and down immediately after eating, with a very happy expression, it was the first time it had eaten such a delicious thing.

I used to hear Xiaoha and them say that today is the first time to eat it!

Simply super delicious!

"Slow down, no one will fight with you two."

Noticing that Samisha next to her had turned into a rice cooker and was working hard, Lu An helplessly knocked on the bowl to signal her to eat slowly.

It's getting hot.

"I can't help it, it's so delicious! This dish is enough for me to go to the restaurant to eat ten dishes!"

Because the ingredients contained fire aura, Samisha's head was steaming with heat, and the emerald on her forehead was covered with water mist.

You don't need to look to know that her body temperature is very dry and hot, and her spiritual power and blood are extremely active, rolling and boiling in her body.

This is the effect of the spiritual food of braised beef brisket with clams.

"Eat slowly, this clam meat is fire, and the sirloin is also from the melted mountain beef. It is a very strong physical dish. If you eat it too quickly, it will burn your stomach."

"I don't know much about spiritual power, but it seems to work well." After Lu An finished speaking, he silently looked at Samisha who didn't listen to her persuasion, with a rather speechless expression.

Why are you in such a hurry to eat? How long has it been since the meal is so hot?

Fifteen minutes passed, and a large pot of braised beef brisket with clams was dried up by Samisha and the little mermaid at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Poor Lu An himself, the cook, only ate less than one-tenth of it in the end.

"Awesome." Lu An looked at the little mermaid's belly in shock, and was amazed in his heart.

Hey guys, finally there is a contestant who can stand up to Samisha.

This person is not an ordinary person. He has never bloated his stomach after eating so much.


After eating and drinking enough, the little mermaid collapsed in the water polo, let out a cry of contentment, her little expression was ecstatic, and she was very comfortable.

"Shall I clean it up for you?" Compared to the little mermaid, Samisha looked a little abnormal.

His chest heaved slightly and he was panting heavily, his wheat-colored skin was covered with fine sweat, and he looked completely exhausted.

But in fact, her physical strength is now unprecedentedly abundant, and a mass of scorching energy gathers in her abdomen, stimulating her limbs and bones all the time.

There is an urgent need for a workout to consume this abundant physical energy.

"I'll just clean it up myself, you can consume it quickly."

Lu An hurriedly refused Samisha's request for help and asked her to practice martial arts.

He was afraid that if he waited a little longer, Samisha would not be able to bear the energy in her body and explode on the spot.

"Okay! I'm going to continue training, you are not allowed to sneak away! Wait until I'm done training!" Samisha was not coquettish, she called out the white jade halberd and turned around to leave, consuming her energy non-stop.

"This dish will explode if you eat it, and you two dare to make it like this."

Shaking his head and muttering, Lu An packed up the dishes and walked out of the training room.

Hours passed unknowingly, and it came to seven o'clock in the evening.

It was already dusk, and the Sunset Islands locked the sunlight of the setting sun. Many tourists gathered on the beach as usual, standing by the beach to watch the sunset in the distance.

The sunset slowly disappears into the sea horizon at the end of the field of vision, which is quite magnificent.

In the training room, Lu An was idly eating cherries, silently watching Samisha who was immersed in martial arts not far away, feeling very satisfied.

It can only be said that it is indeed Samisha, she is improving day by day, she is very talented, and she works harder than him.

He is completely someone else's child, and he has not stopped eating after eating. This kind of perseverance makes Lu feel ashamed.

Thinking of this, Lu An threw another cherries into his mouth without any shame.

He is a stinky salty fish, and he compares his perseverance with a hammer.

Compete with small assistants to see who has the stronger hang.

【...As expected of being the son of the host, he is not ashamed but proud. 】

As soon as this idea came out, the little assistant couldn't help jumping out and scolding Lu An for his shamelessness.

All these words can be thought of, and shameless is not enough to describe him.

"My son is scolding me, right? Go watch your movie and get out of here."

[This assistant is obliged to correct the host's son's mentality of lying down, and cannot allow the son to continue to degenerate. 】

"Squeeze Ma Ma Di, if you don't scold for a while, it seems that your skin is itchy. Come on, let me see the vulgar language you learned on the Internet."

Lu An frowned, feeling that the little assistant was not in good order, so he launched a scolding battle in all aspects in his mind, divided his troops into eight groups to attack the nihilistic relatives who did not exist in the little assistant, and then concentrated firepower to launch a powerful nuclear strike on his true self .

The scolding battle between the two extremely boring guys lasted for more than ten minutes, and finally ended with the group chatting sound, which was over for the time being.

"Don't bark the dog! Let me see what's going on."

Lu An interrupted the assistant's vulgar words, and clicked on the group chat to check the information.

At the first glance, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Xiang Yuan: "@Lu An, old Lu, you are still in the training hall, we are blocked outside the park! (soy bean vomiting) (picture)"

Click on the picture, and Xiang Yuan and his group are surrounded by many smiling institutional personnel, besides, there are also Andre Diwana and some white bears.

Fan Tianlan: "Today a heavyweight came, the general manager of Tianshen Pharmaceutical Group, who insisted on dragging me to introduce their supernova project, saying that I want to train me to become a future world star, but I don't know if it's true or not. "

Fan Tianlan: "It's amazing, not only their general manager, but also the third young master of the Kendini family, the major shareholder behind Tianshen Pharmaceutical. (picture)"

Clicking on the screenshot sent by Fan Tianlan, a proud and luxuriously dressed young man was smiling and talking to Qing Lianyou.

Zhao Yaoyao: "This guy is very arrogant. If you don't speak a good international language, you have to speak his white eagle and bird language. It sounds super strenuous."

Lu An: "Oh shit, someone got caught in a dog skin plaster, I won't say who it is. (Funny)"

Seeing them surrounded by dog ​​skin plasters, Lu An was in a good mood, and his whole body felt comfortable and transparent.

What is this called, retribution!

Let you expect me to be entangled all day long, you can only say it seems!

"Oh, it's a good thing there are these death squads going ahead to explore the way. If we really go back sooner, we might be the ones who get entangled." Seeing Samisha walking over with her legs back, Lu An smiled viciously. gloat.

"With them attracting firepower in front, we will sneak back later!"

Zhao Yaoyao: "Master Lu would rather not be complacent, these guys came here specially to find Ning! Ning better be careful! Don't sleep too hard at night!"

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